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Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
As a background, please read our article on Christian reconstructionism, which is closely related to "dominion theology" and "theonomy." This line of theological interpretation states that biblical...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Elisabeth Woltman Supporter
Use of any force be it verbal or physical creates rebellion and as Michael
has mentioned above, submission comes as the result of fear.

God comes to us with love, His hand stretched out, calling "come, follow Me". 
It is our duty to try to bring to Christ as many as possible so that they will be saved and experience God's glory but at the same time, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are created in His image and in my opinion that image applies to our spiritual life, life of our love, adoration, willing submission and obedience.

If we approach a non-believer or anybody who is seeking God with love, kindness, showing the wonders of Christ's promise, the riches of life in the Lord's presence, the Holy Spirit will guide us further.

I am further of the opinion that the knowledge of the Word is crucial as only
by using the Bible as our source, we can present, as Lee Strobel titled his book "the case for Christ"

May 01 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Tony Flores Supporter Tony Flores a servant of Jesus Christ
No, Christians should not force the Kingdom on others.

1. God made all of us in His image and gave us a free Will to think and see for ourselves.

2, Jesus came from the Father and gave us the Word that the Father wanted us to hear and then returned back to the Father.

3. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live in the believers and teach us all spiritual things so we would grow and learn about God's Love and God's Way to salvation.

4. Jesus Christ came as the second Adam to right the wrong done by Adam and Eve in the Garden where they lost Eternal Life by disobeying God.

5. Jesus Christ commanded us to go to the neighborhoods, the nation and to all countries and spread the Good News, which He gave the Diciples to spread when He was on earth,

7. We are to tell people of the things that Jesus said and did while He was on earth. We have no power to force people, but should demonstrate the Love that Jesus demonstrated for His Father (God) is love.

8. The Holy Spirit will then do the work He was sent to do, is to convict people of SIN and show them the way to eternal life. Some will accept and some will not accept the calling them by the Holy Spirit.

9. The believers should then gather together as the Church and teach the converts more about Jesus and His word so that they will grow spiritually and keep the process going until the Church is raptured,

10. Our war is not against the flesh, but against the evil principalities that exsist in the war between good and evil. We, as Christians should follow the examples of Christ, which showed that He never forced anyone to accept the Kingdom, but loved all who came to Him. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life for Salvation and there is no other.

July 09 2015 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini James Kraft Supporter 74 year old retired pipeline worker
We can only offer salvation to others the way Jesus did to us. We are told to preach the gospel to every creature. Some will believe and be saved. The problem is, not many are preaching the gospel. Where do you hear it preached anymore.

The Gospel. First Corinthians 15:3-4 That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures. That is the gospel that we should be preaching. When unbelievers believe that gospel, they are sealed by the Holy Spirit and given eternal life. John 3:18 They can no longer be condemned to hell because Jesus paid our sin debt in full.

The gospel should be preached at every church service. We do not know who has believed and who has not. We should never assume that every one in the church is a believer. 

Many believe a false gospel that we are saved by how we live and what we do. Salvation by works instead of grace. Romans 11:6 Many are not taught the bible way of salvation. That once we believe we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and have eternal life now. Ephesians 1:13

We have far to many Matthew 7:21-23 unbelievers because they have not been given the truth of the gospel. They are still in the dark believing a lie from Satan that we can save ourselves by how we live and what we do. Our works because Salvation by grace as a free gift from God is not being preached. 

Jesus offers the free gift of salvation by grace to anyone who will believe. But someone has to preach it so unbelievers can understand it and believe and be saved.

Tim Tebow had a chance to preach to millions on the football field. He wrote John 3:16 In black on his face so every time the camera was on him, the word of God was proclaimed to millions. So many ways to get the gospel out and we should use what ever means we have.

The internet is a great place to proclaim the word of God. But, there are so many false prophets proclaiming a false Jesus or false gospel of works salvation, that it is hard to get people to understand the true gospel that is a free GIFT from God by faith alone in Christ alone.

But we can only preach the true gospel and those that believe it will be saved. Jesus offers the free gift to all who believe. But, people have to know they are sinners on their way to hell before they can see a need for a savior who will take all their sins and give them His righteousness. Romans 4:6-8 

The one thing that keeps me from weeping over lost sinners is knowing that if someone really wants to know the truth, God will send someone to them to give them the true gospel of all grace for salvation.

But Satan has blinded the eyes of most or gives them a false gospel of works salvation so that they can not believe the true gospel of grace.

Jesus said that all that come to Him by faith will never be cast out. John 6:37. But we have to bring people to Him by preaching the simple truth of the gospel so they can be born again into Gods family. Ephesians 1:13.Then we can teach how to walk in the Spirit by faith when they have the Spirit to walk in.

September 24 2018 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Skip O'Rourke Learn More'>Supporter
When one sees how another conducts themself, living their life by example, they will be curious of what fuels that persons character in this life. Be that example and answer questions when they are asked. Poke their curiosity with direction not demands.

July 07 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini STANLEY S. DRANE Supporter
In answer to your question: No! we can't force people to be saved, we have to pray for them, that they will accept the Lord as their personal Savior, and that they will seek a true bible believing/soul winning church, where the gospel is preached.

September 22 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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