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My simple and short answer would be this: As a Christian--a Child of God--saved by His eternal grace and mercy, we, along our pathways in life after receiving Him as our personal Lord and Savior will "suffer for His namesake many trials and tests" for and in which we need 'to stand firm on that solid rock of His righteousness!' This is us individually "bearing our own Cross" in that we "suffer for His namesake in living the life of a Christian, a Child of God". The Bible tells us "that we will endure many trials and tests" because "the devil roams about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour". To do this, we are allowing Him, --(GOD's Holy Spirit)-- to guide, guard and direct our paths while totally trusting in Him and all His promises for our sojourn as "we are IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF THIS WORLD'. ***These major points of critical emphasis are given in many scriptures; but a few are these: 1 John 2:15-17, 1 John 2:16, John 15:19 and John 18:36.*** ***Remember this always***! Satan is OF THIS WORLD...we are only "IN THE WORLD" for 'short amount of time', because our eternal souls will be in Heaven when He receives us unto Himself to spend eternity with Him! Glory be to God, the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, His Son...through the Power of His Holy Spirit! AMEN! --Andy--
To bear your own cross [stake] is to realize that when you were baptised you walked into the water and were covered completely; that was symbolic of your dying to self, and when you rose up out of the water you rose up to newness of life as a new creation in the lord Jesus, God's anointed one. Now that you are a new creation having God's Spirit in you, you are now a Temple of Yehovah individually and collectively also form a Temple of Yehovah! You are now grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel as a member of the true Israel of God - Yehovah, and as such, a member of the household of Yehovah, a member of the congregation of Yehovah and a member of the called-out Assembly of God. All of these things are the reason that we ought to bear our cross daily - which means making sure that the old self doesn't resurrect itself because we are not continually striving for perfection as defined in the scriptures as becoming more like God's anointed one, Jesus - Yehoshua! To bear our own cross [stake] means we continually, by the power of God's Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus in us, overcome the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, the pride of possessions, the attraction of the world; and we resist the allure of wicked spirit beings who would love to have us fail! That is what bearing our cross means. It is a daily, hourly, minute by minute endeavor! It is those who do so until the end that will become co-inheritors and co-rulers with the one whom God made Lord and Messiah Jesus in the coming new age! To believe that Jesus is Lord is to believe and do all that he taught us to do, all he commands us to do, which is to abide by the will of his God and our God, his Father and our Father continually, even as he did and does! So we see that baptism is where regeneration takes place, which is only the beginning, then renewal as a new creation, and finally perfection when we are resurrected to ever be with the lord Jesus when he returns!
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