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Christa Upton

Homemaker, Writer, Taylor University graduate
I was baptized in a Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) and came to Christ in Kindergarten at the Baptist school I attended. I have found blessings and rich traditions in other denominations also--non-denominational, Presbyterian Church of America, Methodist, and now Evangelical Free.  My parents and Christian school teachers helped me learn God's Word from a young age, and I am so thankful for God's saving grace and love.  I met my wonderful husband at Taylor University.  We were married in 1992, and our children were born in 1997, 2001, and 2005.  Our youngest suffers from spina bifida and related problems, but the love of God shines through her, as well as through our other two children. We are so grateful for what God is doing in them.  Around 2009, I became very ill from accidental Toxic Injury (extremely severe).  We have been struggling since then, but recently the Lord has provided the means for treatment for me, and we are very excited. It is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, and we can't wait to see what God will do. 

Recent Activity


Are Interfaith ministries appropriate?

My husband and I believe that NO interfaith ministries are appropriate. We...

Comment 5 More Answers 7 Votes Asked December 10 2014


Does James 5:14-16 promise that God is going to heal (physically, on earth) every believing Christian who asks in faith for healing?

If so, what other Scriptures would confirm this? If not, how should we...

James 5:14 - 16

14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Comment 3 Answers 1 Vote Asked October 10 2014


How can I follow Christ as a teenager in a non-believing family and honor my parents?

Is there possibly a Biblical church in your town that has small group evening...

1 Comments 13 More Answers 1 Vote Asked October 10 2014


Was it unfair for God to allow Job to suffer over what was basically an argument between God and Satan?

No, God was not unfair to Job; God is always perfect, just, righteous, and...

Comment 6 More Answers 7 Votes Asked April 21 2014


Is Doug Addison a real prophet?

Doug Addison sounds like a very intelligent, strong, energetic, and fun...

7 Comments 7 Votes Asked April 11 2014


Is abuse an acceptable reason for divorce?

Spousal abuse is clearly a sin, in fact a very insidious one. 1 Timothy 5:8...

1 Comments 12 More Answers 7 Votes Asked March 29 2014


Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?

Require? How about "allow"? God giving us the Sabbath reminds me of a parent...

Comment 18 More Answers 5 Votes Asked February 10 2014