How can I know if I have received a call to ministry?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
In the most basic sense, all Christians are called to ministry. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) applies to all believers. Too, every Christian is part of the Body of Christ. Fulfilling one'...

July 01 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My passport new Arun Kumar Supporter Engineer, Chennai, India
Apart from the common Great Commision (Matt 28:19), let us assume this question for a personal call and primarily how to know the will of God. In all the Bible, or during Biblical times, be it the OT or NT, if God wanted to use a person for His ministry, He approached him either directly or through the person whom He appointed. For example, Moses. During the times of the kings, there were a clan of prophets to whom God's will was revealed. eg. Elijah and Elisha etc., God called Elisha through Elijah. From most of the books of the OT, God made it very sure that to whomever He calls, He gives an UNAMBIGUOS revelation and He never gives a confusing revelation (1 Corinthians 14:33). But there are also places where God accomplishes His will through kindling the spirit. This could be read in Ezra 1:1,2, and II Chronicles 36:22, where God kindled the spirit of Cyrus, the persian king.

In the NT times, Jesus called the apostles directly. Even here, the revelation was unambiguous. In phillipians 2:13, Paul assures that God works in us to do His will. 

Putting this altogether, if God calls us to His ministry, He makes it unambiguous lest we get confused. He gives us a burden in the area which He wills. Be it the missionary work, preaching, sunday schools teaching, pastoral role etc. He equips us to accomplish His will. Hence if we feel God wants us to engage in a certain ministry, we should diligently work it through fervent prayers and ask Him to make our minds obsessed and positively motivated of His will and ask doors to be opened. This is How I feel how God calls us to ministry. We need to be diligent in deciding and submissive to His sovereign will whether to do a part-time or a full time ministry. I would always advise that if one does not have enough resource to sustain his family and himself, he should never enter a fulltime ministry. He should do some secular job besides fulfilling his part-time ministry and wait untill doors are opened for a fulltime ministry. 

Since the canon is complete, God does not call us to ministry as how He did in the biblical times, although He could do it in such a way even now. In my perspective, God calls us to the ministry by motivating and kindling our spirits nowadays. Phillipians 2:13, Ezra 1:1,2.

October 28 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Votc profilepic2 Joe Colling Supporter
In order to know surely if you have been "called" by God, don't look for only an answer written with words, ask the holy spirit, who is in you [providing you have become born-again in your spirit].

Remember a call to ministry is NEVER your work, its all his [God]. Just say, "Lord, if you want me to preach your word, speak to me. Show me."

Then, rest. Let God work. He will show you the things to need to know in order to know within YOURSELF if your to preach his word. You will know when he shows you. There is no specific sign to look for, though. God is not a system, or a machine. He is a living being. 

While your trusting for an answer, remember to daily renew your mind in the word, spend time with the spirit in thanksgiving. And most importantly, rest in the finished works of Yes'Hua. That's it. I trust God will make your understanding on this matter clear. To Yes'Hua, the messiah, be the glory.

October 28 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Tabi Jozwick Supporter Journalism/Political Science Student
Jesus called 12 men to be his disciples, some are well known like Peter and John, others not so well known and one infamous. I believe that the issue is not whether or not a person has been called into ministry, because as Christians we are all called to be in ministry. I think it's more important to ask what "type" of ministry we are called to serve the Lord in our lives. Not everyone is called to be a pastor, a musician, a Sunday School teacher or even the next Billy Graham. There is nothing wrong with serving the Lord by driving a church bus, doing janitorial work, making sure that the church's bills are paid, and doing other behind the scenes ministry jobs.

August 26 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini James Kraft Supporter 74 year old retired pipeline worker
There are a lot of different ministries. Some are pastor teachers, others are evangelists who just preach the gospel to lead as many to the Lord as they can, and others are helps and to other things.

If you ask 100 different people how they knew they we called, they will give you 100 different answers, and never give anything you can write down.

I believe evangelists have a great desire for people to be saved. That is their calling. Their desire to see people converted and given eternal life is their great passion, and it takes precedence over everything else.

Since my dad was a baptist pastor, I would say if you can do anything else, do not become a pastor. And I have heard that from many. 

Just my 2 cents. I was called to fix things and work with my own hands.

