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How can we prove that we are different from animals in God's eyes to those who adhere to the theory of evolution?

Evolutionists claim we evolved from monkeys with a 98% genetic similarity. How can we prove that we are different in God's eyes?

Clarify Share Report Asked February 15 2017 Mini Andre Favron Supporter

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Closeup Jennifer Rothnie Supporter Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
Evolutionists like to cite genetic similarity between chimpanzees and humans in support of their theory of humans and chimpanzees sharing a common ancestor. However, this evidence alone is misleading at best, and certainly does not mandate that evolution be true nor prove intelligent design false.

#1 - An approximate 1.23% difference in nucleotides seems 'small' - until you realize that that is about 40 million differences in non-protein coding DNA. For comparison, there are only about 3 million differences in DNA from person-to-person. 

By analogy, consider two objects made from the same kind of wood and of the same mass - a table and a wooden boat. Do their similarities automatically support the idea that they shared a common base blueprint in the past? Or do their similarities more support the idea that a craftsman used some similar materials to create objects for different functions?

#2 - The ~2% difference primarily deals with non-protein coding DNA (which is about 98% of the human genome). But what about protein coding DNA? Here the difference is far greater, at about 80%.

#3 - Comparison of genomes actually is a great hurdle for evolution, not a confirmation. 23% of the human genome does not have the closest similarities to chimpanzees vs. Other species supposedly 'farther back.' For example, under current evolutionary phylogeny, gorillas are supposedly farther back on the phylogenetic tree, with humans and chimps diverging later. Under that theory, humans should be closer to chimps than to gorillas, and closer to chimps than chimps are to gorillas, at every point. Yet 30% of the gorilla genome refutes that hypothesis. 15% of the gorilla genome is closest to humans, and another 15% is closer to chimps than humans are to chimps. That makes a full 30% of the gorilla genome that doesn't fit the evolutionary tree. Sequencing other species just exacerbates this problem for evolutionary theory. 0.8% of our genome (20 million base pairs of DNA) is closer to orangutans than chimpanzees, for example.

So for evolutionists, the genome remains a huge hurdle to the standard phylogenetic tree as it does not support common ancestry. Rather, it shows that humans and animals of all types often share some traits, and species that might be closer 'overall' in genome are still closer to other species in other areas.

Just as a painter uses similar materials in his art, or a craftsman uses similar materials when building objects for vastly different purposes, it is not a hurdle for the theories of creationism or intelligent design that animals and humans share some similar traits. It is the crucial differences that are important, not the organic similarities.

Moving on to the more important question: How are we different from animals in God's eyes?

Man was the only creation made in the image of God. Interestingly, the reason given for this was so man could rule over the other creatures. (Gen 1:26-27) Man is introduced as a special creation, specifically given the authority over all other life on Earth. God then specifically orders mankind to be fruitful and multiply (an order unnecessary to any other instinctual creature). 

“What is man, that You are mindful of him, or the son of man, that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor and placed everything under his feet.” Heb 2:7

Man also is the only creation that can be redeemed through faith in Christ. Not only that, but Jesus specifically came to reveal truth and reconcile mankind with God. 

Unfortunately, the idea that humans are 'just animals' is prevalent in modern society and can be a huge stumbling block to the gospel. In general, the theory that men are just mammals appeals to people's sinful nature by giving excuses for sins of the flesh, giving a sense of false pride, and hardening the heart to the reality of God.

February 16 2017 7 responses Vote Up Share Report

Philip medium Philip Davies Supporter
The Bible says that Man is uniquely different from the animals in that he alone was created in the image of God. Gen 1:26

However evolution tells us that Man evolved from the animals and is not uniquely created. As evidence for this evolutionists point out that there is a 98% similarity between human DNA and Chimpanzee DNA. This leaves many doubting the uniqueness of humans and leaves Christians wondering how the Bible and science can both be true.

This is an understandable confusion but it is one that arises out of a simple error of logic. Just because one thing is similar to another does not mean they have the same origin. And just because there is a 98% similarity between DNA of Humans and Chimps, does not mean one is descended from the other or that they have common ancestry. 

One car looks very like another; they both have four wheels, brakes, engine etc. But they are not necessarily from the same manufacturer nor come from the same place. They have different designers and have different origins. In the same way, there are many obvious physical similarities between humans and chimps. Both have two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, hands, fingers, fingernails, hair, skin, internal organs etc. In fact it would surprise no one if you were to list all the possible things that were similar and find 98% similarity. We would expect that without even knowing about DNA. But similarity is not the same as causality and it is a known error in logic to confuse the two. 

There is a standard phrase used in statistics that "Correlation does not imply causation" which you may have heard. This principle is taught to all university students (I teach it to mine) to protect them against making this same logical error. In the same way a correlation between human DNA and Chimp DNA does not imply one caused the other or that they even have a common cause.

We have to accept that humans are not unique as far as our DNA is concerned and we have many physical similarities with different animals. But that is not the issue here. Our uniqueness is spiritual and not physical. Our similarity to the image of God is not found in our physical DNA. It is to be found in our spiritual life, our capacity to love and to worship God and our God given ability to put our trust in Jesus. And you won't find that uniqueness in DNA. 

February 16 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Laura Walters-Reynolds Supporter
God created us in HIS image and made us separate from animals,he also put us over animals. We could not be evolved from animals/ monkeys as some indicate. If we had there wouldnt be monkeys anymore just humans.

February 16 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Data Aron Hocker Supporter
Trying to convince an evolutionist that we are different from animals would be a very difficult thing to do. The evolutionist and the Christian see through different sets of eyes.

Christians can see God in everything we look at. The evolutionist sees things in terms of "science". They have been indocrinated into thinking that it is no longer a theory, but a fact.

