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S. Michael Houdmann

Got Questions Ministries
S. Michael Houdmann is the Founder, President, and CEO of Got Questions Ministries, the parent ministry for

Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence.

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What does the Bible say about reading or writing fiction?

The Bible is the Book of Truth. Several times it exhorts us to speak truth...

Comment 2 More Answers 16 Votes Asked July 01 2013


If Adam and Eve hadn't sinned, introducing death into creation, wouldn't the world have gotten overpopulated?

When God first created Adam and Eve, when they were still in the Garden of...

6 Comments 4 More Answers 29 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Why is faith without works dead?

James says, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without...

5 Comments 11 More Answers 25 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What is the doctrine of eternal Sonship and is it Biblical?

The doctrine of eternal Sonship simply affirms that the second Person of the...

4 Comments 1 More Answer 6 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What is the difference between God's sovereign will and God's perfect will?

When speaking of God's will, many people see three different aspects of it in...

Comment 1 More Answer 21 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What does the Bible say about honesty?

Honesty is truthfulness. An honest person has the habit of making accurate,...

5 Comments 2 More Answers 6 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What are the Stations of the Cross and what can we learn from them?

The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Via Dolorosa, is a narration of...

1 Comments 13 Votes Asked July 01 2013


How is the Trinity not tritheism?

The doctrine of the Trinity is at the very center of the Christian faith....

10 Comments 3 More Answers 19 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What is the difference between the soul and spirit of man?

The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial aspects that Scripture...

4 Comments 6 More Answers 39 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Who were the Edomites?

The Edomites were the descendants of Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac and the...

Comment 12 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Who are the Shakers?

The Shakers, formally the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second...

2 Comments 10 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Did God use the Big Bang to create the universe?

Prior to the 20th Century, it was not clear if the universe ever had a...

5 Comments 21 More Answers 42 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?

In the shifting winds of modern cultures, the idea of everlasting torment and...

4 Comments 4 More Answers 23 Votes Asked July 01 2013


What should we learn from the life of Deborah?

Deborah was one of the judges of Israel during a time of oppression. She is...

Comment 15 Votes Asked July 01 2013


Why did God allow polygamy / bigamy / polygyny in the Bible?

The question of polygamy is an interesting one in that most people today view...

8 Comments 9 More Answers 35 Votes Asked July 01 2013