Top Questions See All
  1. What did Jesus say about the 2 foundations?
  2. What does the scripture mean in (KJV) Matthew 5:22 where it says whoever is angry without a cause
  3. What does the Bible say about praying for others' sins?
  4. What does the Bible say about the amount of time between the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation?
  5. What are the attributes of headstrong people?
  6. Were the animal sacrifices at the tabernacle done twice daily, or continuously throughout the day (24/7)?

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  1. This Weeks Hot Topics
Comment by Daniel Tweddell

Did Sarah sleep with Pharaoh when she was taken to his palace?

Good point about the word, 'might'. I'd be curious what translation that is. I didn't find the word in the Septuagint or Codex Vaticanus-Sixtine, so it's...

April 14 2021

Answer by Ben Jones , Retired Professional Photographer

What is the curse of the law?

What happens when we read the Old Testament law? We feel guilty before God! Did the Law justify us before God. No it does not nor can it make us right with...

April 14 2021 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does the Bible say about betrayal by family and by liars (Genesis 50:20, etc.)?

“As far as you're concerned, you were planning evil against me, but God intended it for good, planning to bring about the present result so that many people...

April 14 2021 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Who is the "we" in Daniel 2:36? Daniel + ?

Though the "we" very well could be the editorial "we" for "I," I don't believe that is the case here. I believe that Daniel meant that God and he would tell...

April 14 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Comment by ainsley chalmers , Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.

Is there any evidence for the Bible's view of a young earth?

Robert the evidence for a young earth is as follows: 1. The bible genealogies add up to a 6,000 year old earth. If humans as Homo Sapiens had been here for...

April 14 2021

Comment by Vincent Dacer

What is the difference between the words "LORD" and "GOD"?

I think I understand now. Thank you very much.

April 14 2021

Award for Danny Hickman , Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

April 14 2021

Answer by robert hough

Is there any evidence for the Bible's view of a young earth?

Your question starts with a false premise in my opinion, by saying that the Bible DOES have a young earth view. The Bible that I read (KJV) neither describes...

April 14 2021 4 Comments 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous
Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

What is the dispensation of Promise?

Romans 4:2 If Abraham were justified by works, he would have something to glory in, but not before God. Abraham was justified by faith and it was counted...

April 14 2021

Comment by Mark Wheeless , Music Minister and Sunday school teacher

What happened on the road to Damascus? What is a road to Damascus experience?

Saul’s conversion always makes me wonder if he wasn’t being coaxed by the Holy Spirit prior to this time. For example, at the stoning of Stephen, although he...

April 14 2021

Award for Steven Best , Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?

April 13 2021

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Why did God cause his servant to suffer so? (Isaiah 53:10)

I would say that the explanation for the servant's suffering is contained in the verse cited in the question (Isaiah 53:10), which indicates that it was...

April 13 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Award for Babo Neeraj

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Question:
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Growing Seed?

April 13 2021

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Gold Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.

See Answer:
Who is really 'playing God' - the doctor who euthanizes a dying patient, or the doctor who extends the life of a terminally ill patient?

April 13 2021

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
Should a Christian ever get involved with hypnosis?

April 13 2021

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Who is the "we" in Daniel 2:36? Daniel + ?

In my opinion, when Daniel (who had been re-named Belteshazzar by King Nebuchadnezzar's chief official, Ashpenaz (Daniel 1:7)) used the term "we", he was...

April 13 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by ainsley chalmers , Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.

How does the Cambrian Explosion fit within the framework of young-earth creationism?

As already pointed out by Mr Houdsman, the formation of rock strata seen around the world is evidence consistent with a worldwide flood as is described in...

April 13 2021 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Comment by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Why weren't Adam and Eve created at the same time?

I learned this from Michael who said, "The man's solitary existence was the only thing called "not good" in all of creation-a telling description by God...

April 13 2021

Comment by robert hough

Is public confession necessary for salvation?

NO! Faith plus NOTHING = Salvation

April 13 2021

Comment by Peggy Johnson , Local Busness Owner-Retired

Where is a good place to start reading the Bible?

I started with Hebrews....followed by the Gospels then to Genesis.

April 13 2021

Answer by Jennifer Taylor

What does the Bible say about betrayal by family and by liars (Genesis 50:20, etc.)?

