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Are Sadhu Selvaraj and Vincent Selvakumar true or false prophets?

Sadhu and Vincent prophesied about the Philippines. I feel they are injecting fear in the hearts and minds of my people. 

Clarify Share Report Asked December 05 2013 Stringio donna reyes Supporter

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My passport new Arun Kumar Supporter Engineer, Chennai, India
I am residing in Chennai, India and well aware of one of their offices functioning in Chennai. They run a TV called "Angel TV" where even I have watched the programs when they telecasted their visit to Philipines, where they addressed many of the sins the people of Philipines do. 

Coming to the question, to test whether or not a prophecy is true, we need to have the filter "Bible". Jeremiah 14:14, KJV, warns us "Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart". 

All the prophecies and revelations are in the Bible and the canon is complete. We dont have any prophecy outside the Bible, but the gift of the prophecy was well active in the early Church since they lacked the consolidated New testament. In 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 says "Charity never faileth: but whether [there be] prophecies, they shall fail; whether [there be] tongues, they shall cease; whether [there be] knowledge, it shall vanish away. {13:9} For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. {13:10} But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away". Now there is no gift of prophecy since it has ceased as foretold in the Bible.

I will not condemn Sadhu Selvaraj and Vincent Selvakumar false prophets but looking them with the Bible as lens, not only their prophecy about Philipines, none of their prophecies are in-line with the scripture. Our frontline preachers in India have clearly warned our believers to be careful of these preachers, calling them "False prophets". To my understanding, they lack the proper knowledge to interpret the verse of our scripture. Hence they always mis-insterpret and mis-apply scriptures which is a result of their mis-conception. Please be aware of them. Novice believers are better advised to shun watching their TV programs concerning prophecy. There are other programs such as Hebrew language learning which may be worth watching.

While it is apparently true that there are some terrible sins in Philipines as as it is in other nations, and they are called for repentence, the prophecies uttered by these "twin" preachers regarding the nation Philipines and other countries are cleary false prophecies. I do not believe that these prophecies were given to them by God.

December 06 2013 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

Eced7a1f c81d 42f4 95ea 9d5719dce241 Singapore Moses Supporter Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist
Ex 18:20 says, "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die...."

There are three sources of prophecy:

►►► God through the Holy Spirit (Acts 3: 21; 2Tim. 3: 15- 17; Heb. 1: 1- 2; 1Pet. 1: 10- 13; 2Pet. 1: 21) 

►►► Satan himself or Satan through demon inspiration (Gen. 3: 4- 5; 1Sam. 28; 1Ki. 22; 1Chr. 10: 13- 14; Mt. 24: 24; 2Th. 2: 8- 12; Rev. 13: 11- 18; 16: 13- 16; 19: 20) 

►►► Man's own personal spirit (Deut. 13; 18: 20- 21; Jer. 23: 15- 17, 25- 40; 27: 9- 11, 14- 18; 28; Ezek. 13; 22: 23- 31; 1Cor. 14: 29- 33)

Fulfilled prophecy is generally accepted as being from God (Deut. 18: 22), but even this test is not absolute. Deut. 13: 1- 3 states that God may allow a sign from a false prophet to come to pass, to see if His people will act contrary to His own Word. Therefore, the real test is if a prophecy is in harmony with the Word of God. Anything contrary to the Word is false, for God will never contradict Himself.

► My discernment is that the prophecies from these men are either from satan or his own personal spirit only and NOT from the Lord... Please be warned!

► Seven ways false prophets are known:
1. By outward general conduct (Mt. 7:15; 5:20; 6:1- 24 23:1- 33 2Tim. 3:5)
2. By inward state (Mt. 7:15; 5:22, 28; 23:25- 28 Mk. 7:21- 23)
3. By the kind of fruit in works produced (Mt. 7:16- 20 23:1- 24 2Cor. 11:13- 15 Php. 1:15- 17 3:3, 17- 19)
4. By the kind of fruit in doctrine taught (Mt. 7:16- 20 12:33- 37 15:1- 9 16:12; 23:1- 33 1Tim. 4:1- 6 6:3- 5 2Tim. 3:1- 8 4:1- 4 2Pet. 2)
5. By professing to do, not doing the will of God (Mt. 7:21; 5:20; 23:1- 33)
6. By satanic backing (Mt. 7:22; 24:24; Acts 8:9- 13 13:6- 13 16:16- 24 2Cor. 11:13- 15 2Th. 2:8- 12 Rev. 13:1- 18 16:13- 16 19:20)
7. By their destiny (Mt. 7:23; 25:41, 46; 2Cor. 11:13- 15 Rev. 19:20; 20:10- 15)

August 05 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini GodsChild Forever Supporter Evangelist, Christian Blogger and Writer
Obviously they are false prophets. Sadly, many many people are deceived by them..They will speak as if they are in close contact with God, in a special position, seeing God face to face daily. These 2 people don't even know how to receive Salvation. They say that you have to work hard and be pure to earn your way to heaven. They say that Americans who teach "Salvation by grace through faith alone" are false teachers, without even knowing that that is what the Bible teaches.

They misinterpret and take bible passages out of context and deceive people. Run away from these people and expose them. Let not your friends and family members be deceived. Tell them about these false prophets. Don't support their tv channel. Their prophecies are false, they are judgmental and most probably unsaved.

December 31 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jim Dermanoski Supporter
I have been around some good prophets and many false ones for decades. The ones who were really hearing and seeing became outcasts from the divided denominational systems of men. The ones who drew the crowds, speaking of things that the assemblies wanted to hear, were promoted to interviews and TBN. 

I have listened to many tapes by Sadhu. Much of what he is saying is very needed and timely. Is he actually seeing and hearing from the Lord and all the Saints? I do not know, however, much may be gained from the words which are Truth. My view is that I am concerned over two issues. 

(1). He draws a boat load of attention to himself and makes the individual feel it is hopeless to get to his level. (2). It is the 20% that he is not saying that worries me. If he knows the Truth and challenges the divided assemblies of men, dealing with the false clergy/layman divisions of the enemy, and several other detoured concepts, he will lose his following and the venues will dry up quickly. Without this understanding, any end of days prophet will not be effective. I could say much more but this is enough.

September 12 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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