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Why did the Israelites need manna if they had flocks/herds of animals that they could eat?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
In Exodus 9:1-7, the Bible tells us that the children of Israel had cattle or livestock while living as slaves in Egypt. And in Exodus 12:30-31, Pharaoh tells Moses to get out of Egypt after the fi...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kenneth Heck Supporter
As slaves in Egypt the Israelites would not have been able to accumulate much wealth in the form of flocks and herds. Only those in favor with the Egyptians would have had this opportunity. So it is a mistake to think all the Israelites had sufficient herds or flocks to exist on in the wilderness. Many of them probably had no animals to take with them.

Another factor is that the herds and flocks could not have found enough food in the wilderness for large numbers of animals (or it would not be called a wilderness). So it would be to the Israelites advantage to slaughter their animals more quickly than normal before they suffered the full effects of starvation, or trade them with travelling merchants for animals more desirable for sacrifice (cattle traded for sheep and goats, for example).

Since, generally speaking, there was little, if any, food for human beings found in the wilderness, the manna was critical in preventing any Israelite individual or family from inadvertently suffering from malnutrition or starvation, even though some may have had food due to their animals. I believe that the further they went into their 40-year sojourn the more the Israelites relied exclusively on manna.

April 05 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Alan suthard Supporter
Large quantities of livestock (bulls, lambs, goats) were required to be used as sacrifices as specified by their Law, both ceremonial and for atonements. I believe that if they had used the animals for food, it would have overcome the replenishment rate. Giving up the food you want to eat is truly a "sacrifice".

September 24 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Pastor Shafer Supporter
[Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would God we had died in this wilderness!]
If every idle word is to be judged (Mt. 12:36), idle prayers will be doubly judged for they enter a sacred and supernatural realm, calling on God to share in their excesses. Solomon calls the prayers of the wicked "an abomination to the Lord" (Prov. 15:8). Israel certainly had this prayer answered, for all the old generation, except Joshua and Caleb, died over a period of forty years, beginning at once (Num. 14:23-37).

[Then] Before this Caleb and Moses tried to bring Israel to obedience, but failed (Num. 13:30; Dt. 1:29). 

Verse 5
The only thing to do now was to seek God's intervention. 
Note the acts of the four men: 
1. Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly 
2. Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes and pleaded with Israel to believe the wonderful report about the land, assuring them that God would give them victory in conquering the inhabitants of Canaan (Num. 14:6-9) 

Verse 8
[delight in us] 
This is the secret of all blessing from God: He blesses the people in whom He delights.

Verse 9
[they are bread for us] 
Meaning, "we will swallow them up." A figurative expression for utterly defeating another. It alludes to manna which melted when the sun rose and became hot (Ex. 16:21).

Likewise, the inhabitants would melt when Israel attacked them, not having God for their shadow or defense (Ex. 15:15; Josh. 2:9,11; Isa. 13:7; 19:1; Ezek. 21:7). 

[defense] Hebrew: tsel (HSN-), shadow; shade; defense.
It speaks of their protection or support being taken away.

Verse 10
[all the congregation bade stone them with stones] This was the climax of their present rebellion. If God had not intervened, the people would have killed their leaders and started back to Egypt, only to perish along the way. 

Verse 11
[how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them?] 
This could be asked of so many today who constantly question the fulfillment of God's promises. It could have applied to the apostles themselves, for they saw many signs and wonders for over three years, then had to be rebuked by Christ for their unbelief and hardness of heart (Mk. 16:14; Lk. 24:25). 

Verse 12
[I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they.] 
God again threatened to destroy the whole nation, as He did in Ex. 32:10-14. Moses was offered the chance to become the progenitor of a greater nation, but declined because of his love for Israel and concern for God's reputation (Num. 14:12-20). 

Verse 13
[Then the Egyptians shall hear it] 
Moses used the same tactics in prayer that proved successful the last time God threatened to destroy Israel. He pleaded for God's honor to be upheld in fulfilling before all other nations those things He had promised regarding Israel (Num. 14:13-20 with Ex. 32:10-14). 
What others would think of God if He failed to do what He had vowed was a powerful argument. On the other hand, God's promises, covenants, and dealings with men are based on obedience, and He is free to curse for disobedience as well as bless for obedience, regardless of what others think.

Verse 18
[forgiving iniquity and transgression]
With atonement made God forgives when sin is confessed and repented of; but all His longsuffering, love, and mercy will not permit Him to bless people while they continue in sin and rebellion (1Jn. 1:9). 

