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Who is Joel Osteen, and are his teachings Biblical?


Clarify Share Report Asked May 02 2015 Stringio Betty Peters Supporter

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1355970312 Ron Ray Supporter
Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood church in Houston, Texas. Lakewood church was originally founded by his parents (John and Dodie Osteen) in 1959. When John Osteen died of a heart attack in 1999, Joel was made the pastor of the church by his mother. Since that time, Joel has preached a prosperity gospel (feel good message) from the pulpit in which his thousands or perhaps millions of followers are taught to do good and put their best foot forward so that they can receive the rewards that God has for them (presumably material gains). 

Through his mother's appointment as the de facto head of the mega church, Joel has escalated himself to fame and fortune through his books and paid speaking engagements. The bigger the church becomes, the more money he and his family receive.

Despite the fame and fortune that Joel Osteen has received off the back of Lakewood, it is his gospel message or lack thereof that concerns me. In 3 years of ministry, Jesus talked more about hell than heaven. Jesus spoke of sin, giving and sacrifice. Jesus confronted hypocrites, debated his enemies and whipped merchants in his Father's house. Jesus stated unequivocally that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Then he anchored that statement in stone when He declared, "no one comes to the Father except through me".

Joel does not teach the mind of Jesus, the gospel of the Bible or the doctrine contained therein. After listening to message after message from Joel, one never gets any closer to realizing their fallen condition, the path to salvation, or God's will for their lives. 

The Lakewood faithful are left with a Tony Robins like motivational message of a future of possible riches and success and happiness. After all, Joel tells us that God just wants us to be happy. 

Real biblical teaching about the fallen condition, the path to salvation and God's will for our lives can never be attained in a message that's centered around what you can get rather than what you should give. 

Perhaps the most important fact is that through all of Joel Osteen's talks, one never gets any more acquainted with the mind of Jesus Christ. Isn't that the most important thing..... Because as you think, so you are. If you know the mind of Christ, and align yourself with the mind of Christ, then your actions will also be a reflection of Christ. Then you will truly be a light to the world through your example of a God filled, Holy Spirit filled life.

If I could give only one piece of advice to the followers of Joel Osteen, it is to take everything he says from the pulpit and his interviews and filter them through the Word of God. If the people will do only that one thing, the Osteens will soon hear the sound of crickets at their motivational seminars.

May 03 2015 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Edwin Danny Reaid Supporter
Joel Osteen seems like a nice guy with a great smile and he is right on point with our society.. "It is all about (Me) and not about Jesus". As one Pastor stated about Osteen, "Jesus is a mere footnote in his teachings". He is a motivation and positive mental attitude spokes person, but not a Pastor reflective of Biblical Teachings. His teachings are for the "itchy ears" desired of man to make him feel good about himself and not aware of his state of sin and need of repentance before a Holy God. His teachings are taken out of context to support his agenda of health, wealth and prosperity to audience who desires to hear "What is in it for (Me)". (2 Timothy 4:1-3 NASB) I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires. 

The focus of Scripture is not on health, wealth and prosperity and what God can do for (Me), but it is all about HIM. A HALF TRUTH is a WHOLE LIE and here we find the teachings of Joel Osteen. {He uses Scripture in his sermons similar to the way Satan used it with Jesus in the wilderness}. 

The most upsetting thing for me was when he could not tell Larry King that Jesus is the only way. Scripture: (John 14:6 NASB) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. (Romans 10:9 NASB) - that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. From these two verses alone - reflects either Joel Osteen does not know Scripture or he does not believe Scripture and apparently has not personally made a profession of faith, but is in the role as a Senior Pastor. 

~ An individual who is in Scripture and has a "saving faith" would eventually have to flee from the teachings of Joel Osteen.~

May 03 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data James Bruce Cox Supporter
I have listened to Joel Obsten for many years. I know he has a mega church in Houston, TX. I am sure GOD has blessed him. But I do know people need to hear the Word Of God. And yes about SIN! tickle your ears will not do it. We must hear the word of God,in its whole text! I am not one to judge. I pray for all God's ministers as they do their work for the Lord Jesus Christ. There is coming a JUDGEMENT DAY! but I will not be on the board! I personally love a church that Worships and Praises the Lord!

May 04 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jack Joseph Supporter
I too had similar reflexive responses to Joel Osteen and his ministry at Lakewood Church in Houston. I referred to him as the "smiley preacher" to my growing children which they all remember well. I too criticized him for not preaching the whole gospel in his sermons.

One day God spoke to me in my spirit that if He had not given me authority over someone, either spiritually, biblically, civilly or by blood relationship, that any discussions that I had regarding His child were a sin. It is either making judgments without any authority to judge someone or it is gossip.

God is doing something different at Lakewood and with many other examples of this in the past, those who are trying to box God in to past methods, they get mad when He starts doing something differently. Joel makes an altar call each service or event,and that is a lot more than most megachurches do today. 

The worship for their services and events will stand against any praise and worship in the country. God is broadcasting a message of hope and a message that God loves us, has a plan for our lives (our mission) and that He wants to help us get there. 

My advice would be to look with introspection to our own lives. Are we on track for our mission like Jesus followed His mission to the point of death? How many people are we taking into salvation through our work on earth? How much of our time is spent criticizing others? 

My advice is: don't mess with God's anointed and stay focused on how we are handling our talents for the kingdom. God's blessings and best for you and Onward and Upward together. Amen

October 19 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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