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John 2:1 - 11
ESV - 1 On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.
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According to my reading of John's Gospel (the only one in which this wedding is mentioned), it does not specifically state who the bride and groom were. From the fact that the wedding took place in Galilee (where Joseph and Mary had both lived (in Nazareth) prior to Jesus' birth, and to which they later returned following their flight into Egypt to escape Herod after Jesus' birth); that both Mary and Jesus were apparently invited; and that Jesus was mentioned (John 2:12) as traveling with His brothers (along with His mother and His disciples) to Capernaum just after the wedding (which might indicate that His brothers were also present at the wedding), it might be inferred that either the bride or groom (or possibly both) were members of Mary's extended family. This might also be supported both by Mary's personal sense of sympathy for those responsible for the wedding feast due to not having enough wine, and by telling Jesus of the situation, which would have more directly affected Him if His own maternal relatives were involved, and accounted for Mary's belief that He would or could somehow address the situation. However (as I said), as far as I am aware, John's Gospel does not make a direct reference to the identity of either the bride or groom.
As written above by Tim Mas, there is no direct reference in the Bible about whose wedding was at Cana. However, there has been all sorts of speculation regarding the wedding feast at Cana. Some assume that it might have been john' s wedding. Probably that is why Mary, mother of Jesus and John's aunt appears to take a special interest in the faux pas of running out of wine. Some assume that it might have been Nathanael's wedding. It happened In Cana and he was from Cana (Jn.21:2). The story occurs right after the meeting of Nathanael with Jesus for the first time. Probably, Nathaniel could have been praying about his upcoming marriage when Jesus interrupted him. The truth is that no one knows exactly whose wedding it was. In any case, it is an interesting exercise of the imagination trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Let me speculate a little, as scripture doesn't fully explain why Jesus decided to do as His mother asked and perform this miracle, His first recorded. Much speculation has been written about who the wedding was for and why Jesus and His mother were there, but whatever the reason, Mary knew Jesus could do something to help the situation, Faith exemplified.[Mark 11:22-24] [Hebrews 11:1] What does a wedding demonstrate? It's a representation of Jesus' relationship with the church: Jesus as Christ and the Bridegroom to the bride the church.[Ephesians 5:25] Revelation 19:7-9] What does water to wine represent? Maybe water is natural birth and wine is new birth as Jesus told Nicodemus [John 3:5-6]. Wine is a transformation when the fruit is picked, crushed, fermented or infused with a activator, as perchance sometimes for seven days, as in completion. Also, wine represents Christ's blood offering. [Matthew 26:26-28] So, maybe Jesus decided to set the stage for His Ministry by all these representations in one miraculous act. Not to mention, it was the best wine they had tasted. [John 2:9-10].
The key factor to me is that the one most concerned with the lack of wine was Mary (Jesus' mother). Why Mary? Well the ones with the greatest responsibility for hospitality at a wedding were the bride's parents. As Joseph is not mentioned here we can safely assume that he had died and Mary was a widow. Therefore (is this a quantum leap? - I think not), the bride was a sister of Jesus.
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