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Young people are falling away from the faith because the good news about the coming Kingdom of God is not being preached as Jesus preached it, so they have now real hope to cling to or desire to have a part of. We are called to co-rule and co-inherit with the lord Messiah Jesus when he comes back to this earth to rule for 1,000 years. We will rise at the resurrection when he returns and meet him in the air and then join with him as he takes his place seated on the throne of David ruling over Israel as their Messiah and ruling over the nations as King of kings and Lord of lords. See Zech:14. We who are now in Christ - God's anointed one, will have a place of rulership in the Theocratic Government that Jesus is going to be the head of in the coming new age. At that time we will be glorified men and women, immortal carrying out whatever responsibility Jesus assigns to us in the coming Theocratic Government, having a part in the Kingdom of God which flesh and blood cannot have any part in. If young people understood that wonderful opportunities they will have in the coming age after Jesus return they would remain steadfast and hold on to what they have in the lord Jesus. May that day soon come!
young people are failing out of faith because is the prophecies that prelude the end time. In Matthew 24 v 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. kjv The high level of iniquity in this generation is so high that any where you are you are bound to be influence it takes grace and absolute decision to overcome such sins of the flesh. The devil knows the future lies within the young ones and he continues to implementing things that are very attractive to the flesh and those who are vulnerable are the young ones.
They feel it's too strict for them, as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ, and they'll go to some other church instead.