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How can I best reach my non-Christian family members with the gospel?

How can I share the gospel when I get eye rolls or the subject gets changed when I try, and my family calls me a Bible thumper?

Mark 16:15

ESV - 15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Clarify Share Report Asked April 04 2018 Mini Anonymous

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Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Supporter Shomer
A great question and I humbly submit for your consideration a simple; yet sometimes very hard to execute game plan. As a known Christian your duty and mission is to be HIS best warrior diametrically opposed to the limiting factors of this little sphere 24/7.

Rather than wasting valuable time trying to cross this schism now, bi pass them looking for better ground. A pastor once told me and I've found it to be true: "If you want God to do something in your life: do that for another," the principle of sowing and reaping.

Set your sights on the long game as the tribulations of this world take their tolls upon the delusional wandering sojourners, be always prepared and ready to humbly come to their emotional rescue during such times. (2 Timothy 2:23; Hebrews 3:15)

Bottom Line:
Having dealt with similar slick family characters over a span of time I do not consider it odd that their adversarial positions have waned or changed via some rough reality stick time dealing with life's pandemoniums. (Ezekiel 12:2; 2 Timothy 2:25; 2 Timothy 2:26)

It's our compassionate nature that wants to protect all those who are perishing from themselves. The reality is; that sometimes those tough nuts need to bounce off the concrete a few times to crack 'em. (Proverbs 18:14; Psalms 118:18; Ezekiel 18:32)

Biblical truth is the only sure anchor for mankind in our current age of changing emotional micro-aggression nonsense. Where common sense seems to be outlawed or a rare thing in short supply. (Ecclesiastes 10:2; Matthew 25:33; 2 Timothy 4:4)

“Remember that all worlds draw to an end and that noble death is a treasure which no one is too poor to buy.” C.S. Lewis

"The occupation of the good soldier of Christ is war," Charles Spurgeon.

In the Lord's freedom.........warrior on

April 04 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Ocie Taylor Supporter
The best way is to LIVE the gospel.

I have relatives and know people who are INSTANTLY turned off to anything you have to say as soon as you mention the word Jesus, or the Bible, or God. They want nothing to do with it and they don't want to hear it and constantly barraging them with scripture doesn't help nor make them want to listen to you any more. Instead, it causes them to dig deeper into their resentment for God and for you. 

If you claim to be a follower of Yeshua (Jesus) then your life is the biggest and best testimony that you can give about the saving and transforming power of our Lord. 

Your life should align with what you profess and living our life according to scripture (honoring God, loving your neighbor as you love yourself etc) is the best way to influence a non-believer.

People who are non-believers LOVE to WATCH how christians act and they can't wait for you to do something out of line so that they can have something to lord over you. Something to use in their attack against the faith.

But if you live according to scripture, lead by the Holy Spirit of God, and you let your light shine before men, then the Spirit of God that is in you is what they will see and it's HIS spirit that will draw all men unto Him.

It may be you or it maybe someone else who leads this person to Christ but as long as it depends on you, live your life according to the faith you profess and NEVER stop praying for that lost loved one.

July 13 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Aurel Gheorghe Supporter
It is not always easy to share the Gospel with non believers, especially when they are member of your own family. 

Sometimes when we engage in doctrinal discussions, atheists love to point out the hypocrisy that some believers are guilty of, to ridicule the fallen from grace TV evangelists or Christian public figures who occasionally make the news for less than honorable behavior. 

However, there is nothing more powerful than our personal conduct that can be a testimony for our faith. Rather than pointing to Scriptures, we can be an example of kindness, tolerance, patience and love. Sooner or later, people around us, will notice that we are different, that we are unusually kind and loving and do not repay evil for evil (1 Peter 3:9; Titus 2:7, 8). 

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matt 5:14, 15, 16).

April 08 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Danny Hickman Supporter Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
You gave the answer to your question in the question. You reach them with the gospel. (You asked, 'How can I reach them with the gospel?')

You tell them the good news. The good news isn't that you got saved. That's good news but it ain't THE good news. The good news (gospel) is Jesus sacrificed Himself for the sins of the whole world. God accepted His sacrifice, and now forgiveness is available to all who confess to being a lost sinner. He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to heal us of all unrighteousness, when we confess. (1 John 1:9)

That's the gospel. It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16) In plain language, it's what God uses to soften our stony hearts and humble us. When we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ we begin to realize just how much God loves even sinners like us. It humbles us! We begin to see ourselves in a new way. We are severely broken and corrupt, badly in need of spiritual healing and growth.

Re-read my last sentence a few times. It never changes... the good news is that it doesn't have to for us to be in relationship with the Father through His Son Jesus. We are severely broken and corrupt. We're told to let our light shine before others so that they will see our good works and glorify God (Matt 5). What is light? Light is truth. We have a light, it is the truth. The truth we have is that Jesus is the Savior of the lost. That's the light we shine in a dark (untruthful) world. That is our "good work." 

If you try to "reach" your family with your "good work," and that "good work" is something about how you live your life and your performance as a "christian," it's only a matter of time before you're discovered to be "severely broken and corrupt." That's how you set yourself up to be called a hypocrite. It's only a matter of time before you do or say something that can be used against you to cancel your testimony. And that's the way it should be. You should never make being a believer in Jesus as your Savior secondary, and your pious behavior the primary source of your salvation. Your testimony should be that while you were still a sinner, Christ died for you (Romans 5:8). The point being, the persons you say you want to witness to needs to know that Christ has already done His part (while they are yet sinners). Their part is to believe the gospel and confess their sin. 

That doesn't happen because of eloquent speech or oratory. 

Jesus was at the Feast of Booths and went into the temple to teach. The people marveled because of the way He taught having never studied anywhere. So the Pharisees sent officers to arrest Jesus. When they returned without Him the Pharisees asked why they didn't bring Him, to which they replied, "No one ever spoke like this man!" (John 7:46)

Jesus was the living Word of God! He preached and people wanted to stone Him! He opened blind eyes and was accused of breaking God's law because He did it on the Sabbath. He raised Lazarus from the dead and the chief priest plotted to kill Lazarus to cover it up (John 12:10). (It's in the Bible, I ain't making this up)

I hope you get my meaning; you can't get people to believe the gospel (believe in Jesus) just because you want them to believe. And they won't believe because you live a clean good life in their presence. That's pure hogwash! NOBODY is as good a "christian role model" as Jesus was and the crowds shouted "CRUCIFY HIM!" (Luke 23:21) (think about that for a moment; David would say, 'Selah.')

So, tell the truth! God is in covenant relationship with you in spite of the fact that you're a sinner. He has forgiven you! He continues to cleanse you of your ongoing sinfulness. TELL THEM THAT! 

If you try to tell them you're in relationship with the Lord because of anything other than His goodness they will spy to prove that you're a phony. 
Clean living is a beautiful thing. It doesn't buy anything that God is giving away, however. It's just a cool way to live...

February 24 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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