Will there be a third temple built before Christ's second coming?

If so, when? Would this be before or during the tribulation?

Clarify Share Report Asked May 17 2019 1583506720 Pat Mellberg Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

1583506720 Pat Mellberg

Jennifer, you clearly gave this a lot of thought and I thank you for the time you took to respond so quickly to my question. I actually believe the many references to the temple and the sanctuary, including specific measurements given in Rev 11:1,2 are for a literal structure (temple and sanctuary). I am studying (and doing some writing as well) about the Tribulation period. Because I could find no specific reference to whether the temple would be built just before or during the first half of the Tribulation, I wondered if others studying the end times might also have some thoughts about it. All of the items necessary for the temple are prepared including the extensive selection and training of priests. Recent and ongoing archaeological discoveries will identify the actual site where the temple should be built. Because we are so close to seeing the temple built and so many other signs of the times are happening we can know the coming of the Lord is near. Thanks again for your input.

May 18 2019 Report

Mini Glenn Oldham

I agree with you on that it will be built soon because the day that Jesus appears in the clouds is closer than ever. David Jeremiah, a greatly admired Pastor for his dedication to accuracy when “dividing the word of God “ said recently, “ I fully expect to be alive for the Rapture of the church” and he is in his 70’s! This means that the 3rd Temple needs to be at least started soon in order for the anti-christ to enter it 3-1/2 years into the tribulation.

May 19 2019 Report

Mini Shirley H

The time is very near. Time is short, that Old Satan is really upping his game. Stay close to God. We know all we need to know. One day we will understand it completely!

May 25 2019 Report

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