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Steve VanDyke

Director, Community Servants Missions Training School, TN
Became a follower of Jesus at age 20, married with 2 children. I was a late bloomer as far as an obedient disciple, and at age 35 felt called to go on my first mission trip- to India. Fell in love with God, His Word and the harvest in the land of India. 2007, my family and I moved to India as missionaries. I helped train church planters in a T4T method based on 2 Timothy 2:2. Ministry was going well and many biblical churches were being planted and reproducing disciples and leaders and multiplying into other communities. In 2011, God called us to become missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand- sent out by our home church. Humbly, we have served here and are attempting to multiply disciples, leaders and churches among the Thai people. God has not only used me as a teacher and trainer internationally, but I have also been the beneficiary of many great leaders who have discipled me and God has grown me in maturity to understand and teach the Word to more people to build His kingdom. I enjoy reading the answers to the questions on e-Bible and look forward to answering some more myself. Summer of 2015, I have taken a position as Director of Missions Training in Smyrna, TN and enjoy equipping obedient disciples of Jesus to go to the ends of the earth and bring the Good News.

Recent Activity


When Jesus was nailed to the cross did the nails go through His hands or His wrists?

There are many scriptural references to Jesus having his hands pierced when...

Comment 6 More Answers 7 Votes Asked August 08 2016


How should Christians respond to immigrants of other religions?

Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20),...

1 Comments 1 Vote Asked March 04 2016


Why did Jesus need a treasurer (Judas)?

Jesus utilized a treasurer- someone to handle the money for the group, in...

1 Comments Asked March 04 2016


If God is the God of everything, is He the God of satan as well?

Yes, God is Lord over everything, including Satan. In the book of Job, Satan...

Comment 1 More Answer 4 Votes Asked February 19 2016


Does Genesis chapter 1 mean literal 24-hour days?

I used to adhere to the fact that God could have taken his time creating each...

Comment 10 More Answers 4 Votes Asked February 18 2016


Why does God often wait to judge the wicked, vs. judging them now as they live on Earth?

Somtimes judgment does come to the wicked in the form of consequences to...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 24 2015


What should we learn from the golden calf incident in Exodus 32?

The obvious answer to the lesson is that only God is to be worshiped, and no...

Comment 5 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 17 2015


Can a lay person lead a communion service?

I have been blessed to be able to learn and to pass on the Biblical teaching...

5 Comments 13 More Answers 9 Votes Asked January 06 2015


How could I give an easily understood salvation message supported with scriptural references?

There are two good ways that I like to use, that use scripture to present the...

Comment 1 More Answer 5 Votes Asked December 01 2014


Why did Jesus say, for example: "You have heard that it was said; an eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you not to resist an evil person"?

I believe that Jesus knew the culture, and what the people did in their lives...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked November 20 2014


Why is faith in the existence of God so much more important than knowledge of the existence of God?

The difference between knowledge and faith in the existence of God is that...

1 Comments 4 More Answers 9 Votes Asked November 18 2014


Is taking holy communion during a Christian fast going to break the fast?

This depends on what someone is fasting from. You can fast from many things....

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked November 18 2014


What should Christians do in their free time?

We are to be good stewards of all that God gives us and provides for us. With...

Comment 2 Votes Asked October 07 2014


Is observing the Ten Commandments more important than observing commands in other parts of the Bible?

The Ten Commandments are the first and most important laws that God gave to...

Comment 5 More Answers 6 Votes Asked September 29 2014