[by no means clearing the guilty] This is equivalent to the unalterable fact that "whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of My book" (Ex. 32:33). God will not clear the guilty as long as he remains guilty -- refusing to repent and accept God's means of salvation. 
Until they turn to Him, God must punish people accordingly for their sins (Ezek. 18:4,20-24; Lk. 13:1-5; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 10:9-10; 1Jn. 1:9).

February 20 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Justin Hale Supporter
The Bible refers to Jesus as the 'Bread from heaven,' (John 6:51). The word translated 'Manna' in English, in Hebrew simply means, 'What is it?' This is what the nation of Israel kept saying over and over again when they saw the strange substance form on the ground around them, so GOD called the substance 'Manna.'

Jesus explains that this special food can give a person eternal life, yet those who ate it in the desert died anyway because they continued to long for the more 'earthly' food even while they ate the life-giving bread from heaven, (John 6:47-51).

Manna is the 'ultimate food' in the sense that every form of wisdom from GOD must be applied to its creation. Mankind has learned many methods of refining foods to optimize it for their health or use by the body. This is a very distant 'copy' of the holy arts involved in producing the 'ultimate food.'

We can be certain from scripture that it is the 'angels' of GOD who have already learned these sacred arts since we are told that they are 'ministering spirits sent to minister to those who will inherit salvation,' (Hebrews 1:14). 

So imagine truly wise 'men' working on this project for long ages and attempting through the Holy Spirit to teach us. The ancient Israelite congregation was not prepared to accept or appreciate this amazing substance. We are told that they lusted for the 'impure' and less wise version until its use finally killed them. 

To them, this was simply 'old age' taking hold of them. They never appreciated that GOD had given them a very literal food offering them endless life. It is not any particular substance that makes 'Manna' so powerful and life-giving, but it is the word of GOD expressed in its formation and use that offers mortal human beings the opportunity to be like the angels and perpetually drive away the processes of sin and death.

"But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.’” (Matthew 5:5).

The angels embody this holy word and their 'food' contains its wisdom. Jesus tells us that we will someday be like them, which would mean that we will eat the same spiritual food representing all of His wisdom and skill. 

Until we fully appreciate Christ, we will also keep saying, 'What is He?' We intermingle 'tasting' His grace and wisdom with other 'foods' offered by the world. We too often treat Him as just one 'option' among many. But this is ultimately disrespectful and destructive to us. Jesus Is the Source of all wisdom and knowledge offered to humans by GOD, (Colossians 2:2-3). His 'food' is the only path to eternal life. 

As we do eat and enjoy various foods, we should be fully aware that we do so as part of the same sacred arts that will eventually teach us how to produce 'Manna.' GOD wants us to enjoy the process as it unfolds and to be grateful for all that He provides, rejecting nothing and receiving it with thanksgiving and prayerful contemplation, (1 Timothy 4:4-5).

As we progress in our wisdom, we should actually see a vibrant new form of health that begins to eclipse the world with all of its endless 'dietary' advice and empty promises. They take several steps back every time they take a new step forward, ruining themselves with empty lusts and self-destructive pleasures. This new 'food' domain is also a place where the 'good news' will eventually manifest and people will begin to see Christ as the Source of wisdom. 

Yet, scripture also promises a collective struggle in our spiritual 'youth' where we get tossed about by every wind of new human doctrine, by trickery, by craftiness and by deceitful scheming, (Ephesians 4:14). This should not discourage us any more than Moses might have been discouraged as the magicians of Egypt matched each new sign or miracle GOD sent until their 'tricks' finally ran out and they could no longer compete.

The same will ultimately happen with the Church and our 'Manna' will be unmatched, (Ephesians 4:15-16).

September 13 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Billy P Eldred Supporter
As has been said, we don't know the full answer to this question but here is my simple explanation. 

First, there were many Israelites. It wouldn't take much imagination to realize how quickly the livestock would dwindle feeding them.

Also, have you ever gone on a low carb diet? When you eat only meat, your body goes into a state called ketosis and you lose weight very quickly. Even if it were possible to live on meat alone, the Israelites would have thought they were starving to death just from weight loss alone. 

Also, when you eat only meat, after a while, meat, it begins to taste terrible, thus the grumbling of the Israelites.

God provided the manna which provided everything the Israelites needed to live as long as it took for the journey, yet they still grumbled so God provided Quail.

Today, God provides everything we need and yet we grumble. We need to be more thankful and grumble less! Our God is an awesome God!

August 12 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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