What does God say about sexual orientation?
Is it always bad to try and impress people? Is there a line between making friends, or a sale, and arrogance? What are the pitfalls of trying to impress others?
Philippians 2:3
Its even been said they were more advanced than we are today. Is there evidence (historical, scriptural, archeological, etc) to support that they were tec...
Could they be the Druze?
Jeremiah 35:19
1 Corinthians 1:1
2 Timothy 2:20 - 22
Could Abel have been the child of another man besides Adam?
Genesis 4:2
Is this referring to the "elect", or all Christians, or the "church?"
Ephesians 1:5
According to the Christian beliefs, marriage should be two people who join "freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully." If one or both partners is disabled...
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