Are Sadhu Selvaraj and Vincent Selvakumar true or false prophets?

Sadhu and Vincent prophesied about the Philippines. I feel they are injecting fear in the hearts and minds of my people. 

Clarify Share Report Asked December 05 2013 Stringio donna reyes Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Preacher Philippines

They condemn every other country on earth, except their own country that is rooted in idol worship, demon worship, witchcraft, killing and raping of women rampantly, brute behavior, corruption, killings of ethnic minorities (nagas, kashmiris, manipuris), female infanticide (killing of Hindu babies), ragging (killing of students in hostels), gangviolence, political thuggery, and all other forms of horror that Bible condemns in aniIdol worshiping nation. They also deny that India is cursed, but the Bible says India is a cursed nation. So instead of threatening the Philippines, they should first proclaim the coming wrath upon their own country.

July 06 2015 Report

Mini Lawrence Narayan

I like watching Sadu Selvaraj's preaching; however I cannot get over his claims that he has visions and Jesus appears to him to tell him things that he has to do in his ministry, and angels that appear to him and speak to him directly. If that were so then all his conversations with God should be added to the Bible as God's word since all the OT prophets' prophecies are recorded in the Bible. I am 71 of age and a believer for over 30 years, yet I am confused about Sadhu's claims about God speaking to him in person and giving him directions in his ministry. Can someone help me here as I love my Lord Jesus and eagerly await His coming to take us home, but I never had the privilege of speaking to Jesus in person like he does. I know one day in the future we will all see Him and worship Him together.

December 21 2018 Report

Mini Heather Dunaway

Preacher Phillippines:
Sadhu has spoken about judgments coming to his own nation on a number of occasions. Be careful to not judge. He is anointed by God and the bible warns not to touch the anointed of God. Also he isn't threatening any body, God has called Him to warn people about what God is about to do so that they can repent and turn away God's wrath. Which is what God has instructed prophets to do since the beginning of mans fall. Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, etc. Have all walked in the same manner under God's instruction. It warns in the bible about touching those God has anointed.

July 14 2020 Report

Mini Heather Dunaway

Lawrence Narayan:
I can testify that Sadhu is legit all the way. Jesus does appear to Him. It says in the Bible that the pure in heart will see God. And also Jesus mentions he will come and dine with us when we open the door. Also if we seek Him, we will find Him when we seek with all our heart. Personally I have seen Jesus on a few occasions, and He spoke nearly audibly a couple times. Blessings.

July 14 2020 Report

Mini Mary George

Heather, few points here
(1) Touch not the Lord's anointed - How come then Jesus was put to death, and His apostles were put to death? What about the early Christians that were persecuted? Touch not the Lord's anointed applies to physical harm done to certain old testament prophets, who were given a special mandate. Criticizing or questioning a person does not come under "touch not the Lord's anointed". No one is above criticism or questioning.

(2) I do not believe Sadhu has addressed the horrible problems in India. He focuses excessively on the United States most of the time, when the real problems in India are terrible and need to be addressed. Apart from few fleeting references made at times, he has rarely spoken about India's problems.

(3) You may or not have seen Jesus. That is your claim. I cannot believe things based on your claims. I can only believe what I read in the scriptures. The pure of heart shall see God, no one on this earth has achieved that yet. It comes when we are resurrected and and we are perfected. Jesus Himself said, do not believe anyone who says, Christ is in that room or this room. All shall see the Son of man when He returns.

January 03 2021 Report

Mini charlene ashley

We need to be Berean believers, especially in such a time as this. So many believers claiming so many things—especially relating to changes triggered by the pandemic. Every time a crisis happens, they would say it is the end times.Instead of giving hope we are prophesying gloom and doom.

July 05 2021 Report

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