What is the Jezebel spirit?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
There is a variety of opinions about what constitutes a Jezebel spirit, everything from sexual looseness in a woman to the teaching of false doctrine-by a man or a woman. The Bible does not mention...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image41 Ezekiel Kimosop Supporter
The Jezebel Spirit is best illustrated by the special features that we can identify in the story of Jezebel in the Book of 1 Kings 16 going forward. She committed some of the most heinous crimes in Israel and introduced high occult that eclipsed the worship of the true God of Israel.

Ahab slept on his job and allowed Jezebel to subvert his royal authority and wreak havoc in Israel on an unprecedented scale. The buck stopped at his desk!

Behind some of the most powerful world dictators today are powerful women and evil advisers who rule from behind the throne until it becomes an open secret that the leader is too powerless to take charge.

There are four critical lessons we can learn from the study of Jezebel. 

1) God will punish evil no matter how high it is committed. Royalty or high office does not preclude one from God's sovereign authority. Ahab's case serves as a warning to the high and mighty that the consequences of their evil actions would follow them even after leaving office.

In a world where the mighty and powerful always appear to get away with impunity, we must remember that there is another court in heaven where power or rank is nothing before God. The great and the small alike shall face God's judgment.

The Bible warns us saying, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap" (Gal. 6:7).

2) We also learn that God will always preserve His remnant even in the worst of persecutions. The prophets and saints of old were persecuted and so will the true believers in Christ but God will keep His faithful who stand by the truth. 
Whatever pains we may be going through today because of standing by the truth, they are only for a season. God will finally vanguish all evildoers and consign them to their eternal destiny.

3) God is merciful and full of compassion beyond measure. His compassions fail not (Lam.3:22). He was touched by Ahab's remorse despite the gravity of his sin. No sin is beyond God's forgiveness if only we earnestly repent and forsake it.

It is easy to see Ahab or Hitler as the most wicked men of all time. This could be true but who of us can claim to be without sin?

Only Christ was and is sinless. We all need to always fall before the throne of grace to obtain mercy in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

4) The spirit of Jezebel is the most dangerous force behind the apostasy and false religions prevalent today. It is manipulative, rebellious and vengeful. It uses fear, threats and intimidation to have its way at whatever cost and ignores all moral restraints. 

It supports the evil notion that the end justifies the means. False teachers appear popular and smart and get their share of fame. When God finally exposes them for who they truly are, the world will reel in shock!

Jezebel excelled in cowering and silencing a whole nation by usurping the instruments of the throne from its legitimate holder. She never knew that there is a greater divine King towering above her.

There are leaders today who are captive to powerful and manipulative forces who execute their covert intentions through them.

We need to watch out lest the Jezebel spirit creeps into our church community and fosters strife and defiance and rebellion. This Jezebel spirit resists the Scriptural authority and exalts men in the place of God. 

It is unsubmissive and unruly; vengeful and cruel and unashamedly covets the centre stage as its altar where it ultimately seeks to dethrone the true agents of God.

This is the spirit that Jesus warned the church of Thyatira about saying in Rev.2:20-21: "Nevertheless, I have a few things against you because you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality..." [a metaphoric reference to counterfeit or apostate teachers or heretic sect and their polluted teachings that misrepresent the Person of Christ, His atoning works]

September 10 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1460145904 Dan Dao Supporter Missionary - Gods steps ministries
A spirit of Jezebel can be described as an anti God or anti Christ spirit. It's presence will never allow people to know God or follow Him in truth and in the spirit. A Jezebel spirit is one that seeks to please and satisfy its own desires and establish a worship contrary to that of God the most High, baseless doctrines and teachings. Fights the true doctrine of God at all cost and doesn't spare or fear men of God. It's a dangerous spirit we ought to be vigilant in the spirit and walk in the light of God.

May 10 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders Supporter
Rebillion is as the sin of witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23 Anytime you rebel against the teaching of our Lord. You are practicing false religion or witchcraft. The Lord made a very defining statement. Those that love me obey me. John 14:23 If you preach or teach against the wisdom and knowledge of God your practicing rebellion. The word of God says cast down every vain imaginanation every high thought that trys to exault itself above the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Knowledge is power in the world and in the Lord. If you have both you will have assured success in this life and the next eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

June 12 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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