What solemn lessons can we learn from the Parable of Dives (the rich man) and Lazarus?

"Dives" is the Latin term for "rich man." (Luke 16:19-31)

Luke 16:19 - 31

ESV - 19 There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores.

Clarify Share Report Asked January 12 2021 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

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Figtree logo thinkspot 500x500 Scott Broberg Supporter Fig Tree Ministries
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is a COMPLEX parable. 

We must first remember that is a parable. Parables are stories told to convey a difficult message. The story draws the listener in and engages them at a deeper level than simply delivering 'bad news' directly. Jesus loves to use parables to deliver difficult messages to those who oppose him. 

The use of a parable in story form allows the listener a process of "self-discovery" as they digest the story internally. 

The message of this parable is directed at the priests who are the religious leaders of Israel and who, at the time of Jesus, were wealthy and corrupt. Much of their wealth was gained at the expense of the people of Israel - the same people the Priests were supposed to be caring for. 

How do we know it is directed at the priests - and in particular - the High Priest at the time of Jesus, Caiphas? 

1. The rich man represents the wealthy priests. The priestly garments contained "purple" and "fine linen" - Exodus 28:5.

2. The High Priest and the temple priests were of the Sadducee sect of Judaism. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead in the afterlife: Acts 23:8. 

3. The name Lazarus is a first-century Greek variant of the Hebrew name Eliezer (see Hebrew scholar Tal Ilan, Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity). Eliezer was the gentile servant of Abraham who would have "inherited" all of Abrahams blessings (Genesis 15:2). 

4. To "recline at Abraham's side/bosom" is an expression that indicates you are the second guest of honor at the "end times" banquet (see Isaiah 25:6-8; Matthew 8:11-12; Luke 13:28-30). The disciple John was the second guest of honor next to Jesus at the Last Supper (John 13:23). 

- Jesus is indicating to the Priests that they will not take part in any inheritance of Abraham's descendants. Rather, the inheritance of Abraham's blessings is going to go to the gentiles - as represented by Lazarus/Eliezer. 

5. In Jesus' day there was a former High Priest (6 AD-15AD) - Annas - who was still hanging on to power through his sons - who all served as High Priest (Luke 3:2). Annas was like the "Godfather." Annas and his family were wealthy and corrupt. 

Caiaphas, who was the current High Priest, had FIVE BROTHERS. (Eleazer, Jonathan, Theophilus, Mattias, Annus). 
This is why Jesus includes the detail about "five brothers" (Luke 16:28). 

As I stated earlier, this is a complex parable. Jesus includes many details that would have been understood by his first-century audience. It is harder for us to recognize the details. 

The message is a warning to those in power - then it was the Sadducees - but we can apply this to any religious authority at any time that enriches themselves at the expense of the community they are supposed to be shepherding. 

If you hold religious authority - watch out how you wield your power. Do not enrich yourself at the expense of your flock or you will find yourself left out at the final banquet.

January 12 2021 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church
The account of the rich man and Lazarus is a parable, the last of a series of four that Luke records beginning in chapter 15. The main theme of these parables can be summed up in luke 16:13 where Luke writes:

(First), in Luke 16:13, Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Plain and simple, man cannot serve 2 masters. 
Jesus is using these parables to show us that we must make a decision in our spiritual lives. We must either choose to follow Christ, or we choose to follow Satan. We cannot choose both. Jesus continues this theme in this account.

Luke 16:19-31 begins "there was a rich man." This is the fifth in a series of parables in Luke 15 and 16. The context of this most solemn parable demands that it be interpreted in light of Luke 16:8-13. See above.
--Bob Utley @ https://bible.org/seriespage/luke-16

Second, in the Parable of Dives and Lazarus (Luke 16) the choice made on earth determines the life to come, and such a choice is final. The grave can work no miracle. 

People's New Testament:

About the phrase, "Thy good things" (Lu 16:25). He was of the number who receive their portion in this life, instead of that good part which shall never be taken from them. He had preferred the world and its rewards, and had obtained them. But he had lost the world to come. {Thy} is emphatic. 
Luke 16:25 	But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

Earthly possessions and enjoyments were his choice.

The saved leave all sorrows behind when they leave the earth—"Now here he is comforted”; the lost leave all their joys behind.

So, third, in the future, personality continues—feeling, knowing, seeing, reasoning, and remembering. Are these faculties to aid our bliss, or add to our torment?

What is memory? What is this faculty that enables us to recall past feelings, sights, sounds, and experiences? 

We do know that memories can be blessings—full of comfort, assurance, and joy. 
But memory can also be a curse and a tormentor. -- M.R. DeHaan

If Dives (the rich man) did not want to be tormented, he should have trusted Christ for his eternal salvation instead of his riches. He was not rich toward God. 

He should have heeded the charge as one of “them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.”

He was his own god.

And as Jesus said in Luke 12:21 “So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

For more details, see All the Parables of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer.

January 17 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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