Top Questions See All
  1. What did Jesus say about the 2 foundations?
  2. What does the scripture mean in (KJV) Matthew 5:22 where it says whoever is angry without a cause
  3. What does the Bible say about praying for others' sins?
  4. When would the people of Israel and Judah seek God together (Jeremiah 50:4)?
  5. What does the Bible say about the amount of time between the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation?
  6. What are the attributes of headstrong people?
  7. Were the animal sacrifices at the tabernacle done twice daily, or continuously throughout the day (24/7)?

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  1. This Weeks Hot Topics
Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Why does the Bible contain so much condemnation?

Yes, there is much condemnation in the Bible. There is the condemnation of the devil in 1 Timothy 3:6; 5:12; and Jude 1:4). In the Greek “condemnation” is...

August 09 2020 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Why does Ecclesiastes 5:7 say talk is cheap?

I would say that the idea being expressed here is that it is easier (and thus also more deceptive through a premature feeling of self-satisfaction) to say...

August 09 2020 Follow Vote Up

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Is public confession necessary for salvation?

Salvation is a free gift from God by faith alone apart from any works. Romans 1:16 Romans 11:6 Romans 4:5-8 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him...

August 09 2020

Question by Jesse George

Why does Ecclesiastes 5:7 say talk is cheap?

Ecclesiastes 5:7

August 09 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Award for Nick Koogler

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying?

August 09 2020

Comment by mark albright

Should we tithe off our gross or net income?

It you want God to bless you on the gross or the net? You can't outgive God.

August 09 2020

Award for Tom Lackey , Born again, semi-retired, short term missionary to Scotland

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What is the Cosmological argument for the existence of God?

August 09 2020

Award for Tom Lackey , Born again, semi-retired, short term missionary to Scotland

Feed Silver Evangelist award!

Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.

See Answer:
What is the Teleological argument for the existence of God?

August 09 2020

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does the Bible say about a Christian making choices?

The Bible has a lot to say about a believer making wise choices. See the following 5 selected verses. Psalm 16:11 "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy...

August 09 2020 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Aurel Gheorghe

Why, if God knows the future, did He permit Satan to possess and control the earth?

The short answer is that Adam and Eve gave Satan control of this planet, not God. In the very beginning God gave the first couple dominion over the Earth...

August 09 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Comment by John Matthews , Retired Professional Singer, Conductor and Seeker

Is public confession necessary for salvation?

James, if one cannot or does not "walk the walk," are they really saved? Professing Christ does not save anyone. Only God saves. But if you profess the...

August 08 2020

Answer by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why does God require faith?

Faith is not trying to figure out what it means. Faith is believing something is true because of the evidence. The bible says all men are sinners, and there...

August 08 2020 1 Comments 16 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Terry Thompson

Can women serve as elders in the church?

The bible and each word in it is valid today as well as 2000 years ago. Man wants to manipulate and word things to their advantage to achieve a goal or...

August 08 2020 10 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why do Christians try to impose their values on others?

Since there is so much confusion in the body of Christ, these words should help: God judges nations and people individually. All believers have everlasting...

August 08 2020

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why does God require faith?

Faith is the one requirement for eternal life. That faith has to come from us. We have a free will to either accept His free gift of eternal life, or not. If...

August 08 2020

Comment by James Kraft , 74 year old retired pipeline worker

Why does God require faith?

The bible is very clear. John 3:16-18 The problem is, people do not believe it is a free gift by faith alone apart from any works. So they try to live up to...

August 08 2020

Comment by Knolly Shadrache

What does Paul mean by "according to my gospel" in 2 Timothy 2:8 and in Romans 2:16?

Also, Paul wasn’t among the original apostles who had met the Lord physically. In Galatians 2 he explains how he received his gospel from the Lord by direct...

August 08 2020

Comment by Knolly Shadrache

What does Paul mean by "according to my gospel" in 2 Timothy 2:8 and in Romans 2:16?

Late answer, but Paul, writing in Galatians 1:7-9, expresses surprise that they had begun to believe another gospel that he said was ‘no gospel at all’,...

August 08 2020

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Why is salvation "first to the Jew, then to the gentile"? (Romans1:16)

The gospel was directed for the first time toward the Jews because God gave the Jews the covenants (see Eph 2:12 where Paul said that the Ephesians, i.e....

August 08 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What is the end of the age?

28:20 until the end of the age Marked by Jesus’ second coming. Even unto the end of the world.—Literally, of the age. Compare the same prepositional phrase...

August 08 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What are the conditions for being able to enter into the kingdom of God?

The one condition for entry into God's kingdom is to be born again of God's Spirit (See John 3:3. See also John 3:5; I Corinthians 15:50). John 3:3 Jesus...

