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Will the prophecy in Daniel 11:35 be fulfilled before or after the Millennial Kingdom?

Is this the same time spoken of at the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22:12-14 ?

Daniel 11:35

NKJV - 35 And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 05 2016 Mini vanessa pannuti Supporter

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Scan14 Michael Tinsley Supporter Retired Army veteran. Love my Bible (Jesus) and fishing.
Jesus refers to the book of Daniel in Matthew 24:15-16 speaking of the end- times and the Antichrist and Daniel itself is associated closely with Revelation talking also about those last days..

Both Daniel and Revelation have introductory chapters before the prophecies. The first six chapters of Daniel are moral lessons before opening up the prophecies and the first three chapters of Revelation are Jesus' letters to the seven churches before the prophecies begin.

They are both written with messages in the early chapters to help you understand what is to come later. They set the 'tone' of each book.

It also takes knowledge of most of the Bible to understand the symbolism in each book and even then they are difficult to interpret. 

God made it that way on purpose. We learn enough to know the signs of the last days coming but not when it will happen. God did that to protect us and to keep us from just sitting and waiting for Jesus' second coming. He wants us to continue to share the Gospel, helping to gather more of Jesus' 'bride' for the wedding feast, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, as told in Revelation 19.

The answer to the question about when the prophecy will be fulfilled is it happens before the Millennial Kingdom since that is nearly the last thing written of in Revelation 20 and 21.

Daniel 11:35 is talking about the Antichrist during the seven years of the Tribulation and all that happens before Jesus establishes His Millennial Kingdom.

March 07 2016 1 response Vote Up Share Report

George blue on brick George Hartwell Supporter
Very interesting passages. I believe both speak of necessary cleansing to stay part of the Kingdom that Jesus invites us to enter. Some have joined the wedding banquet without doing the necessary cleansing and purification. 

The clothing in Matthew 22 can mean the new identity that we form in Christ. This happens after we enter the kingdom. It is ongoing inner healing and sanctification. It seems that this process is necessary to staying in the Lord's presence. 

Jesus us calls us to ensure that all that is within us is light and not darkness. Luke 11:33. The inner cleansing to step out of our old (fleshly) identity and put on our new identity in Christ requires some diligent uprooting of old core beliefs and replacing them with God's truth. It also means destroying the influence of old idols and driving out of demonic forces.

The when of salvation is always now. You must prepare now in order to be fit for service within the kingdom. In the West this process has been forgotten in large part and the result is that we might well be put out of the banquet or Kingdom.

March 06 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Me at sawdust fest 2b Craig Mcelheny Supporter Christian Author
Daniel, Chapter 11, is a very detailed list of sequential events from the rise of Alexander the Great (Dan. 11:3) to the fall and death of the Antichrist (Dan. 11:45). The question is: Where does it turn from past historical events, to the present day? Conventional wisdom places that point at Daniel 11:36. This would preclude vs. 35 from future events, but as it turns out, conventional wisdom missed one very crucial detail. They claim that verses 21 through 35 are descriptive of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, with vs. 20 describing the death of Antiochus III. Vs. 20 states: “…yet in a few days he will be shattered, though neither in anger nor in battle” (NASB). Antiochus III was murdered in 187 BC, while on campaign in Susa, trying to exact tribute in order to obtain much needed revenue. His death does not fit the description in vs. 20. However, Antiochus IV did die, neither in anger, nor in battle. As quoted from my book, “The Rapture and the Last Seven Years”: “Antiochus IV died in route to a war on the Arabian coast from an unknown disease. It is speculated that he may have died from epilepsy, or madness, in the year 164 BC.”

Additionally, Daniel 11:20 uses the phrase “in his place” to indicate a new person (Antiochus IV) being described from the previous verse. In this case, vs. 19 is describing Antiochus III. Here is another quote from my book: “Antiochus IV sent a man by the name of Menelaus through Jerusalem to convert Jews to the worship of Greek gods. This is the person who is referred to as an oppressor in verse twenty. The NASB alternate translation for oppressor is "exactor of tribute.” This is exactly what Menelaus did. He had the sacred name of God, Yahweh, identified with Zeus. He also ordered the Jews to sacrifice to Hellenic deities. His demands for tribute came by way of asking the Jews to sell their temple vessels to pay for taxes.”

In summary, vs. 19 is Antiochus III, and vs. 20 is Antiochus IV, who sent Menelaus through Jerusalem as an “exactor of tribute”. Daniel 11:21 (in his place) is descriptive of a new person, whom I believe is the Antichrist. This make vs. 21 the turning point from past events to future events involving the Antichrist. Then Daniel 11:31 is the mid-point of the Tribulation, corresponding to Jesus’ description of end-time events and His mentioning the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24:15. It is described in Rev. 13:14-15 when the False Prophet makes a statue of the Antichrist (image of the beast) come to life, and will kill those who do not worship the image. This is all explained in my book, “The Rapture and the Last Seven Years”.

Daniel 11:35 occurs just after the mid-point of the Tribulation when the regular sacrifice in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem is stopped (Dan. 11:31). It will be coincident with the Antichrist taking his seat in the Temple, proclaiming himself as God (2 Thess. 2:3-4). You can see this in Dan. 11:36-37. Then in Daniel 11:39, I believe we have a description of the Third Seal. Specifically, the words “will give great honor to those who acknowledge him” (NASB). I believe this will come in the form of accepting the Mark of the Beast.

The description in my book is rather detailed, but I will try to shorten the explanation: The literal meaning of “give great honor to” is “increase in weight”. The Third Seal (Rev. 6:5-6) is a rider on a black horse who has a pair of scales in his hand. Scales weigh things, or can be used to separate one thing that is heavier from another. In the Third Seal, the oil and the wine is descriptive of those who have the Holy Spirit in abundance (the parable of Ten Virgins). In Daniel 11:39, those who accept the Mark of the Beast will “increase in weight” by acknowledging the Antichrist. For those who do, the scales will tip in a direction that is spiritually fatal (Rev. 14:9-10, 11).

Fig. 11 from my book, shows the sequence of end-time events. You can find it here:

March 07 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kenneth Heck Supporter
In my opinion, Dan 11:35 is the end of the passage describing the activities of Antiochus IV, beginning with verse 21. 

Even though the Jews were able to temporarily establish the Hasmonean Dynasty, (verse 32) they could not continue on into the promised Kingdom of God, but would fall later to the Romans, as suggested by verses 33-35. This fall continues on until the time of the end, verse 35, or the last days.

Verse 36 jumps to the last days and the 10-horned beast. There are strange events prophesied to happen at this time. Israel is regathered again to form a nation; Moab, Ammon, and Edom appear again; the temple is rebuilt; the temple is defiled again, the two witnesses appear in the spirit of Enoch and Elijah; and Christ comes again. 

It is possible that the beast of Revelation comes in the spirit of Antiochus IV; this would explain the big jump in time between verse 35 and verse 36 and the similarity in events between the time of Antiochus IV and the time of the future 10-horned beast.

The marriage supper of the lamb (Rev 19:7-9) begins after the fall of Mystery Babylon (Rev 19:2-3). So,the answer to your question is that all these events happen before the Millennial Kingdom.

March 07 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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