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What does the Bible say about anal sex? What is sodomy according to the Bible?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
There is no overt mention of anal sex in the Bible. In the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19, a large group of men sought to gang rape two angels who had taken the form of men. The reason...

July 01 2013 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Tot Tito Dulay Lim Supporter Former College Instructor. Looking for a job in the church.
In the context of God creating us male and female only, no more no less, it is clearly understood that the sexual organs, which we identify as penis and vagina for man and woman respectively are the only members of their bodies that are to be used for the purpose of sexual intercourse; not tongue, finger, mouth or anus is permitted to be used in place of the obvious sexual organs. The use of the other bodily members for sexual activity is lustful and a perversion from normal and which could be categorized as immoral, thus, an abomination to God.

Therefore, anal sex and oral sex even if they are done after marriage are considered as sin. More so to homosexual acts.

Let us not be deceived by the intense passion added by the devil to distort the natural and normal functions that the CREATOR intends for every member of our body. It is here where self control comes in.

May the HOLY SPIRIT guides us. AMEN

December 06 2013 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

2013 09 15 08 57 49 546 Dorcas Sitali Supporter Miss Dorcas sitali
It is an abomination the closest the bible comes to this is found in romans 1:27 when it talks of men losing natural affection with women... and are inflamed for each other. People who call themselves gay practice anal sex and as we read from the same chapter the righteous judgement comes because of such acts also sodom and gomorrah was destroyed not just for gay ism and lesbianism but also for such perversions. Futher more more in lev 20:13 you shall not lie with any mankind as you lie with a woman in chapter 18 talks of not having sex when a lady is having her menstrual flow clearly i see that that he is not talking of anal sex.

September 20 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20160503 16281 7os4ia Carol Greaves Supporter
Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; leaves no stone unturned as to what is an abomination. Romans 1:26,27 repeats the natural use of the woman versus that which is against nature. Let's prayerfully consider and understand, under the influence of the Holy Spirit what the word is plainly stating. In marriage or out; with consent or not, an abomination cannot become acceptable or holy because of consent or marital status.

May 03 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Steven Best Supporter Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher
The word “sodomy” does not appear in the Bible, but the judgment of God upon Sodom does, and any attempts to distance that from the practice of anal sex fails. 2 Peter 2:6-9 and Jude 1:7 clearly shows the sins of Sodom involved unnatural sex, and Sodomy has been biblically defined from antiquity under the Common Law as anal intercourse, which the statutes referred to as a “crime against nature,” or copulation “against the order of nature.” Following the fall of Jerusalem, Christianity and Islam dominated most of the world, setting laws and legal rulings against anal sex throughout Europe, Africa, and much of Asia. Following the French Revolution, sodomy laws were repealed, but in the USA cities and states established even broader sodomy laws that included beastiality and oral sex. In 2003 the US Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws, citing them as an invasion of privacy, but today at least 72 countries ban sodomy, as do the Islamic courts, which firmly rule against anal sex inside and outside marriage. Like the Bible, the Koran links it with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Today, many seek to redefine sodomy as having sex with angels, excessive pride, and even poor manners, but doing so is not wise (Pro 22:28). Its definition has been biblically based through the ages.

Now, let’s look at the medical texts to see why it is “unnatural”. Gynecology teaches us an aseptic (pathologically germ-free) vagina and uterus is a vital part of a woman's health, well-being, and reproductivity, while Microbiology reveals the rectum and sigmoid colon are a highly septic environment, filled with E. coli. Doctors, nurses, med technicians, and lab personnel cannot touch these areas on a patient without protective gloves, and anything coming out of them must be sterilized or handled as biohazardous waste. When a husband places his member and seed of life in this environment he risks contaminating his wife and himself with E. coli, hepatitis A and other potentially harmful organisms. If God was angry at Onan (Gen 38:8-10) for wasting his seed, how much more so should He be at this? It easily falls in the category of "vile affections" or "degrading acts" (Rom 1:26)," which defile the marriage bed (Heb 13:4). 

Anatomy and Physiology reveals the vagina as part of the female reproductive system, while the rectum and sigmoid colon are of the digestive system. One acts as the gateway to life. The other is the cesspool. Why would one take the seed of life and deposit it there? Is this not changing "the natural use into that which is against nature (Ro 1:26), and therefore a gross perversion of God's design? Histology reveals that every organ and cell has a specific structure to serve specific functions. The cells of the vaginal opening and canal are unlike the rectum and sigmoid colon. The rectum is a muscular valve, designed to control elimination of the body's waste products, while the sigmoid colon is vital for water absorption and storage. Thus these organs do not have the type of cells required to sustain intense pressure or friction, without breaking down. Neither do they have lubricating glands like the vagina, which is clearly designed for coitus, monthly menstruation, and birthing. This explains why anal sex often leads to rectal fissures, tears, internal hemorrhoids and can result in incontinence. 

We can say this is "receiving in themselves the recompense of their error” (Rom 1:27), but it is the wife who suffers, and she may be confused by Eph 5:22 & 1 Pet 3, or too embarrassed to relate the problem or even have difficulty getting her husband to understand why she wants to stop. Eph 5:25 orders husbands to "love your wives, as Christ did the church that He might sanctify and cleanse it… that it should be holy and without blemish." He did not say men should use wives to satisfy unnatural lusts, putting them at risk for physical injury and disease. That is a dangerous affront to God’s design for our bodies and our marriages

February 15 2017 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Chris Dibbern Supporter
Here's what the Lord says:

Ezekiel 16:49 - "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."

The God-breathed definition of Sodomy, above, is mighty different than the secular dictionary definition.

As for me, I am still a virgin, even into my thirties. I can't claim credit for that... God made me shy when I was younger, and before he healed my shyness enough for me to be in danger of sexual sin, I had chosen to follow the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

Keeping in mind that I've never experienced any form of sex, here is what I see: 
- The best sort happens between people who love and are committed to each other through marriage. You can head down to the bar, find another broken person, and simply get laid, but you will reap what you sow. More brokenness and anger at God for the same.
- God designed sex to procreate and for pleasure. There is nothing wrong with pleasure when it heals instead of hurts. "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Psalm 16:11
- From what I've read on the subject, the prostate in men and the "g-spot" in women are exposed through the anus, as well. Anal sex is therefore reported to be pleasurable. When practiced (with wisdom in implementation) between loving, married partners, its not known to cause harm. When practiced in promiscuity, it amplifies harm (STI transmission). I suspect the latter is due to God's design: babies are a consequence of one type of sex, so this other type without babies needed different consequences.

Just my two cents. Pray, and follow your conscience.

June 15 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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