Simply put, FORGIVE others as you have been forgiven. Jesus casts our offenses into the sea of forgetfulness, as far as the east is from the west, as though...

April 13 2021 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What did Jesus mean by "Father's house" in John 14:2?

I would say that, by the imagery cited in the question, Jesus was wanting to address any uncertainty on the part of the apostles -- and, by extension, of all...

April 12 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Comment by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

When one passes is it correct to say, "S/he is now with Jesus"?

Hi Jennifer. You made the statement, "The Word of God that states that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord does not only apply to...

April 12 2021

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What did Jesus mean by "My burden is ‘light’”?

Jesus' description of His yoke as light reflects the following aspects: 1) The weight of our yoke is immeasurably increased by the innate, universal...

April 12 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jennifer Taylor

When one passes is it correct to say, "S/he is now with Jesus"?

The Word of God clearly states that whether we live, we live unto the Lord and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we...

April 12 2021 4 Comments 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by robert hough

Why weren't Adam and Eve created at the same time?

In my opinion, this is a "trick" question. I say that because, I believe Scripture tells us (in one place) that "Adam and Eve" (i.e. male and female) WERE...

April 12 2021 4 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Comment by Gregory Boldon , Christian Military Veteran Warrior for God

What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?

Mr. Hickman's answer hits close to home. I have been struggling with this "problem". I am copying his answer on paper. This way I will not have to power up...

April 12 2021

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Apostle award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.

See Answer:
Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

April 11 2021

Comment by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What are some things we should not take for granted after the pandemic?

Yes, Shirley, some specific verses: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how...

April 11 2021

Award for Vincent Mercado , Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Was Jesus Christ married? Did Jesus have a wife?

April 11 2021

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord in Psalm 37:4?

Psalms 37:3-4 37:3 "Trust in the Lord and do what is right! Settle in the land and maintain your integrity!" 37:4 "Then you will take delight in the Lord,...

April 11 2021 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by robert hough

Why wasn't Cain's punishment death?

First, Cain, being the offspring of Adam, was already under the curse of death Secondly, God had not given / revealed the "LAW" which included " a life for a...

April 11 2021 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What are some Bible verses having to do with the battle for the eyes?

Purity's importance is summed up by our Lord: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matt. 5:8). In the rest of His Sermon on the Mount, Ch...

Job 31:1

1 Vote April 11 2021 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What is the supremacy of Christ and what are its implications?

There is much to say about the supremacy of Christ: The supremacy of his deity, equal with God the Father in all his attributes — the radiance of his glory...

April 11 2021 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Heather Wise

Do we have freedom or responsibility to wear face masks during COVID-19?

I am in agreement with some of the answers. I have done some research on this very question. Masks can be very harmful especially over hours of wearing. God...

April 11 2021 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Were the saints resurrected when Christ died or after His resurrection?

I think they were raised when Christ died. I am a grammarian and the grammar supports my view: Even though it sounds very strange, Matthew locates the...

April 11 2021 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Comment by Grant Abbott , Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit

What does the Bible say about Christians participating in political rallies against the government. Should we be involved in such activities?

John, God raised up Christian leaders to fight against Black racism in the US and South Africa. God used Christian members of parliament in England to...

April 11 2021

Answer by Shirley H , Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!

What is the order of Christ's appearances after His resurrection?

NKJV records... On Sunday at dawn, location Jerusalem, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdaline.Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18. Location - Jerusalem Jesus appears to...

April 11 2021 Follow Vote Up

Comment by King Ace

What is the land that God promised to Israel?

That city (New Jerusalem) is for the 12 tribes of Israel. Its for no one else. Revelation 21:10-14 (kjv) 10) And he carried me away in the spirit to a great...

April 11 2021

Comment by King Ace

Is Israel, the "Promised Land", the same Israel of today?

There is not supposed to be a migration of Israelites in the Land of Canaan before CHRIST returns. CHRIST will gather them upon his return.

April 11 2021

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why do people reject Jesus as their Savior?

Romans 3:26-28 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? By works? nay, but by the law of faith, therefore we conclude a man is justified by...

April 11 2021

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why do people reject Jesus as their Savior?

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me, will come to me, and all that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Repentance is faith. It is to go from...

April 11 2021