What does it mean that man cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws Him?


John 6:44

ESV - 44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.

Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Bob Elliott

If we can only come to faith in god when he draws us and it is his ultimate desire that all should come to him, why does he not draw everyone?

April 05 2014 Report

Mini Carolyn Hostetter

I think He draws all people to Him. Only some hear the call and listen. I think God's gift of His marvelous grace is not heard or accepted by the others. Always take the gift.

January 02 2015 Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie

Bob, he does draw everyone.

"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." John 12:32.

This ties in well with John 3:14, which prefaces John 3:16-18:

""As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life."

The 'snake on the pole' was there for the entire Israeli community to look at. If they looked upon it, they were healed. If any did not look, the poison would remain. Num 21:6-9

In similar fashion, the Father sent Christ into the world so that man could be reconciled to God through Christ (John 3:17). Those who believe in Christ are granted eternal life (John 3:16), but those who do not believe stand condemned already (John 3:18) In order to draw all men, according to God's eternal plan, Jesus had to die (John 12:23-36).

Jesus also uses the 'light' analogy. He came as a light for all men (John 12:46, John 12:35-36, John 1:1-13). Yet, some love darkness, and refuse to come into the light because they fear their deeds will be exposed (John 3:19-21).

April 21 2015 Report

Mini A. Wall

Simply put those who comes to Christ, are those who are convicted under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit . For God is Spirit and shall be worshipped in spirit and truth. Therefore, our spirits are convicted by the truth of the word of God. And our spirits are drawn by the Spirit of God to fall on our face and say what must I do to be saved. God searches the heart of man and knows the heart that is willing to follow Christ it was God who selected the Apostle to follow Christ.

July 03 2018 Report

Mini Merle Mullet

Free will is an important doctrine. It explains the reality of evil co-existing with the simple truth so beautifully expressed in Ezekiel 33.11 "I [God] have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their wicked way and live..."

The Apostle Paul reinforces this truth in Romans 1.20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

These two references represent Biblical threads that run from Genesis to Revelations. Our choices matter and have consequences. Clearly, if the doctrine of election is the only mechanism of salvation, then those who are not "elect" have a perfect "excuse" for not believing. They were not chosen. The doctrine of election causes Ezekiel 33.11, Romans 1.20, and many similar Biblical references, to seem disingenuous or make no sense.

What's the point of the doctrine of election? Why argue for it? Is it important for people to know they are not elect? To convince them they are lost and going to hell? At the same time teaching that nothing they could, should, or would have done, had any impact on God's decision. Perhaps it's the circular fear that doubting the doctrine of election may cast doubt on ones own status. That is not faith.

January 09 2025 Report

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