If an unmarried couple has sex, are they married in God's eyes?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Q myers headshot Brooks Ryan

While I understand that sexual immorality is undoubtedly real, from what I've learned and studied, the Bible never explicitly states anything about the term "pre-marital sex" or to abstain from it. Correct?

August 24 2014 Report

1385651483 Samantha Garro

Exodus 22:16 says "If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife." So it does make me wonder, while it doesn't mean that once two people have sex they are married in God's eyes, is it true then that it does mean that those two people should then stay together and get married as to honour this?

December 16 2014 Report

Img 0360 Terry Gillard

Given all that has been said about when a couple are married, sex, it appears is the seal.
However, to conform with the bible, the binding of 2 people in marriage involves:
- A Public statement We are now together for life
- A Binding statement before God. Life - not until the end of the marriage
- A Socially Recognisable form of marriage. Others must know that you have joined together.
- A coming together (sex) is the seal of the other actions.

Unfortunately, I believe the Church, which recorded marriages for many generations, has abandoned the responsibility, and allowed the government to take over the registration and recording: the result is an increased number of governments performing same-sex marriages.

I've been married 42 years and very happily. However, I do believe the Church should rise and state, being married before God is important: civil marriages are at best only a secular recognition of a God-blessed union.

August 17 2015 Report

Mini James Kraft

Thank you Samantha; I was looking for the portion of old testament scripture but could not find it. I believe to add to it, if I remember correctly, if done this way there is no grounds for divorce and the couple has to stay together no matter what until the death of one of them. Of course this is old testament law, but it is a good guide to keep in fellowship with God through the spirit.

I also believe that God is so mercyfull that when he brings two people together He comes into that marriage and makes it work. Oh how we should love His mercy and grace. What sometimes we do in sin God makes it work for good. Who can understand the grace and mercy of our God who loves us so much He went to the cross to save us from our sin.

December 29 2015 Report

Img 20170608 234604 480 Gabriel Agha

This happened to me: I had sex with my wife and she became pregnant while I was in the world (not yet saved). I brought her in to live with me without paying her bride price. When I accepted Christ I told my pastor about our relationship, and with the help of the pastor I married her properly. This time it was before God when did I marry her.

August 11 2017 Report

Data Danny Hickman

"The church... has allowed the government..." this statement is a clear indication that some of us want a theocratic / democracy, hybrid government. One where a religion dictates government policy. This is dangerous stuff.

Look across the globe! In Afghanistan their religion dictates!! If you live there and you're a woman, you don't go out with your head uncovered, and until 2009 they weren't allowed to drive a car! The Taliban has recently stopped issuing drivers licenses to women.

Idiotic social policy such as that is the result of a theocratic society. Trust me, you don't want a theocracy. You'd rather men marry men and women marry women than to live in a theocratic society where a religion calls the shots.

The United States is backsliding right now. A small slice of the citizenry think they want to be governed by religious dogma. They are badly mistaken. They haven't thought it through! They think their religious dogma is different from other tyrannical religions. That's because tyranny doesn't feel like tyranny when you're the one wielding oppressive unrestrained power.

If you've ever had to endure harsh, oppressive government authority, you won't call for it for any reason, religious or otherwise. I don't care who marries whom! I'd rather that people would live peacefully with other people, and leave it at that.

What is it that makes a whole nation of men (20.4m men 19.4m women) want to keep women from driving a car?

August 28 2022 Report

Data Danny Hickman

"If done this way there is (sic) no grounds for divorce and the couple has to stay together until the death of one of them."

Wow! Statements like that are eerie; that sounds really spooky to me! I don't know if I want to be in a situation like that!

There I am married to someone who might not be happy being locked in a relationship with me, and the only way out for them is if my life ends...

Am I the only person reading what Mr Kraft wrote, who believes his explanation of divorce law has been the reason for a lot of spouse on spouse killings? (I'm not blaming him, I think he's only repeating what has been taught for thousands of years. I just think it's not right).

There is no doubt in my mind that there are people who would rather try to get away with murder than to openly and publicly go through a divorce. We all know of cases like that!

These things should not have been taught to people! There's a chance you can kill and not get caught; a divorce is a matter of public record!

(I'm probably wasting my time trying to teach using common sense. Some of us think common sense can be 'unbiblical.' It defies common sense to tell married people 'they must remain married regardless of how unhappy they make each other; that his /her only hope to be potentially happy is that their mate dies.')

Don't blame me, I'm only explaining in detail what's being said to be the Bible's policy. I don't think God supports such a policy! Such a policy gives people strange ideas!

April 15 2023 Report

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