How should we be praying for our President?

In my opinion, our current President is corrupt and ungodly. What are the best ways to pray for such a person?

1 Timothy 2:1 - 3

NKJV - 1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. 2 For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Clarify Share Report Asked January 12 2019 Mini Debra Grannemann Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Danny Hickman

It's not easy to sincerely petition God for such a completely self-centered person. It's much easier to want to see such a person humbled to the point of brokenness. (God knows what we truly feel). And not for the purpose of repentance, but for him to lose the arrogance of his delusion of being the greatest that ever did anything. I hope he isn't, but he seems to be beyond repair. Nobody is.

When asked if he'd ever asked to be forgiven he said he'd done nothing for which to ask forgiveness... There isn't too many (public) people his age who wouldn't know any better than to say something that ignorant, publicly. And this guy was campaigning to be leader of the world.

What prayer do you construct for such a person?
I've prayed for him many times. My prayer is usually the result of feeling guilty for the way that I feel about such a vile, insensitive, mean-spirited person. A man over 70 years old who name-calls women, who called for the death penalty for 15 year olds who were jailed for a decade and found to be innocent due to DNA, and the real rapist being apprehended. He still maintains that they did it. The DA say a mistake was made, but not him.

Pray that when his time in office is over he will go away quietly. Pray that he'll take his ball and go home, and won't try to take the goal post with him...

July 19 2019 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Well he didn't "go away quietly," he hasn't gone away at all. All of the previous losers for reelection or first term nominees who lose have honored the system and conceded defeat. Not this guy! He claims he was cheated. The system can't be trusted, according to this guy...

He incited his followers to take down the goal post. He doesn't know how to accept that his services are no longer appreciated. He wants to impose his presence on 330,000,000 citizens who have elected another man to fill the office he imagines to be his to occupy.

His sycophants are still going to court for the riot he incited on the day of election certification by the United States Congress.

The question (asked 3 years ago) is, 'How should we pray for such a person.' Obviously, the answer is, "We should pray without stopping" (1 Thess 5:17), because he obviously needs it. But if you mean, 'What do we say to God,' then I haven't a clue. None of what I asked to occur has happened; it's only gotten worse! "Thy will be done," is all I know to say!!

The christians who still try to put a good spin on this guy being president of the United States have some kind of faith that I know nothing about.
Bless their hearts!!

March 24 2022 Report

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