What happens if we take ourself out of being in Christ?

I'm asking because I was in Christ Jesus before I tried to take my own life. I used to see him on me. I used to do as he did. I tried to take me own life because I was trying to get the demons out of me, which didn't work. I didn't die either praise God. I did cause myself to not have the right to call upon a higher God though. I'm sad about that. They say I will face judgment because of what I did. I have repented over and over but I'm worried I can no longer repent. 

Clarify (4) Share Report Asked August 01 2023 Mini Anonymous

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Profile pic Mark Vestal

What you're essentially saying is that you believe that you are doomed for eternity because of YOUR actions...correct? This is what a lost person would say.

A saved person can make the statement that if they end up doomed for eternity then it's on Jesus Christ. The saved person has truly placed their faith in Jesus Christ being their savior. They understand that it is not a result of their own efforts, but the efforts that Jesus Christ completed for them on the cross. They know they were forgiven of all trespasses at the cross through His shed blood, that He was buried, but defeated sin and death in His resurrection on day three (1 Cor 15:1-4).

To be clear, there is NOTHING that we can do that will add to what Jesus Christ completed for us on the cross, and there is NOTHING that will separate a true believer in this from God's eternal love. It is only by God's grace through our faith in Jesus Christ where we find our salvation.

Now that we understand this, let's live a life for Him that is worthy of being called an "ambassador for Christ" (2 Cor 5:20), and "ministers of reconciliation" for God to humanity (2 Cor 5:18).

August 01 2023 Report

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