Child of God
Fight the good fight !
"You have but one enemy to fear — your own negative volition toward Truth!"
"To neglect Truth for even a day is to invite disaster!"
"No believer is too ignorant or too academically deficient to learn Truth if he will stick with it! "
Truth is the ammunition for our offensive action in the devil’s world. If believers are not taught Truth every day, they are unprepared for battle and will suffer inevitable defeat from reversionism! GUARANTEED!
too many lives are wrecked on the shoals of laziness and rejection of Truth.
Luk 12:35 "Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit.
All The Doctrines; The Full Realm Of
Scripture. The Isagogical, Categorical,
Exegetical, Grammatical, Literal,
Historical, Etymological, Contextual,
Hermeneutical Interpretation Of The Word
Of God!