How can I sing a new song when I'm experiencing grief?

I was happy and kept working for the company as usual with my daily tasks. But suddenly, my boss called me. I went, and I heard, feeling like an unfair deal about my salary. I didn’t say anything to him. 

After I came out of his cabin, suddenly my heart became bitter. But I tried to control it through GOD’s words. And I asked GOD, “I’m looking unto you, please help me because you’re the only one who never does unfair things to Thy children.”

After that, my heart spoke this verse: Psalm 98:1-2.

“O sing unto the LORD a new song; For he hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and his holy arm, Hath gotten him the victory.”

I feel blessed when I read this verse, but my heart still carries bitter grief. So, I’m not able to sing a new song, and I’m not able to give thanks unto Him for His mighty and marvellous works because of the grief.

I’m trying to praise the LORD’s name, but it can’t come from my heart. I don’t know how to do it. Does anyone else also face the same situation—working with good integrity but not getting fair deals?

Psalms 98:1

ESV - 1 Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.

Clarify Share Report Asked 13 days ago Mini Lee Osaka Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Profile pic Mark Vestal

It may assist to view how God operates today differently than how he operated in "times past" or in the "ages to come". Yes, God is always the same, but how He deals with humanity does change. Today, God's "grace is sufficient". Look to the cross and be thankful for what He did for us all that day. Satan, the god of this world, wants you to believe that it is God who is not "granting fair deals", but in actuality, it is this world (humanity) that is the culprit. Find the True joy that God wants you to grow from through the grace He gave us in Jesus Christ at His cross. This world will never satisfy your needs, but you will find true peace through Christ crucified for us.

13 days ago Report

Mini Tim Maas

I find Hebrews 12 to be useful reading during such times.

10 days ago Report

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