For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.
As an example of how movies affect peoples thinking:
Many, many christians believe in the adage "Trust your heart" when making decisions - and that is an attitude entirely derived from Hollywood! Proverbs tells us "The heart is deceitful above all things".
Enjoy a movie - or a piece of music. I do! but be carreful, then get back to your bible to find how to live.
Mr Houdmann says the question isn't whether watching a movie is "a sin," but whether "Jesus would have me do this." I hope I never become "that spiritual."
I can think of an indefatigable number of things that I and others do that we could wonder if Jesus would commission us to do. Would Jesus want me to sit here in my free time watching old black and white westerns all day on a Saturday? I don't believe Jesus is the reason I like to veg-out on Saturday and watch westerns. He's the reason I get up on Saturdays and start my day. We commune like every other day. Then I have some "me time," or not, depending on how I feel. But, I never feel guilty for doing anything that I consider to be innocent fun. Watching stories about how life is lived here on this planet (movies) is innocent fun, it's not inherently sinful. Lusting, violent anger, misogyny, racial animosity, etc. as a result of watching these stories is a sinful reaction. But, movies don't own the patent on producing these emotions.
Many "christians" complain about how women dress scantily. I think it's not a good thing for the woman. I would hope she would learn that her value is greater than what she "might" be placing on herself. But... she, they, are not an offense to me. I'm more concerned for them than I am for anyone else. That includes society, the church, everyone and everything, besides the woman.
I call it "spiritual grandstanding" when "christians" act concerned for "the kingdom" about society's warts.