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Why is the KJV still read in this modern day and age?

I feel the KJV Bible is somewhat outdated and hard to understand.

Clarify (3) Share Report Asked August 11 2013 Img 20170517 081600 hdr Joe Glascock Supporter

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Doktor D W Supporter
We are losing count on the number of "new" translations of the Bible. In studying each of them, one comes across verses which do not say precisely the same thing as the others. Advances in Greek-Hebrew-English translations and in new finds in the Middle East often alter the thinking of the professional translators; boom! a new translation pops up. We do not need to discard the KJV or all of the translations* before or after it. We need to humbly pray that the Holy Spirit will fill us to the brim each time we open any translation. That way, we can't go wrong. (Well, actually, HE will never be wrong. We just have to get out of the way as He lovingly leads us into His Truth). 

*Do not read the Mormon translation by Joseph Smith or any of his writings.Do not consult the "New World Translation" or other writings by the Jehovah Witness group.  Do not consult the "Jerusalem" bible, which includes spurious books and comments by those who were not inspired. Bottom line? Study, in His Presence!

August 11 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Obedience Rocca Supporter O. J. R.
At least two reasons:
1) The KJV is often considered to be beautiful, poetic translation, even though it is somewhat hard to understand.
2) The KJV New Testament is based on a text named the Textus Receptus, which was the text referred for centuries by Christians. Most modern translations are based on newer research that indicates the Textus Receptus may have flaws. For example the KJV says in 1 John 5:7, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." Most modern translations leave that statement out, including the ESV, the NAS and the NIV. Some Christians believe that the God preserved his Word throughout and that the Textus Receptus is inspired and does not have mistakes in it. Therefore they want a Bible which translates from the Textus Receptus, which is almost the KJV. (I have no idea whether or not the Textus Receptus is in fact inspired.)

August 12 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
You need not be concerned about small discrepancies' in versions God is not dead or afar off, Seek the baptism in the Holy Ghost and He will guide you in all truth. Hunger and thirst after Him and you will be filled. Take everything that is said with a grain of salt and seek God for His understanding, reject men's interpretations and find His thru prayer , fasting and study of His word. If he were dead or afar off we would need complete accuracy, But the same spirit that inspired these authors will teach you and you need only in humble sincerity to confess your own ignorance and seek Him He Will not fail you nor forsake you to lies and condemnation. Praise be to God and the name of Jesus, our savior and soon coming King

Personally:I have always preferred the KJV and use it to compare accuracy of versions. I have found  supernatural manifestation associated with this version. Such as when I was very young I was plagued with nightmares and feelings of an evil presence when I awoke, reading from the KJV pocket New Testament with psalms edition made that presence leave. From that point on I have always revered it as the true word of God. I hope this is a help to you and that God will fill you with peace and all understanding. 
Remember: always seek it for yourself that you may have it written upon your heart and it will be a shield of faith unto you that will quench all the fiery darts of the  enemy.

August 12 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Sherry Polk Supporter
The everyday Bible I use is NIV...however when I come across scripture that I want to really get into I go back to my KJV for clarification...and in most cases I'll go from there to my Strong's Concordance...I believe EVERY translation that we have at our fingertips has man made mistakes when translating from Greek & Hebrew to English...I just continue to ask God for truths :)

August 12 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Chris Barlow Supporter
Dear Friends,

The KJV was ordered by King James I in the early seventeenth century in England because there were a number of english translations and he felt that there needed to be coherence. It was developed in the context of the Church of England. The language contained in it was the everyday language of the royal court and other educated institutions (it only seems "poetic" to modern ears today). It was also developed before the great vowel shift in England. But the vast proportion of society at that time could not read or write english. I guess it is important to bear in mind that all clergy at that date would have read and studied the Greek and Hebrew originals, and not english (or Latin) translations. 



August 12 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
Why is the KJV still read in this modern day and age? And how can the average person discern between truth and error among modern Bible Versions?

Answer: By applying the principles of scripture, we can know if we are holding the Word of God in our hands, the Bible, or being merchandised by another "Bible Translation."

1. "My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: For their calamity shall rise suddenly...! Prov. 24:21&22

Comment: In their zeal to merchandise the Christian community, unscrupulous Bible editors must make changes in scripture, in order to secure a copyright, and in doing so, not only have changed the meaning of many scriptures, but have perverted the words of the living God! Jer. 23:36 

2. Jesus said, "That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."

Comment: The Textus Receptus, which underlies the King James Bible contains the complete words of God. The Nestlé/Aland text, which underlies most modern Bibles, does not!  For example:

The NKJV deletes more than 20,000 words
The NASB deletes more than 40,000 words
The NIV deletes more than 64,000 words

It's impossible to obey Jesus' command to live by every word of God, if your Bible doesn't contain every word of God! To be disobedient to this command of Jesus, is to be in willful disobedience to the will of God! Other modern Bibles are all practicing the same spiritual declension, 
since they are all descended from the same corrupt source.

3. Jesus said: "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." John 6:63

It is only God's Words, which are spirit and life that can quicken or beget spiritual life, according to Jesus. To put ones faith in man's words, as found in modern translations, is spiritual folly.

4. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, (I.e. that is man's words or man's words mixed with God's words, since a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Gal. 5:9) but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." 1Pet. 1:23

Beloved, have you been born again by the incorruptible word of God, which Jesus said is spirit and life and the only source of eternal life, or are you trusting men's corruptible and fallible words as found in modern Bible Versions for your salvation?

August 12 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Fanny 035 Fanny Essamuah Supporter
The bible is translated into many languages and  for some languages they are spoken in one way and have not synonyms or modern words. Meaning you cant have different version of the same language.   How come the English bible is the only bible that has all these translations in the same language.  It is because the translators do it for money or because people are not willing to obey they need other ways to go around it.

August 12 2013 11 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Dina Perkins Supporter
It's so simple, it's hard.  If the language used, back in the day, is too unfamiliar with the language today, then you're going to struggle with the KJV.  So, why struggle?  There is such a beautiful seasoning to a good portion of the more updated  modern translations.   The way we can identify with the language of our day,  allows us to fall more in love with God each time we read. I don't think 'understanding' needs an excuse as to why we don't read in a language of old that we cannot relate to.  It's the translators that have the burden of this life and in the one to come.  With that said, enjoy the Holy Word of God in the language you understand.

August 12 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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