Does God exist in all Universes or just ours?


Clarify Share Report Asked May 09 2023 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Paula Fether Supporter Lifelong student of the scriptures
All universes? Multiple universes is a purely hypothetical idea. What we know for sure is that God created everything that exists, and nothing exists that he didn't make (John 1:3). In physics, the multiverse idea has never been established by any scientific means.

May 09 2023 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Justin Hale Supporter
The term 'Creation' in the scriptures refers to everything; including every thought formed by every thinking being capable of experiencing any possible interpretation of reality. As the Holy Church, we have become the new instrument through which God's age old mysteries and long hidden manifold wisdom is now being displayed "to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places' (Ephesians 3:9-10). 

The 'world rulers' (Greek koine: 'kosmokrators'), are even wise and skilled enough to create their own cosmoses, since a 'cosmos' is just one 'orderly arrangement,' (Greek koine: 'kosmos'), comprised of the same marvelous elements making up Creation. They can be arranged in many different ways to tell different 'stories.' Only God's 'cosmos' is eternal and not headed for eventual decay and dissolution. He created all of these great powers. However, God alone is wise enough to sustain all things, (Colossians 1:16-17). 

In this sense, scripture does support the idea of a 'multiverse,' though only one 'cosmic arrangement' is perfect and allows for infinite and endless possibilities without exhaustion of resources, energy, or life. This is God's 'third heaven' where our 'new man' in Christ is created, who is 'born from above' within us, develops, matures, and eventually returns 'home' to where he was made. This new person either exists within us or does not. There is nothing to argue about from God's perspective regarding heaven. 

Regarding the 'multiverse,' at the very least, we are obligated as Christians to 'capture and liberate' the idea of a 'multiverse' through reinterpretation, because it is one of the 'thoughts' that we must bring under subjection to Christ while dismantling any 'fortress of speculation' that raises itself up against Him, (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). 

This collective Christian 'project' is arguably determining the speed of our Lord's return, (2 Peter 3:12). Jesus Christ is the 'Alpha' who began this project, and the 'Omega' who will return to perfect it, demonstrating that He is its originator, (Revelation 22:12-13).

Scripture tells us that Creation itself answers every question and restores all glory back to God without using any words:

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And the expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard." (Psalm 19:1-3).

That is why I believe that when God created His masterworks, (heaven and earth), He also created literally everything else that could have been created. All of it ended up in the 'abyss' that modern people now call 'space.' 

It remains there, telling us why God either chose or did not choose to arrange things as He did. Nothing more needs to be 'said.' Its current demonstration just needs to be fully appreciated. 

That also sounds very much like a 'multiverse.' God's cosmos tells us what He chose and allows us to compare it to all of the others, which together sing His praises by demonstrating what He did not choose.

Accordingly, the theory purported by modern science known as the 'Big Bounce' fits better with this scriptural idea than the 'Big Bang' while actually accommodating and 'reinterpreting' that theory as well. In this new theory, the decaying cosmos we are inhabiting now which scripture says is destined for inescapable fire, (2 Peter 3:10), will forever repeat the same 'Big Bang' moment over and over after fully expanding and collapsing.

So what is being described by science is not the 'moment of Creation' as they first presumed, but a perpetual display of something already created which is singing the praises of God over and over while also acting as a type of vast 'prison' for those 'world rulers' whose own created wisdom and skill made them arrogant enough to foolishly disobey God while speculating into blasphemous falsehoods, (2 Peter 2:4). 

Thank God through Christ we are free from this 'eternal hell loop.'

May 19 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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