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How can I stop being nervous about praying publicly?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Many people find praying publicly or in a group to be a daunting prospect. Public speaking of any kind is one of the greatest fears experienced by people. Public prayer adds the extra pressure of t...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Doktor D W Supporter
Walk into a Walmart store where photos & details of missing children are posted. Pause for a moment. Now, out loud, pray "Father, bring them home. Bring them to safety." Amen. 

Do that each time you visit Walmart.

When you encounter friends, neighbors during a shopping trip, and the conversation turns to stress / distress in the life of someone, simply say, "Let's pray." Then pray out loud, not in a disruptive voice, but a gentle one. When you go out to eat, pray out loud before each meal, again, in a gentle voice. 

May God bless you abundantly as you open up your life to Him in all things, including prayer in public circumstances. Amen.

September 13 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini John Thompson Supporter
The thing is about prayer, that we all have different ways of doing it. 
Some pray out loud and some pray "in their heart."

Prayer isn't something you should fear, but feel free to pray silently if you need to. God might be calling you to be brave and be a bit more public, but there's power in praying for someone that never knows it.

Recently, I've been getting the calling to pray for random people as I'm driving. I see someone on the street, and I feel God telling me, "pray for them, John." So I do. I don't know why and I clearly don't know what to pray for, but everyone needs love, compassion, peace, safety- I try to pray that and that they would connect with God on a personal level in His time. 

Whether you see a service member's picture on a wall at a store as referenced above, or sit down at a restaurant with friends, your testimony is tied up in your choice to pray. How you pray can make you like the pharisees - loud and obnoxious, drawn out, and really saying 'look at me' - or you can take a moment to evaluate God's goodness in your life at that moment, grab a hand, and say 'thank you for this food and these wonderful friends. Amen.' 

Keep it simple and pray as you feel led. 
Be Blessed.

August 11 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Johnnatta Giles Supporter Spirit Filled Christian
I think it all has to do with be confident in your prayer life. I find i used to not be able to pray very well when i did it around other people. It doesnt always have to be out loud either but if thats what your wanting to be able to do start small by asking others to do it with you more in public places. The more you do it the more comfortable you will be. I think it also depends on whats going on in your personal prayer life. When I wanted to be stronger in my prayer life I went to God and asked for it. That is always my best answer :) Go to the father ask for that strength and peace and it will be given to you!

January 10 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20121222 24547 1nwcrb9 Victor Waits Supporter
Like most everything else, confidence comes by applying what one already knows. This said, I agree with the method of praying aloud in small groups where there is encouragement and no judgement. We all need to remember to whom we are talking. It is NOT the group of people that maybe hearing, but it IS talking tO our Heavenly Father. As the Model Prayer says, OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN...He is our audience, we ALL are the participants. We as a "Forever Family" need to encourage one another to pray, whether privately or in public.

May 01 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard Supporter Worship Leader and Engineer
If you are a Christian, then you are born of God. His Spirit lives within (at one level or another).
What does that mean? It means the life of Christ is within - that in you (in me) the divine is stirring. 
You are a child of the living God - You have his influence within. 
Taking that into account, you will never need to "drum up" the courage to witness: Your life - your words are already sharing your experience and your Saviour! Yes - some have a wonderful ability to strike up deep conversations with strangers: some (me included) do not. Do not concern yourself with "having to" achieve a standard - If Christ lives in you, your life is already a glowing witness!

Take every opportunity that is presented - but trust what He has worked in your life. 

Be Blessed - and may your witness be the natural outpouring of a heart moulded by the Living God!

August 11 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kelly Yochum Supporter
Public prayer should be done in the same aspect of private prayer, straight to GOD. 

In a church setting, or public group, we are often ask to pray for specifics; the worship service, individual sick, veterans, the country, etc. 

If you forget, but your prayer is from your heart, to GOD, no fear of man's judgement should enter the mind. 

I pray to GOD. They get to listen, but my prayer is ONLY to GOD.

May 05 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Bruce Lyon Supporter Elder: Restoration Fellowship Assembly
The question: "How can I stop being nervous about praying publicly?"

Jesus said: Mt 6:6 But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly.

Mt 26:36 Then comes Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and says unto the disciples, Sit you here, while I go and pray yonder.

What we see here is that Jesus indicates that for the most part our prayers should be to Yehovah our God in private. There are few instances where one would be called upon to pray in public and that usually falls on the leaders in the called-out Assembly.

Personally there are many times when I pray quietly to myself in public and I am sure no one knows what I am doing. Most of the time I try to find a quiet place where I can talk to my God and Father alone.

Of course we pray with thanksgiving for the food that we have eaten... notice I said after you have eaten not before. We can pray at all time in our hearts and minds no matter where we are.

In the rare occasion we might be called upon to pray in public, when we concentrate on whom we are praying to then all else should not be important especially how we might appear before others. At that time self should not be a consideration because we are praying to the one who is our all in all! Love towards the God we worship castes out fear! Hallil Yah - Praise God

May 03 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Grant Abbott Supporter Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit
The Holy Spirit is your teacher. Ask him to teach you how to pray publicly.
Let other Christians that you trust model it in a small group and make note of what they pray about.
Pray out loud the prayers of the bible. I suggest Ephesians 1:3-23
Organize your thoughts on what you want to pray about. I use the acrostic ACTS for Adoration (I worship your majesty) Confession (I confess this sin to you) Thanksgiving (I thank you for this food) Supplication (I need a job, Lord)
God's favourite prayer to answer is "Help!"
Practice out loud in your own room
Step out in faith and just Do It and God will bless you mightily 
I serve in an after service prayer ministry praying out loud for total strangers. I have learned to depend on the Holy Spirit to do the praying and I just step back and listen. Often I am astounded at the words that come out of my mouth and the blessing they are.
Remember that the main reason for praying out loud is to ignite faith and deliver God's blessings to the people who are listening.

August 30 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders Supporter
Jesus prayed both publicly and privately. Both where for the purpose of doing good but never for the purpose of being seen.

The bible says when you pray secretly, the Lord will reward you openly. Mathew 6:6 Most babes in Christ are intimidated about public prayer, but if you pray from your heart, your prayers will touch the heart of the hearers during public prayer.

Be not ashamed of a small beginnings. That is your motivation. Zechariah 4:10 Praying like learning to walk, ride a bike or drive a car takes practice. As you pray more and more and as you study the scriptures, more and more maturity and wisdom will come as you grow in discernment and the knowledge of the scriptures.

God watches over His word; it returns not void unto him. Isaiah 55:11 In so learning the scriptures that appropriate the promises are an important strategy of a prayer life. Always be motivated by love is a foundational goal. Perfect love casts off all fear. 1 John 4:18

April 29 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Billy P Eldred Supporter
Not that different from some of the other answers, but just simple advice.

Do you get nervous talking to your best friend out loud and in public? If no, then there is your solution. Just ignore everyone around you and open your heart out loud to God. After all, He is your real best friend. Don’t worry about what you say. It is your heart God wants to hear.

When my son was about 5, I decided I would teach him to pray. I told him that I would pray first then he would pray. I don’t remember all that I prayed but I will never forget what he prayed. He prayed: “God bless all the wild animals and bless all my friends who don’t know you to help them get to know you. Amen.” Then God spoke to me. God said “Now which prayer do you think I liked better!” I stand humbled.

God saw his heart, and mine.

October 27 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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