Can I start dating (I am in the process of getting a divorce), or do I have to wait until the divorce is final?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Johnson Osaro

Pls concerning divorce did bible permit divorce if yes give your bible verse. Reply.

March 27 2014 Report

Data Jeannette Shields

I am confused. I admit I divorced my husband for unbiblical reasons. We were and are both Christians. He married 3 years after the divorce, I am still unmarried. Is he committing adultery, and would I be if i married a widower or a divorced man?

December 28 2014 Report

Stringio Sue Riehl

(Take notice of a wrong translation of only ONE single word (apoluo) that puts a divorced person in bondage.) In order to understand that there IS marriage after divorce, we will examine the Scriptures in Matthew 19:3-12 focusing on the usage of the Greek word, apoluo. The Greek word apoluo that’s translated “divorce” or “to put away” is a general word. Its primary usage is: to “send” (apoluo) someone home when it’s getting late. Verse 11 When two people are leaving each other there is a “SEPARATION.” Apoluo is a separation in general, which does not involve the “legal” aspect of a permanent separation like a divorce. The common usage is seen in the Scripture “When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying ‘This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. SEND (apoluo) the multitudes away, that they may go unto the villages and buy themselves food’” (Matthew 14:15). The Greek word apoluo doesn’t have a legal aspect to it. It’s just a common word that means, “I’m going to go” or, “away from, to separate.” Because of our wrong beliefs about divorce, this key word was purposely translated (incorrectly) so it would not conflict with our beliefs.

When used concerning a marriage it means a separation and NOT a divorce. If a spouse separates intending never to return, then the next step comes into play; the spouse obtains a “certificate of divorce.”

May 17 2015 Report

Mini Terry Galloway

Jeannette, I am sorry that no one answered your question, and I don't know what your status is now. I thought both my husband and I were Christians, but during my separation from my husband, God brought me to repentance for my sins, and I received the Holy Spirit and got baptized again. As it turns out there are many like me who think we are Christians because we believe in Jesus and go to church, but we have never confessed Jesus as Lord to apply and do what He says to do: Obey me because you love Me (John 14:15) and be doers of the Word (James 1:22). We believe He is our Savior, but we haven't died to ourselves to follow His instructions no matter how hard it is to do because He isn't our LORD who has the authority to tell us what to do and what decisions to make.

So I got born again as my "Christian" husband was unbiblically divorcing me. I brought up Scripture like Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:1-12 and Luke 16:17-18. He said he didn't agree with Jesus. I pointed out that if two believers have a disagreement we are to follow 1 Cor 6 & Matthew 18"s instruction and take it to the church. He didn't agree with the Bible on that either.

I fought the divorce about 1.5 yrs. He got remarried 2 yrs later "in the State", but I believe God's Word including 1 Corinthians 7:39 and Romans 7:1-3 says that I am still married. I will not date and remarry because I want to be obedient to my Lord and Savior and not cause the man who marries me to commit adultery. I am:1 Corinthians 6:19-20

September 10 2016 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Terry, you might notice that Jesus made it clear that sin is committed in the heart (inwardly) instead of outwardly. Murder and adultery were both described by Him like that. The person who says they are innocent of these two are fooling themselves. That was why He explained the offenses that way. There were some there who thought they were innocent. A person who decides to keep the Law must keep the whole law. To be guilty of breaking just one is to be guilty of all James 2:10. Good luck with it.

March 17 2018 Report

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