What does scripture teach about gender reassignment surgery?

Not where is it mentioned, since it is not, but what wisdom and principles are found in scripture related to the topic?

Clarify Share Report Asked June 03 2015 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini hope nabby

As Christians there are issues that we should discuss or that should not confuse us. We are no longer feeding on milk like babies like Paul said in his letter. some things are too clear... like this. We have the spirit that the lord left with us to guide us. Obviously gender surgery is wrong for a christian because it doesn't honor the lord our God. as we are commanded in the ten commandments. All in all we must pray for this world we are living in because evil is being tinted, people now confuse it for good.

June 04 2015 Report

Mini Philip Schmunk

This a another great opportunity to demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ to the world. We should reach out and welcome Transgender individuals just as Christ would.

June 05 2015 Report

Mini Mary McDonald

If I was born now, and had money, I would probably have had a gender change. My whole life I wanted to be male, was more interested in sports, mechanics, guy talk, male hobbies of hunting,fishing etc. I resented my budding body and changes. As a small child when I first heard of Christine Jorgensen I ran to tell my Mom I was going to be the first girl changed to a boy!!! That was the 50's. I'm from a large family and was responsible to care for younger siblings, I did that well, but still wanted to be a guy! As I grew up and understood things about myself and family, I realized my Dad wanted a son more than anything, I was his third girl, and his favorite, till my brother came along, and 5 more brothers. That early rejection hurt much deeper than I realized! As I grew my body was definitely feminine, no hiding my true gender, even in guy clothes. As I matured guys would talk guy talk with me, but that wasn't really what they were after, I resented it. I was stuck! My faith helped me come to terms with my womanhood, but I still struggled and resented it. Torn between what I wanted to be, and what I was and expected to live up to. (Continued)

June 05 2015 Report

Mini Mary McDonald

Until the day I felt my baby first kick inside of me. I was flooded with love so strong, I cried hard and long. I was also flooded with surprisingly unbridled gratitude that God made me a WOMAN, with a great, deep, utter sadness and pity that men could not experience this magnificent BLESSING of being with child, that I, a woman, was given. I never looked back from there. I was able to look back through those years that it was not my gender that was the problem I faced, but the ultimate rejection from my Dad that began my sexual confusion. But with infinite love, acceptance, and knowledge of His Creation, MY TRUE FATHER KNEW ME, healed me through the brokenness of my earthly rejection, pain, and longing to be loved and accepted as I was created. Loved deeper, lovingly cared for, guided and taught to be whom He created me to be a beautiful woman, and His Precious Daughter! Praise God and Thank You Lord!!!! How grateful I am that I could not change what you "so wonderfully made." Oh, and by the way, I like dressing nice and doing girl things...but in my heart, I still love guy things, much to the pleasure of my husband!

June 05 2015 Report

Stringio Vincent Mercado

What determines a person's gender? Biology, or mental belief?

What about hermaphrodites?

September 22 2015 Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie

Genetics determine gender. We also see this in how God created man and woman as well (Matt 19:14, Gen 1:27, Gen 5:2) and how God meant animals and humans to reproduce (Gen 1:24, Gen 6:20).

[Gender, while it used to be a term referring to one's biological sex, has expanded in many circles as a term to include social norms and characteristics perceived to belong to one gender (such as 'aggression' being seen as more masculine and 'nurturing' seen as more feminine). Since the definition keeps changing, little is gained by using this abstract and subjective modern usage].

Hermaphrodites are those born with some mix of both male and female genes. Why this happens is unclear - perhaps genetic deterioration since the fall?

The mental belief that one is really the opposite gender is a rare medical condition called 'gender dysphoria'. Even external surgery and hormone therapy still cannot make a male biologically female, or vice versa, however. Most people suffering from this that attempt to 'correct' the feeling with surgery do not find that it helps; it increases their feelings of distress, and their suicide rate actually increases. Many regret the surgery.

Here are a couple good Christian articles that dive into transexualism more in depth:

October 01 2015 Report

Stringio Bruce Morgan

Every cell of our bodies carries XX or XY chromosomes.
A proper"sex change" would mean an entirely new person, not just some surgery on the main physical indicators of gender and pumping the body full of artificial hormones.

The factors that lead to a person being unsatisfied with their gender are societal and psychological. A godless society says " these are the acceptable male characteristics and these are the acceptable female characteristics. If you don't fit completely within these narrow boundaries, there's something wrong with you."

God the Creator made us male and female, and made us as individuals with an amazing range of characteristics as people (physical, mental, emotional) far beyond the boundaries tolerated by the world. Celebrate who you were created to be, not pressured to conform to stereotypes that tell you "you act this way so you must find a partner of your own Gender" or "you should have been born the opposite gender - God made a mistake".

Amazing that the people who have hijacked the rainbow as their symbol refuse to allow anyone to remain a heterosexual while living and expressing their true selves anywhere along the spectrum.

February 21 2016 Report

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