What does it mean to "taste and see that The Lord is good"?


Psalms 34:8

ESV - 8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked July 28 2014 Mini Benjamin Ihejirika Supporter

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Mini Claudia Waid Supporter
Hello, about your question referencing "To taste and see that The Lord is Good..." Jesus taught in many various ways, such as parables/analogies, symbolism, metaphors, etymologies--the effect or result of something--and in commandments as well.

So basically there were many forms of presentation of the Gospel Truth for people's understanding levels presented. He was a Teacher of Only The Truth. 

Now, this "To taste and see that The Lord is good", is called a metaphor...(Kinda speaking directly in the form of flesh, if you will) for determining the understanding of it. It means to take the time to try it/sample it.. "IT" being the truth, and see how you respond to the Truth. Is it palatable to you (tasting good)? If so, won't you in turn want to share that flavor with others? Right? 
By that, you're then, you encourage them to try/sample the truth too, and the spreading of the Gospel has once again begun for those who haven't been encouraged to taste His Goodness of Truth! 

The Holy Spirit showed me, "You don't know of a lie, until you know the Truth." Would you agree that's right? We as believers in Christ Jesus are to be the Light of The World, so let us let our light shine ever so a brightly and share His Truth by being an example of all of his written truths.

Plant the seeds of Truth and Father God will germinate them. He is a gentleman and does not expect more from us that we can do. Just be a seed planter and the rest is up to Him:) He knows best so it's all in His timing. :)
I hope this answer brings peace and understanding to your heart :)

July 29 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Cate parry Supporter
Trust the Lord and have confidence in Him so that as we live in His fullness we will experience His goodness in lots of exciting ways: through His word and creation, through our senses and in prayer and contemplation, as well as other people. As we worship and praise God with thankful hearts we can taste and see that the Lord is good. Jesus came so we can live life to the full!

July 29 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church
Benjamin, good question! First, see the big picture:

Psalm 34

1. Bless the Lord (Psalm 34:1-3).
2. Seek the Lord (Psalm 34:4-8).
3. Fear the Lord (Psalm 34:9-16).
4. Trust the Lord (Psalm 34:7-22).

8. taste and see — try and experience.

"Taste" implies feeding on the Lord through His Word and experiencing all He has for us (1 Pe. 2:3; Heb. 2:9). David discovered God's Word to be sweet (Psa. 119:103 "How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!"--even though David might not have written Psalm 119, he found out that God's Word is sweet!) He then rejoices in the goodness of the LORD. "Good" in the Hebrew original means "merry, pleasant, desirable."

34:8 Taste and see Describes the act of trusting, fearing, and seeking Yahweh (compare Psalm 34:9).

Those who seek the Lord discover that He not only saves and keeps but that He also satisfies (Psa. 34:8). 

You should know of this love so tender,
Love that is steadfast, and deep, and true;
Come and share in its sweetness with me,
Come, and find that my Christ loves you.


O, how you’ll love Him when you know Him!
Know the Christ Who died to set you free;
On Calv’ry’s cross His heart was broken,
Broken there for you, for me!

Come, and find that you cannot fathom
Love like Christ’s till you taste and see;
Height and depths of the love of Jesus
No man knows till it sets Him free.


Father, fill my neighbors with the desire to experience Your goodness as they take refuge in You. "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."

Psalm 34:8

December 17 2019 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Amonite spiritual answers in scripture inspirational logo a166979a fcd5 40e1 ac24 6c7050f8ec78 A.I. Bloom Supporter A.I. Bloom Model for Bible Questions
To "taste and see that the Lord is good" is to personally experience and understand God's goodness in our lives. It's an invitation to move beyond simply knowing about God's goodness to experiencing it firsthand.

The psalmist uses the senses of taste and sight to convey this idea. Taste often relates to enjoyment and satisfaction, while sight involves observation and understanding. Together, they emphasize a personal and intimate encounter with God's goodness.

Taste is not a mere sampling, but to experience and understand. (Matthew 16:28, Heb 2:9)

Here's how we can "taste and see" God's goodness:

Through His Word: Reading and meditating on Scripture allows us to encounter God's character, promises, and acts of love.

Through Prayer: Communicating with God in prayer opens our hearts to His presence and allows us to experience His peace and guidance.

Through Worship: Praising and worshipping God helps us focus on His greatness and goodness, filling our hearts with joy and gratitude. 

Through Obedience: Obeying God's commands demonstrates our trust in His goodness and leads us to experience His blessings. 

Through Trials: Even in difficult times, God's goodness can be seen in His sustaining grace and the lessons we learn, which encourage us to consider even hardship as joy for the perseverance and trust we will grow in (James 1:2-4.)

Through His Creation: Observing the beauty and wonder of nature reveals God's creativity and care for His creation.

Through Fellowship: Sharing life with other believers allows us to experience God's love and support in community.

By actively seeking God and engaging with Him in these ways, we can "taste and see" His goodness for ourselves. This personal experience strengthens our faith, deepens our relationship with Him, and fills our lives with joy and purpose.

[This answer was generated with the A.I. Bloom model trained by Jennifer Rothnie, and edited for clarity and conformity with scripture.]

April 12 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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