July 02 2019 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Isabella earrings Dan Rivers Supporter Christian, Husband, Grandfather, Son, AT&T retiree
I believe it's similar to knowing or not knowing whether you are saved or not...1 John 5:13, 2 Cor 13:5 

If you're in doubt then you're not saved... 

If God has called you to do anything, you will know it for sure...
When God calls anyone they WILL do what he wants them to do... 

Paul did not set out to be a Christian, in fact that day on the road to Damascus, I'm sure that was the last thing on his mind, if it ever did cross his mind. Yet he immediately knew what he was to do and we know the rest of the story. 

When God calls anyone they know it. If they have doubts then he really hasn't called you. Doubts are a result of your "human' mind. 

Praise the Lord!

October 28 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Theondra McBride Supporter
I believe that when one is called of God, it will be confirmed by two or three witness as the Bible speaks in 2 Corinthians 13:1. Until such confirmation is made, one should as Romans 12:7-9 says to wait on our ministry because according to Hebrews 4:5 no one takes this honor unto himself but is called of God as was Aaron. Therefore I believe that when it is time God will make provision for his work to be carried out in its intended season.

March 24 2015 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini James Richardson Supporter
If God is truly calling someone to do His work, they will not be able to refuse, consider Jonah. Jonah 1:1-3 KJVS [1] Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, [2] Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. [3] But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.
Jonah 1:17 KJVS [17] Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

If you believe the true God of the universe is calling you to do a work for Him, do nothing and see what happens.

Jonah 3:1-3 KJVS [1] And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying, [2] Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. [3] So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey.

After the, great fish experience, Jonah went to Nineveh. You cannot refuse God.

August 27 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Billy P Eldred Supporter
If you are wondering if you are called to the ministry, the answer is easy. You are! 

I believe God calls every Christian to the ministry. The real question is what happens next. Did you take the call seriously? Have you approached the question in prayer? Have you began witnessing to others, starting with friends and family?

Maybe you were not sure you were being called and ignored it. Did that wee small voice come again, and then again? 

Actually, I believe God calls all mankind to the ministry. Most do ignore it or even outright reject it. God sees the heart of each and every one. Some, even most, will get another chance but not all. Once those who decide to answer that call start to listen, God has a plan for every one of them.

If he chooses one to be a pastor or evangelist, that too can be uncomfortable until you agree but I believe that it is still your choice in this case. Again, it can get uncomfortable until you agree or God decides to find someone else. Again, I believe that if he decides to find someone else, then you may or may not get another chance. 

God gives us free will and just like when we get saved, we have to be willing. If we reject his call to the ministry, we are rejecting God. Not a good thing.

So, my advice to you if you feel like God may be calling you? Then go back to the first two paragraphs in this post, then skip to the paragraph below.

His plan for you may be and executive decision on His part. If so, you won't have much (if any) choice. He will keep speaking sometimes in a supernatural way and You will know what He wants from you and things can get very uncomfortable for you until you agree. (Ask Jonah)

For most of us though, what level of ministry God will choose for us (yes, His decision) will depend on our willingness to hear his voice, read and absorb His Word, and willingness to work. For most, of those, He will choose to use you in a church as a part of the body of the church. (Some will be eyes, some ears, some feet, etc as needed within the church) and he will give each special gifts to accomplish their work.

Bottom line. Pray, Pray, Pray. Then decide you WILL DO WHATEVER God leads you to.

September 29 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Paula Fether Supporter Lifelong student of the scriptures
I would only add this point to the other responses:

No particular spiritual gift is more worthy of a "calling" than another. The Spirit gives out gifts to every believer, but tradition clouds the issue by elevating one gift above others; only one gift is designated "vocational" or worthy of support by other believers, who aren't paid for their work.

In 2 Cor. 12:14 Paul wrote, "Look, for the third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a burden to you, because I do not want your possessions, but you. For children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children."

So the congregation isn't supposed to pay for their spiritual upbringing. But tradition says missionaries must raise their own support while pastors/elders are to be paid a salary. This is not Biblical, and neither is the special, elevated "vocational ministry". 

So yes, you are called to *a* ministry. Which one is decided by the Holy Spirit.

October 01 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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