So, before you can convince them that we are not like animals, you have to first convince them that we were created by design.

2 Peter 3:3-5 KJV
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, [4] And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. [5] For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
They want to be able to do as they please without judgement.

The greatest tool at your disposal is to always let them see Christ in you.
Luke 11:33 KJV
No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light

Romans 1:22-23,25 KJV
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
[25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

February 16 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Andy  3 photo Andy Mangus Supporter I am a Christian since October 1979 & devoted truth seeker.
I will reply with an answer that hasn't been submitted as of yet and is short: This just came to me when reading the various answers!

This is what came to me: Humans have many physical, physiological and mental parts/abilities that are not in any animals. Our brain for example! Our mental acuity and memory with all of its ancillary functions that enable humans to accomplish almost anything that God allows! For example: Learning to such a high capacity that will amaze anyone! The ability to use mental 'talents' to invent! To draw; to create ART; to design; to build with the 'vision' of what we desire that which we envision in our minds that is second only to "the mind of God" and the ability to learn and speak many different languages, etc. There are many more I could add to this short list!

But, here is the pinnacle of what Humans' substance contains: God gave Adam a SOUL! Therefore, God created man to be sentient, decisive, determined, talented in multitude and 'hungry to live' and continue in survival mode. The desire to live, search, seek, 'create' and find was ingrained into our spirit/soul.

***Evolution from an amoeba or an ape or any other 'genesis' of the end result of coming into being that began with almost nothing to become fully man--Adam and Eve-- is simply LUDICROUS AT THE VERY LEAST"!*** /// ***AND, is one of Satan's biggest lies!*** I was not and AM NOT the result from something that eventually 'evolved' to become an ape! I am simply the great, great, great, great, great....Grandson of Adam and Eve!....Whom GOD CREATED by His very hands in The Garden of Eden! And, I am saved by GOD, by, IN and through the sacrifice of His one and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who died for my sins and your sins!'***

People need to read the Book of Genesis! We humans were and are GOD'S Pinnacle of ALL His creation! And, He gave us a SOUL that will either be with Him for eternity in Heaven --OR-- be in Hell for "everlasting to everlasting". 

I thank GOD everyday that He reached down and spoke to my very soul through my guilty and repentant heart and mind that very night in 1979! What happened next is the single most important living 'moment' of my life! His Holy Spirit reached down and saved my soul so that I may reside with Him for eternity when it is my "appointed time".

I Pray earnestly that God will cause "a great revival to overcome many and change their lost souls, hearts and minds to a 'saving grace and mercy' state of understanding that they each need to simply BELIEVE in God and the free gift of Salvation offered through His only begotten Son's sacrifice given at the Cross of Calvary, a little over 2000 years ago!

My saying that I like to close with: "Praise GOD!...that He provided a Savior! And, His name is Jesus Christ!"


March 28 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini ainsley chalmers Supporter Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.
The bible tells us that God created life after their own kinds like vegetation, dogs, cats, hippos, cows, sheep etc (Gen1:11, 21, 24). Also we humans are the only group made in the image of Almighty God (Gen1:27). So we have the ability to worship God, to be creative, logical, artistic. Because we are created in his image he has put a need in us for him that only he can fill. We can try to fill it with things like materialism,sex, drugs, fame and power but they never fully satisfy nor take the place of God in our hearts. Only God alone can give us that peace and joy deep within.

With evolution DNA has to add 1,000 fold information to go from a microbe to a mouse to a monkey to a man. Evolutionists claim that this happens through mutations and natural selection. Let me tel you as a scientist who has worked with DNA for many moons, mutations plus natural selection leads to death not higher life forms. In biology DNA fragments don't spontaneously add onto simpler DNA fragments to make higher life forms. It just doesn't happen, it is an impossibility no mater how many billions of years one waits.

If evolution did happen, then how come there are no transition animals in the fossil record? The fossil record in different rock strata combined with our knowledge of science confirms that evolution is a big lie and that there was a deluge over the whole earth during the life of Noah, about 4,000 years ago.

God used DNA to program all animal and plant life and DNA confirms and screams out that he is the creator and designer of us all. The bible tells us that this creator/designer of life and the whole universe is Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3; Coll 1:15-17).

March 30 2017 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini venkatesan Iyer Supporter
Language is the key difference. Animals do have a rudimentary form of communication. Human languages are rich in concept and structure. It is obvious language is basic for major developments like literature, religion and science. The explanation of evolutionary forms focuses on physical aspects and genetic issues. The claim that evolution can explain development of human languages is a weak one and details are absent. Genesis view of creation gives a reasonable basis of the richness of human languages. [Genesis 1:27-28] The tower of Babel highlights the importance of language/s. [Genesis 11].

February 16 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kenneth Heck Supporter
Similarity of DNA between species doesn't prove evolution. It merely demonstrates that God has used the DNA from prior created species in creating other new species.

We will not be able to scientifically prove any difference between man and animals until we can indisputably prove the existence of the individual soul for human beings (Gen 2: 7). Highly advanced technology will be needed to do this. Animals have a spirit giving them life, but not a soul.

Proving the difference between men and animals in God's eyes can and will be done through further revelation of God, such as in the second coming of Christ. 

However, men do have free will, and as such are permitted to reject any
truth they want to. Minds must be open to receive the truth, and hearts must be open to love the truth; otherwise people perish (2 Thess 2:10).

Scientists may believe they are searching for the truth (and some actually are), but the real search is for infallible hypotheses - in other words, statements that synthesize all the available data and experiments which cannot be refuted at the time. Even though scientists continue to refine their hypotheses (also called theories) they are "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Tim 3:7). The reason is that the ultimate source of all truth is God, not the scientific method.

February 16 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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