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How to counter the view that making both Jesus and the Bible as the Word of God leads to bibliotary?

Jesus is the living word of God. The Bible records human encounters with God. The Triune God is God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus is the living Word of God. In the Old Testament period Law was authority. In the NT, the authority shifts to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Some people say that when one insists, "The Bible is the Word of God," this is a form of Idol worship. How to counter such a position? 

John 1:1

ESV - 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked August 29 2023 Mini venkatesan Iyer Supporter

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Mini John Wheeler Supporter
And GOD spoke (The WORD) into existence and the WORD became The LIGHT and the LIGHT was the life of all people. Jesus is The WORD and The WORD was in the world before the Law. The WORD is the Truth, the Way, and the Light. Jesus The WORD, came in God's name, The I AM, given all power and glory by GOD over all God's creation including the heavens and earth. In the beginning GOD spoke to His people through His WORD. Then He put His WORD into writing. Then He put His WORD into the hearts of all so that there could no longer be any excuse for not knowing His WORD. Finally He made His WORD to become The living LIGHT when He sent Jesus in the Flesh. "Does the LORD delight in the bleeping of sheep, or is it better to hear and obey?" Did Cain know that what he did was wrong? Surely the answer was there in his heart even before the Law had been written.

August 30 2023 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Justin Hale Supporter
Idolatry is the worship of any aspect of the Creation rather than the Creator. 

The scriptures also say directly that God Himself is "light" (1 John 1:5), yet we don't worship created light as "god," even though it arguably sets time itself by its speed and keeps us trapped inside the cosmos itself. 

The "Light" that God represents is the "original" upon which light energy is based. That is the powerful distinction between the "Creator" and the "Creation." The same is true for the "Word,' for agape "Love," (also directly equated to God Himself, 1 John 4:8,16), or the "Way,' the "Truth," and the "Life," each of which are part of the larger "God equation" presented in scripture. These are each Biblical terms that are equated directly with God through Christ's equality with God, (John 14:6), but their created counterparts are not to be "worshiped" either.

So whenever we are equating anything to God, we must be reminded that we are talking about the "original" upon which the created version is based. Christians do not worship our physical books, or even the sacred interpretations that we have for them. We do not worship our religion, (the inferior counterpart to "The Way"), the sacred allegories, narratives, or sayings of scripture as we interpret them, (the inferior counterpart to "The Truth"), or life itself, (the inferior counterpart to "The Life"). 

We worship only the "One Original" after whom each of these powerful energetic and material phenomena were modeled, and we acknowledge that the "inferior copies" are here to help us learn to understand our Creator, to develop an increasing intimacy with Him, and to come to fully grasp who and what "The Word" truly and fully Is.

August 31 2023 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Shirley H Supporter Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!
Colossians 1:15-21: "He is the image of the unseen God,
the first-born of all creation, 
for in Him were created all things
in heaven and on earth: 
everything visible and invisible, 
thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers -
all things were created through Him and for Him.
He exists before all things
and in Him all things hold together,
and He is the Head of the Body
that is, the Church.

"He is the Beginning,
the first-born from the dead,
so that He should be supreme in every way;
because God wanted all fullness to be found in Him,
and through Him to reconcile all things to Him,
everything in heaven and everything on earth,
by making peace through His death on the cross."

Colossians 2:9,10: "In Him in bodily form, lives divinity in all its fullness; in Him you too find your own fulfillment, in the one who is the Head of every sovereignty and ruling force."

Jesus Christ is God. He is not an idol. He is the I Am.

August 30 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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