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What is the Feast of Trumpets?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The Feast of Trumpets marked the beginning of ten days of consecration and repentance before God. It is one of seven Jewish feasts or festivals appointed by the LORD and one of three feasts that oc...

July 01 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Guy Gifford Supporter Actually: An Apostle & Prophet chosen by God
Yom Teruah : Feast of Trumpets

Primarily found in Leviticus 23:23-25 and Numbers 29:1-6.
The word “yom” means “day” and about 70% of the ancient Hebrew meanings of the words “teruah” means “blasts” or “blaring” of trumpets, with the remainder meaning “blaring” of shouting. So Yom Teruah is the “Day of Blasting” loosely translated to “The Feast of Trumpets”. During Israel’s Babylonian captivity and exile, Israel adopted the Babylonian holiday name “Rosh HaShanah” meaning “Head of Year”, the Babylonian New Year and teachings to synchronize with their Babylonian captor’s culture, who have their New Year at this same time. This name change and changing the new year is just one of a great many examples of Israel’s priests and teachers changing God’s rules, of which Jesus condemned, and He said they did this alot (Mark 7:1-13). 

1) 1st day of 7th month; Sunday; Dark of the New Moon (New Moon);

2) Celebrated with “Blaring” trumpet blasts and “Blaring” yelling;

3) No Laborious Work. Enjoy God’s gift of rest—and remember the ultimate rest we have in our Savior, Yeshua (Matthew 11:28);

4) Food Offering: BBQ Beef, Lamb, Goat; Bread, Wine; plus regular New Moon sacrifices; priests did very few sacrifices.

5) Fore-telling / Pre-symbolic of the second coming of the Messiah, Revelations 4-11 which scholars believe depicts Jesus redeeming creation by opening the deed of ownership with great cataclysmic judgments on the nations “in rebellion against God” (Jeremiah 25, Zephaniah 3). No wonder that this is biblically only a one day event with no Old Testament explanation or likeness in its symbolism; Jesus described in Mt 24:21 as “tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will”; feast oddly happens at the new moon or dark of the moon symbolizing Jesus teaching in Mt 24:29 of “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light”.

6) Beyond the biblical requirement of blowing horns, there is no biblical requirement restricting the types of horns to ram’s horns. Thus any horn is acceptable to God, from the popular kudu horn to metal and plastic horns. Let us not get condemned for legalism about this, i.e. no “rule upon rule”;

7) Generally occurs about September 29, about one month before the very end of Israel’s growing season, but after the grain threshing and grape pressing, but well before the end of olive harvest.

8) Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah is biblically not related to the other feasts in any way except calendar proximity, and is the fifth of the seven annual festivals, with Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) coming ten and fifteen days later. [Some people merge the Feast of Passover with The Feast of Unleavened Bread, but they are as different as Jesus Death and Jesus Resurrection, which they in fact fore-tell.] It stands alone by itself, and the Jewish change of linking it mentally to Yom Kippur, although a sin, is logical, since in the Old Testament, God gave no meaning of any kind to attach to the feast, so human nature is to attach it to something. Not until the New Testament book of Revelation do we finally get the linkage to start attaching its meaning, with the many other New Testament and Old Testament passages which refer to it.

9) Neither the Leviticus passage, nor the Numbers passages include the word “trumpet”, but rather only the word “blaring”, with a presumption of “trumpet”, so no make, style, or type of trumpet is even hinted at. The Hebrew word used in the passages is “thruoe” or “Teruah”.

10) The Yom Teruah custom to eat apple slices dipped w honey is nonsensical as its meaning clashes.

July 30 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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