How should we view Romans 3:23 when it comes to babies and children?

Romans 3:23: "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Romans 3:23

AMP - 23 Since all have sinned and are falling short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives.

Clarify Share Report Asked August 06 2017 Mini Hayongo Hamanjanji Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Myrtle Linder

This fits perfectly with Matthew 7;1-5, John 8:7 and 1 John 1:6-10! When we are dwelling on the sins of others maybe we should have these scripture ready to remind us that JESUS CHRIST,is the only on that was ever sinless!!

It is a very good thing, to help others to be able to see where their sins may lie but our own sins. need to be taken care of, first!

August 07 2017 Report

Mini Billy P Eldred

Many years ago, I was scheduled to substitute teach a Sunday School class. As we had no set curriculum, we could teach on whatever we wanted. I had never taught before so I way over prepared. I literally had stacks of material as it was an hour class and I did not want to run short.

After I started the class with prayer, I took out my material, taking the top set of material I started to read, except I didn't, as when I opened my mouth not a peep would come out. I went to get a drink of water then tried to start again, but when I opened my mouth again, not a sound. I apologized to the class with "I guess we are not supposed to go there and went to the next set of material." (My voice worked fine as long as I didn't try to read the material) Again the same thing. It was not until I went to the last set of material after several tries (an article I had printed off the web) that my voice could read the material. The subject of the article? "Will all children be saved or just the children of Christians?"

The author of the article's position was that only the children of Christians would be saved. I presented the question to the class with a neutral position and we had a lively discussion about the question with lots of parcipitation from the class reading and discussing scripture.

The following Sunday, a couple from the class came up to me and thanked me for the class and said that because of it their adult Son who was visiting from Lousianna got saved that day. He said that he couldn't take a chance that his children's salvation could possibly be dependent upon him. Now I knew why my voice would not work until we got to that question!

A couple of weeks later, We had another couple from the church over to the house and I brought up the question "Did they think that God using that question and article validated the author's position? (That only the children of Christians would be saved) We came to no conclusion but after the discussion my son, about 6 years old at the time who I didn't even know had been listening from the next room, came in and said "Dad, do want to know what I think"? Sure, I said. He replied: I believe that God would know (if the children died before they were saved) whether they would ever have gotten saved had they not died early". I like his God. His Faith in God. I like his answer. Maybe that's what Jesus meant that we are to be like little children.

October 21 2017 Report

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