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Ezekiel 47:12
ESV - 12 And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.
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Ezekiel 47 is discussing about the millennial river and the trees on both sides of the river. ✿ Something similar to the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, which has trees of life on the banks of the rivers of water of life flowing down the middle of the streets and out through the pearly gates into the new earth (Rev. 22:1-3). Here the trees will be seen on both sides of the river during Millennium. ✿ The waters will go toward the east and into the desert, on to the Dead Sea, and heal the waters of that dead sea. Every place where the waters will go the land and other waters will be healed (Ezek. 47:9). The Dead Sea, which is also called the Salt Sea (Num. 34:12), has an estimated mineral wealth of about $1.19 trillion. It is said to have a content of potash, bromide, salt, gypsum, magnesium chloride. The sea is 340 sq. Miles in area, and the surface is 1,292 feet below the Mediterranean sea level. ✿ One of the purposes of the river will be to heal the waters of the Dead Sea so that it will be full of fish. (Ezek. 47:8b). The different depths of the river as given in the passage have no spiritual significance any more than the dry bones of Ezek. 37, which are sometimes taken to symbolize spiritual drought among the churches. There is no point to be gained and no benefit to be derived from making the river symbolic or figurative in any sense. The best policy here, as always in dealing with Scripture, is to take a statement literally where it can at all be understood this way; and even when the language is figurative, accept the literal truths expressed thereby. ✿ This river from the sanctuary in Jerusalem will divide at some point south of Jerusalem and become two great rivers. One half or one river will flow into the Dead Sea and the other will flow into the Mediterranean. Fish from the Mediterranean could migrate through these waters into the Dead Sea (Ezek. 47:9-10 Zech. 14:8). Fishermen will cast nets into it and dry their gear on the shore as if there had always been fish in that sea (Ezek. 47:10). ✿ In Ezek 47:12, we have a more detailed picture of the trees which will be grown on both sides of the river. Eightfold Description of the Trees in 12th verse: ❶ They shall be for meat (food). ❷ The leaves will never fade. This means they will be evergreen fruit trees. ❸ The fruit will never be fully used up for the trees will produce abundantly. ❹ New fruit will be produced monthly instead of annually. ❺ The leaves will be for medicine. ❻ There will be healing and preservation of life qualities about the very leaves which will cause human bodies to live on and on, without sickness and disease. ❼ The properties in the leaves will no doubt renew the cells of the body and cause longevity. ❽ The bodies of men will be perfectly healthy because of perfect nutrition--partaking of all the necessary minerals and vitamins
In my opinion, we have no way of knowing exactly which fruit trees are spoken of in this verse, although a great variety is indicated. The context of the chapter is reminiscent of the wide variety of trees in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9) and perhaps implies a full or partial restoration of the Garden's fruit trees (or their equivalent). Ezek 34:29 speaks of a plant of renown, a gift from God, which will cause hunger to cease in the land. This tree to be "raised up" is unknown today, but may be given to man through God's guidance in genetic research, along with the other trees which bear monthly rather than annually. The life-giving property of the water flowing from the sanctuary will energize these trees (along with their new genome) to yield abundantly in a way we have never seen or imagined possible.
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