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Tim Maas

Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I was raised as a Lutheran, but now consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I have been married for 37 years, and have two married children -- a son who is an attorney, and a daughter who is a mathematics teacher -- as well as a granddaughter who was born in April, 2019, and another granddaughter who was born on 17 February 2020.  I retired in 2013 after 35 years as a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), which is a civilian (Civil Service) career program that inspects and classifies the Army's stockpile of conventional, guided missile, and toxic chemical munitions, so that the Army has an accurate picture of the serviceability and safety of its ammunition stockpile at any given time.   

Recent Activity


What does the Bible say about heaven?

The Bible speaks of three heavens -- the atmosphere surrounding Earth;...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked May 11 2020


Were the sons of God fallen angels?

As suggested in the question, my understanding is that, in the opinion of...

2 Comments 1 More Answer Asked May 10 2020


Were Adam and Eve real people or just myths? (Genesis 1:27)

To me, the most persuasive indication of the actual existence of Adam and Eve...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 10 2020


Are we in "a Daniel moment" right now with the coronavirus?

To me, the situations in the question are not strictly a parallel analogy....

1 Comments 4 Votes Asked May 10 2020


How do people "subdue" the earth? (Genesis 1:28)

I would say that God's command to humans to subdue the earth (prior to the...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked May 10 2020


Why didn't the nakedness of Adam and Eve embarrass them before the fall (Genesis 2:25)?

I believe that it was Mark Twain who said, "Man is the only animal that...

Comment 2 More Answers 4 Votes Asked May 10 2020


Why didn’t God warn Adam and Eve about the serpent when they were in the Garden of Eden?

God had told Adam and Eve the only things they needed to know -- that they...

4 Comments 11 More Answers 13 Votes Asked May 10 2020


What is the biblical view of a man having a beard or other facial hair?

To me, it would be safe to conclude that the majority of men in biblical...

Comment 1 Vote Asked May 09 2020


Why would the shepherd in Psalm 23:5 anoint the sheep's head with oil?

I would say that, while the psalm starts with imagery likening God's care for...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 09 2020


What does it mean that God sends rain on the just and the unjust alike in Matthew 5?

Jesus spoke these words in connection with His commandment to His followers...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked May 08 2020


What is the book of the covenant referred to in Exodus 24:7?

Since this verse appears in Exodus 24:7, I would say that the portion of...

Comment Asked May 08 2020


Who was Potiphera and is he the same man as Potiphar?

By my reading of relevant texts and commentaries, these two individuals were...

Comment 2 Votes Asked May 07 2020


How can we avoid the "wages of sin" and escape the spiritual death Romans 6:23 mentions?

In a word, by faith. Temporal death and eternal separation from God -- who is...

1 Comments 4 Votes Asked May 04 2020


How did sprinkling an unclean person with the ashes of an "heifer" provide sanctifying and purifying of the flesh?

The ritual being referred to in the passage from Hebrews cited in the...

2 Comments 2 Votes Asked May 04 2020


Why is John chapter 3 verse 16 popular?

I would say that John 3:16 is so frequently cited because of the concise...

1 Comments 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked May 03 2020