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Philip Davies


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What did Jesus mean by telling the Pharisees, "You are like unmarked graves, and people walk over them and are not aware of it."?

Jesus used very powerful language and searching metaphors in his speech. By...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked September 29 2017


How does speaking in tongues edify a person?

to Edify means to build someone up. You can only do that through their mind...

Comment 1 More Answer 6 Votes Asked September 22 2017


Who are the Israelites in today's society that God was referring to as his chosen people?

The Jews and the nation of Israel no longer have any privileged status before...

Comment 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 20 2017


How seriously should I consider the words of a complete stranger who told me, "God told me to tell you, God has a plan."?

I think that this is a serious and important question. There are some...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 14 2017


Is there anything I can do to guarantee myself a long life?

It has already been pointed out that the fifth commandment: "Honour your...

2 Comments 5 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 12 2017


Does 1 Peter 3:21 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?

This is all about one single thing. Is salvation by faith or by works? Some...

Comment 14 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 07 2017


What is the Anthropic Principle?

The world we live in has all the right ingredients for life and seems...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked September 04 2017


What is the significance of the weight of gold that King Solomon received yearly (666) to the number of the anti-Christ, which is also 666?

There is no connection. Just because two numbers are the same does not mean...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked August 01 2017


When will the dead be raised in Christ?

OK let's take it phrase by phrase and see if we can understand what Paul is...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked June 21 2017


How does Genesis 38:9 relate to masturbation, or not?

To answer the question directly; Gen 38:9 has nothing to do with...

Comment 4 More Answers 2 Votes Asked June 20 2017


Is christening in the Bible?

Christening means the act of giving a child a Christian name, but by...

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked June 12 2017


Does a Christian have to be baptized first before he or she can partake in communion?

No, a person does not need to be baptised in order to share with other...

Comment 8 Votes Asked April 27 2017


Should Christians support the nation of Israel?

No, it is no part of the Christian's mandate to support the nation state of...

4 Comments 8 More Answers 8 Votes Asked April 25 2017


How can we prove that we are different from animals in God's eyes to those who adhere to the theory of evolution?

The Bible says that Man is uniquely different from the animals in that he...

Comment 7 More Answers 11 Votes Asked February 16 2017


What are the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib and Post-Trib views of the rapture?

These are three different positions that believers take towards the Rapture...

7 Comments 2 More Answers 4 Votes Asked February 15 2017