What can I learn from the life of Barnabus?


Clarify Share Report Asked October 14 2022 Dad's facebook pic 2 %282%29 Robert Chiappardi Supporter

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Mini John Appelt Supporter
The Biblical account reveals quite a bit about Barnabas. His actual name was Joses or Joseph, but the apostles nicknamed him Barnabas meaning “son of encouragement.” Barnabas earned that nickname because he was a great encouragement to many. He was never called by his given name again. 

This kind-hearted, compassionate man first appears in Acts 4:36-37. He was one who sold possessions to help poor Christians. If this parcel of land was in Cyprus it meant going there, seeking a buyer and going through all that trouble (and “papyrus-work”). 

He next appears at the side of Saul, Acts 9:26-28. When Barnabas saw the fear of the disciples about Saul, he wisely took Saul to the apostles who knew Barnabas well. In this way the believers realized Saul was no longer a threat, and Saul was encouraged to continue.

Barnabas appears next in Acts 11:19-24. At Antioch, many including Jews with a very strong Greek background believed and turned to the Lord. The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch. He, “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith,” encouraged the believers to continue with the Lord. Barnabas journeyed to find Saul bringing him to Antioch, Acts 11:25-26. He saw the need for a good teacher for the church and he already knew of Saul’s intensity to follow Christ, his boldness to speak for Christ, and his powers of persuasion to reach Jews for Christ. Barnabas was not only encouraging the church, but also encouraging Saul. Together Barnabas and Saul/Paul made an effective team for Christ and a vibrant church grew out of their ministry. 

After this, in Acts 15:1-4, a problem surfaced in Antioch with Jewish teachers telling the Gentile believers to follow Jewish customs to be saved. Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem to sort out this problem. On the way, Paul and Barnabas shared with other churches how the Gentiles were being save. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they were given an opportunity to tell of God’s working among the Gentiles, Acts 15:21. The end result was the council decided Gentiles did not have to become Jews to be saved.

The final appearance of Barnabas was in Acts 15:36-40. At this time, Paul and Barnabas differed about taking John Mark the cousin of Barnabas, Colossians 4:10, with them on the next mission trip. It all stemmed from John Mark suddenly leaving during their last trip. The contention was so great, Paul and Barnabas separated, which instead led to a multiplication of two teams going out. 

Apparently, the encouragement by Barnabas had a lasting effect on John Mark who was given a second chance. He went on to serve well. He assisted Peter who treated him as his son, I Peter 5:13. And then he became the trusted fellow worker of Paul, Philemon 24. Paul later specifically requested John Mark to come to Rome, as one useful to him, II Timothy 4:11. 

The life of Barnabas continues to be a source of encouragement today.

October 17 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church
Great question, Robert!

I need to be more of an encourager of others instead of being critical of them, which I too often am. I need an example to follow to do the right thing and to say the right thing instead of making negative comments about them, either to their face or behind their backs. Hopefully, I will choose a Biblical example to pattern my life after. Barnabas is one such good example!

Barnabas encouraged others:

(1) By his faith (Acts 11). He had innate goodness. What triple grace this man possessed! “A good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith” (Acts 11:24). God-possessed, Barnabas was full of love, sympathy, and faith. Vision and allegiance were his. Spirit-filled, he exuded the comfort of the Spirit. Dean Church says that Barnabas was “an earthly reflection of the Paraclete.” -H. Lockyer

(2) By his friendship (Acts 11). All the members in Antioch he "encouraged... that with a purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord" (Acts 11:23). --Martin G. Collins. Do we encourage others to maintain their loyalty to the Lord? I hope so. "Barnabas is the one who got [Paul] involved at the church in Antioch (Acts 11:25-26), which led to both of them becoming the first Christian missionaries (Acts 13:1-3)." -- Chris Doyle 

Then he joined Paul in preaching the gospel (Acts 13).

(3) By his giving (Acts 4:32-37). "We first meet Barnabas in Acts 4:36 where he is described as ‘Joseph’, a Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement).” He lived up to his name when he sold his land to help the poorest members of the Jerusalem church (Acts 4), assisted the church in Antioch (Acts 11), joined Paul in preaching the gospel (Acts 13), and defended Gentile converts as fully Christian without keeping Jewish legal restrictions (Acts 15)." -- Michael K Olmsted

(4) By his forgiving (Acts 15:35-41). "Here is a quarrel between Barnabas and Paul which has fascinated many. They could not agree whether or not to take young John Mark with them again. Barnabas was his cousin and wanted to give the young man another chance. But Paul did not want to take the chance because the work was both important and dangerous, and he did not think it wise to take someone they could not count on." -- Ray Stedman

But Barnabas forgave Mark for his apparent becoming homesick and abandoning the missionary team. We need to forgive others as Barnabas did Mark. This was and is still a good example for us to follow!

October 23 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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