Is it wrong for a christian to dance to secular music?

My church doesn't support people dancing or hearing music of the world. They refer me to a verse in the bible saying, "Anyone who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God." Can you please explain?

Clarify Share Report Asked August 28 2014 Image Andrea Ramirez Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Terry Walker

I'll refer you to Romans 14, Paul talk of eating meat sacrificed to idols. I get two points from this, 1) don't do anything that may keep someone from following Christ, & 2) if you feel convicted about it, even a little doubt, then as Paul said, "If you do have doubts about whether or not not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it." So what is the Spirit saying to you? Do you feel out of place while dancing? Does the music draw you closer to God or away from him? I personally like some secular music, but I don't think I'd go to a concert because of what usually goes on there. I've also told that playing cards is a sin because some people use them to gamble with, I don't think playing UNO will send me to hell. I guess what I'm saying is it is a personal decision, between you and the Holy Spirit.

August 29 2014 Report

Image Andrea Ramirez

Thank you, I understand now. It's actually become a habit of not hearing secular music, and I'm glad. It's like God took the veil off my eyes and when I hear songs, like for example Katy Perry, I can hear/see the subliminal messages. And my husband actually told me something that made sense. Lucifer was God's right-hand man. He was also in charge of the music in heaven, like a music director. When he was cast down, I guess you can say, he used those same blessings to deceive the people. The secular music you hear now-a-days is filled with subliminal messages, or demons trying to attack you or brainwash you. This is why we need to be careful what we listen to. Even Christian artists are deceiving people, they are just wolves disguised as sheep. This is just a very interesting topic and I really hope that the people understand and believe. And thank you so much for responding to my question.

June 10 2015 Report

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As an Ethiopian Christian, I believe that it is okay to sing and worship GOD in any traditional beat. But we have to avoid the worldly/secular dances that go with the rhythms (ex. "eskista", which is shaking your shoulders and hips) because they do not glorify GOD. We should worship the way GOD wants us to worship. So it is wrong for a Christian to dance in the secular way.

May 18 2021 Report

Data Danny Hickman

What's wrong for you might not be wrong for others. Others might prefer to go by scripture instead of popular opinion.

If I attended a church and the word there was that dancing and listening to music was forbidden, I would find a different church to attend. I would never waste time at a rules oriented ministry. I don't think ministry is the main focus where music and personal entertainment preferences are the focus. It sounds like a club to me.

January 28 2022 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I am "the church;" let me be the first to admit that. I say it that way because I have more to say that might make that admission sound strange.

All my life I've been in close relationship with others who are "the church." The church has always been about pretending. Pretending to, and pretending not to. "The world" calls the church hypocrites. Hypocrites pretend to be whom they are not. Actually, the church admits to being a sinner whom Jesus has redeemed from the penalty of sin, which is death. The only way to become the church is to admit your sin.

The world is talking about a different pretense. The church's pretense is cultural. The church pretends to not drink strong drink, swear, listen to certain music, watch certain movies and TV shows, and dance. In fact, the cultural habits of the church are identical to those of the world. I'm not telling a holy secret, everybody knows what I'm saying is true.

We don't do the things that don't interest us. It's no biggie for me to say, 'I don't listen to rap music;' of course I don't. It doesnt pertain to me. Unsaved seniors don't listen to it either. Young believers do!

I don't like most movies that are made today, so I don't watch them. They aren't made with me in mind. Young believers watch them.

I quit alcohol years ago, I didn't like how it made me feel. That's the only reason I quit it. If I like something I do it, if not, I don't. I don't like dancing.

Cussin' makes you sound ignorant; it never interested me.

January 29 2022 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I'm glad I don't see music as evil. I think that's some kind of phobia!! I hope that kind of "awakening" never happens to me.

It reminds me of when I was a kid; my mom's brother (God rest his soul) got born again and suddenly thought God didn't want his family to watch TV. His children were miserable until he came to his senses. I remember thinking, “I hope whatever happened to him never happens to me.” It was evident that he was a changed man. But all change isn't good change. He had to find the middle. Thankfully, he did.

If you don't like secular music it's a good idea to not listen to it. You don't have to make it out to be evil, which means the rest of us who do like secular music are being deceived. I don't like being thrown under the bus that way.

I don't use alcohol. But I don't demonize the use of alcohol. I can be around people who drink and not let on that I don't drink. Lots of people are apprehensive about drinking in the presence of a person who doesn't indulge. Why, I don't know...
It's amazing, the things that make us proud of ourselves!

January 29 2022 Report

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