What is the significance of Jesus having been condemned in place of Barabbas by the crowd and the chief priests?


Matthew 27:26

ESV - 26 Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified.

Clarify Share Report Asked January 30 2015 9aa51e4b447252291b959c696fb96539 400x400 Jeremiah Kaaya Supporter

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9aa51e4b447252291b959c696fb96539 400x400 Jeremiah Kaaya Supporter Pastor at Springs of Power Church, Teacher by professional
The Bible gives us a chronology of events which consequently led to the crucifixion of Jesus. One of them is the unfounded request by the Jews and their religious leaders to condemn Jesus in place of the robber and rapist Barabbas.

For Barabbas was a robber (John 18:40). But the custom of the Jews was that on the Passover, one of the prisoners would be released (John 18:39). 

The day of the Passover itself being mentioned here is more than significant. For it was on the Passover that the angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites who had applied the blood of the lamb on their doorsteps but killed all those who had not the same blood applied on their doorsteps (Exodus 12:21-23). This is perfectly symbolic and telling of the mission of Jesus. That even how the blood was applied in the cross like structure was perfectly representative of the cross.

When asked by the governor which of the two; Jesus and Barabbas he would release to them being that it had been their custom on the day of the passover to release one of the prisoners, the Jews and their religious leaders replied that; Barabbas be set free and have Jesus condemned in his place. This itself has multitudes of lessons among which are the following;

Jesus is the true Savior
Salvation comes right to us
Iconic and symbolic of the fulfillment of the mission of Jesus
It is of us to embrace Salvation
Focus and Purpose

Jesus is the true Savior
This event alone tells how true a Savior Jesus is. For whether the Jews did it oblivious of what implications it made or not, it remains to tell the true nature of Jesus. That in the place of a robber, it was Jesus who was condemned on unfounded accusations. For Jesus came that the sinners be set free. This is what happened with Barabbas. Had it not been for Jesus, Barabbas would have surely been condemned. Thus Jesus insists that; if one denies He is (the Savior), he surely dies in his sins (John 8:24). Yet the reward awaits (Romans 6:23).

Salvation comes right to us
Unexpectedly and oblivious of what it was, Salvation had come to Barabbas. For Salvation is not about whether we have sinned or not but from self realization of who we are. Man is a sinner and Barabbas was no exceptional (Romans 3:23), (1John 1:8-9). On this fact, Salvation comes to us any time anywhere because this is what Jesus came for.

Iconic and symbolic of the fulfillment of the mission of Jesus
This event was iconic and symbolic of the fulfillment of the mission of Jesus. Jesus had come to save us from the potential danger of sin. This mission was first realistically fulfilled on Barabbas who had been a robber. For Jesus who was blameless and righteous was exchanged for Barabbas the robber. The fact being that our sins were expunged by the condemnation and consequent death of Jesus. For Jesus had to die for the remission of the human sin (John 19:49-51).

It is of us to embrace Salvation
Jesus has accomplished the mission. If to say, the food is on the dinning table. It is of one to choose to eat or not to. For Barabbas had all the space to embrace salvation just as anybody else is. For coming to Christ doesn't require to have been what type of a sinner, it is simply to embrace the gospel of Jesus. It is of one to choose between light and darkness (John 3:19-21). I only wonder if Barabbas had realized he had had equal space. 

Focus and Purpose
In the human sense, how would Barabbas have been granted the gift of Salvation? The fact that Jesus was crucified after He had been exchanged for Barabbas tells that Barabbas had been to undergo the same. For in the human sense, one sinner looks worse than the other. If a human was to be consulted on who should be saved, our choices would be pretty founded on physical attributes. To Jesus, a gay needs Salvation much as a chicken thief is. Jesus remained focused and purposeful despite the conditions He underwent. For He overcame human emotions. Anywhere and everywhere, Jesus displayed He is the Savior.

February 06 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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