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What is the significance of the symbols used for Christ in Rev. 2:18, the "eyes like flames of fire" and "feet like polished bronze"?


Revelation 2:18

NLT - 18 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Thyatira. This is the message from the Son of God, whose eyes are like flames of fire, whose feet are like polished bronze:

Clarify Share Report Asked July 07 2016 1549195964 Deborah Hagan Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
In my opinion, these elements (fire and brass) were used in describing the risen and glorified Christ Who appeared to John in an attempt to convey, in terms that readers could understand and picture, the majesty and power that He now possesses.

His eyes being like flames of fire was meant to portray extreme brightness, as well as both destructive and refining/purifying power

Polished brass is used to evoke an image of the brilliance with which His feet shone, and is again indicative of great glory. 

Because both His head and His feet were so powerful and majestic, this implies the glory of His entire being.

July 07 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Steve Hertz Supporter
My opinion is that God is said to be a consuming fire. Jesus being the Son of God would also have this characteristic. Fire, the apostle PAUL said is also brought to judge the believer. Not the same judgment as eternal judgment but a type of judgment applied to athletes who run in a race and are judged st what the Greek Olympians referred to as the “Beama” seat. It was a throne before which the athletes came to receive recognition and award for placing in the Olympic events. Thus PAUL say “those who race all run, but one receives a crown. The crown referred to is the laurel wreath placed on the winners head by the judge of those games. Then PAUL says run the race to win so you may receive the crown because crown Christ gives IS eternal. When we appearbeforeChist at His Beama seat he will apply heavenly fire to all of our works - that is everything done in this life will be tested. Works that are not of Christ are called wood hay and stubble and will be burned, disappearing forever. But all works done IN Christ will not burn, and are referred to as gold, silver and precious jewels. These are thing done in faith. Brass is the metal of judgment. When Jesus told about going to the cross he said “like Moses raised up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so will the Son of man be lifted up.” When the children of Israel were plagued by venemous snakes, God commanded Moses to make a brass snake and stand it up in the midst of the camp. Whenever someone was bit by a venemous snake, if they looked at the brass snake they would not die. In this way Jesus was telling his disciples “I will be taking the judgment that was on Israel and the whole world.

April 08 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kenneth Heck Supporter
In Rev 22:16 it says "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you...."

It is probable that John actually saw Jesus' angel rather than Jesus himself. In this instance, Christ would have temporarily occupied his angelic body to communicate directly with John, much as our soul occupies our physical body. 

Hair white as snow, eyes as flames of fire, and feet as fine brass is the description in Rev 1:14-16, in addition to Rev. 2:18. Eyes like a flame of fire is also noted in Rev 19:12. Ezek 1:7 also describes the color of the feet of the four living creatures as like burnished brass. Unfortunately, angels are normally beyond our human ability to fully comprehend, either in their appearance or behavior.

Hair as white as snow is traditionally the color of the elderly who are full of divine knowledge and wisdom gained from their many years of following the Lord. It would be a sign of one to whom respect is due (Lev 19:32).

Eyes like flames of fire suggest that whatever the eyes gaze upon will be subject to judgment by fire. Judgment by fire is the standard for the world today, in distinction to the prior judgment by water at the time of Noah.
"For everyone shall be salted with fire..." (Mark 9:49)

The feet of a person are usually thought of as the lowest part of the body, useful only for walking. Feet like fine brass may imply a holiness analogous to that which the brass and gold implements in the Jerusalem temple possessed. These holy implements were also useful for only one purpose - performing the prescribed rituals and ceremonies of the LORD day by day.

February 02 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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