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(Revelation 21:4). The sinful are not in heaven, but in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). Nothing impure will ever enter heaven (Revelation 21:27). Outside of heaven are those who sin (Revelation 22:15).
Revelation 21:4
ESV - 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.
For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.
Because God gave everyone including the angels free will. He wants all souls to love him with their own free will. Not something artificial. lucifer was an angel. He was so good that God appointed him to protect the mercy seat. But he became prideful and he wanted to sit on the mercy seat. He wants to be God. That was his downfall.
Lucifer: another view.
Means bright morning star. Son of the morning or dawn, not angel of the morning.
It refers to the 1st man Adam when he was created. I understand the law of double reference or application. Those who only see Lucifer as the devil can use the same reference but this has many gaps. So I chose the former that: Lucifer refers to Adam.
He is a man if you carefully read Is.14:12 v.16 and Eze.28. It is man who was adorned with what we read in Eze.28:12.. He was placed in Eden in v.13. He was anointed in v14. The devil was never anointed anywhere. Man was deceived because of his beauty.
So it is Adam who fell, and all of his generation after him. When restored later he is given that name - morning star.
That is why the names of the kings of Tyre and Babylon are used as metaphors or imagery relating to the fall of the 1st man.
When man is restored he is refered to as the one who has or given the morning star. Rev.2:28.
Jesus refers himself as the bright and morning star Rev.22:16. He identifies with what the 1st man was created to be.
The devil however is never refered to as the morning star. He is known by other names in Rev.12:9, and 20:2; as the dragon, old serpent, the Devil and Satan.
The devil was 'created' evil Is.45:7. But he deceived other angels that were good. The angels fell after deception by an already evil devil as seen in Jude v.6. This happened when the devil realized he was not commited to rule God's creation or the angels: my own take but does no harm. That's how a 1/3 of the angels fell in the trap.
Presently God in Christ is restoring mankind to their original status: to carry God's light again and become bright sons of the morning.
The restored mature son is called LUCIFER, and that is not the devil...!
Check again Rev.2:28 and Rev.22:16..!
Can also see 1Pet.1:19 and Pro.4:18 shows that man is being restored as one with a morning star or growing brighter and brighter as he matures. That is the language and words used where the name Lucufer in Hebrew language is used in OT which means "brilliant light" of "light bearer."
The speed at which Satan fell is what Jesus is referring to in the gospel but not the fall of Satan as is generally viewed. Jesus said that the devil was a liar or evil from the beginning; he did not nor does the bible refer to the fall of the devil as is taught or believed by many.