What was the Old Testament way of salvation?


Clarify (3) Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Mini A F

And another way of explaining the gospel is, we are no longer subject to eternal death for not keeping the law. But we are justified by faith in that God's grace is sufficient for us. But God did not remove the law and we are still to aspire to being God like as Jesus kept each law perfectly. But Jesus is our advocate in case we fail to keep the lot perfectly. And this is where many churches fail because they misinterpret this aspect of faith and so Christians are not even discernible in the public because they have lost their salt.

April 02 2017 Report

Mini Bob Dixon

The Law was more then just the 10 Commandments there are over 650 laws that were given, are you saying you are still living under these laws and that "we" should be striving to do so today as well?

March 31 2018 Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie


If you ever read a list of the 613 commandments, most are just quotes or commands, all direct from scripture. While there are a few that would be irrelevant to us as they deal with the laws of Israel, most are actually good things that Christians should strive to do. That doesn't mean we will be able to keep them perfectly or that we are saved by doing so or that the commandments themselves are what are perfecting us vs. the Spirit. Rather, we walk by the Spirit and the Spirit helps us obey God.

For an example of a few:

To know there is a God—Exodus 20:2 (True of every Christian)

To not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him—Exodus 20:3 (Good for Christian's to strive for)

To love Him—Deut 6:5, To fear Him—Deut 10:20, To sanctify His Name—Lev 22:32 (Again, all good things.)

Not to have sexual relations with your father's sister—Leviticus 18:12 (good to strive for there, too.)

Not to commit injustice with scales and weights—Leviticus 19:35 (Also good.)


We don't strive to keep the commandments as if that will perfect us, but walking by the Spirit will help us get better at obeying God. The motive changes from trying to follow rules from the outside in to trying to change from the inside out. II Pet 1:3-11 shows what God is really concerned about; not how well we keep mitzvahs, but whether we are growing in knowledge, virtue, self-control, etc. That will lead to us following God from the heart.

April 01 2018 Report

Mini A F

Yes, some that are still relevant. These laws set us apart and fulfill the law of love, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” The Ten Commandments are also still relevant. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said our behavior must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. We are to keep these laws in our minds as well. Unfortunately, false teachers have disregarded Jesus' words. The keeping of these laws is called works. As such, they do not save us; salvation is produced through faith in Jesus Christ. But Paul said faith is accompanied by works. If there are no works, what evidence is there of faith? So, believe with all your heart, mind and soul that Jesus Christ is Lord. Be baptized that you might receive the Holy Spirit to help you live a life becoming of Christ’s faithful followers.

April 01 2018 Report

Mini Cheryl Loraditch

The same as the Brit chadasha. He is Yahuah he changes not.

October 19 2018 Report

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