August 08 2020 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Why, if God knows the future, did He permit Satan to possess and control the earth?

I would say that it was because God wanted to demonstrate that, despite even the worst that the forces of sin and evil could be allowed to do, His eternal...

August 08 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Jay Saunders

Why did Jesus still allow Judas Iscariot to eat at His table when Jesus knew and pointed out that Judas would betray Him?

This is a fabulous question about Judas, but Judas had a problem that led to his destruction or his own demise that is a key or seed to understanding his...

August 08 2020 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Joseph Trujillo

What are the conditions for being able to enter into the kingdom of God?

His mercy. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me, draws him; I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44

August 08 2020 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What is the end of the age?

Although Matthew's gospel does not specifically mention Jesus' ascension (that is, His departure from earth) following His resurrection, I would say that the...

August 07 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Gold Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.

See Answer:
Will Jesus' second coming be as a thief in the night or will the trumpet blow for all to hear?

August 07 2020

Comment by Shirley H , Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!

Did God create evil?

Excellent, Miho Valle, let's let the Bible speak for itself! AMEN!

August 07 2020

Answer by Rob Standford

Did God command genocide in the Old Testament? If so, why?

No, here's why. First, let's define genocide. Genocide is the systemic destruction of a group of people because of their religion, race, ethnicity,...

August 07 2020 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What is the end of the age?

What is the end of the age?

Matthew 28:20

August 07 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Gold Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.

See Answer:
What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol or wine? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol or wine?

August 07 2020

Award for S. Michael Houdmann , Got Questions Ministries

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
What are the origins of Halloween?

August 07 2020

Comment by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Were the sons of God fallen angels?

I would say, first, that the context of Jesus' comment was referring to formal marriage as it was instituted by God for humans on earth (which is not...

August 07 2020

Comment by Vijaya Lekamge , A retired, part qualified Accountant

Were the sons of God fallen angels?

How does the following verse fit in: Matthew 22:30 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in...

August 07 2020

Answer by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What is the book of Psalms?

In the Psalms, we have the prayer and praises of God’s people expressed in poetic form. Unlike much Western poetry, Hebrew poetry is not based on rhyme or...

August 07 2020 3 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Award for JD Abshire

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Why did Jesus still allow Judas Iscariot to eat at His table when Jesus knew and pointed out that Judas would betray Him?

August 07 2020

Award for Justin Roberts , Attorney, Husband, and Dad

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
Is Romans 7:14-25 describing a believer or an unbeliever?

August 07 2020

Comment by Eddie Rape

What should we learn from the life of Esther?

Mordecai is always confused as Esther's uncle when he is, in fact her cousin. Esther 2:7 And he brought up Hadassah, that, is, Esther, his uncle's daughter:...

August 06 2020

Answer by Rob Standford

What should a follower of Christ do when her husband’s been unfaithful in the marriage more than once? What does the Lord say concerning this in His Word?

First, i'm sorry this is happening to you. It must be very hard to deal with. Second of all, Jesus said in Matt. 5:32 that it's acceptable for a couple to...

August 06 2020 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

What did God mean when He told Abram, "I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt."?

As indicated in the various translations and discussion of this verse that can be found at the web address, God was...

August 06 2020 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Aurel Gheorghe

What did Jesus mean by, “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”?

Just days before His death on the cross, Jesus is being approached by Salome, the mother James and John with a strange request. They were slow to understand...

August 06 2020 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Comment by Emo Tenorio , Shomer

Does it violate religious liberty to close churches over coronavirus?

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in a suburb of Los Angeles has been served a letter from the city threatening to impose a $1,000 daily fine...

August 06 2020

Award for Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Feed Silver Teacher award!

Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.

See Answer:
How will we know that we are in the end times?

August 06 2020

Comment by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What is the biblical way to lead a child to Christ?

Praise God, James, that you were led at age 5 to receive Jesus as your Savior. I taught 5-8 year-olds in my church for 14 years. I know what they're like!

August 06 2020

Comment by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does the Bible say about breastfeeding?

Enlightening, Michael, especially about employing the services of a "wet nurse," who was a woman who had recently given birth and was able to nurse other...

August 06 2020

Comment by Fran Joa , Interested in God and hopeful

Is Jesus God's Son? How could Allah, being one, have a son?

Wonderful answer! I’m glad you pointed out that God sent His son to the world through Virgin Mary who was “just a carrier.” That’s exactly right. Mary’s egg...

August 06 2020

Answer by Gilbert Wirimu

What did Jesus mean by, “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”?

Jesus was asking, "Can you go through the suffering that I am about to go through? Can you take part in the persecution that I am about to experience?" He...

August 05 2020 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up