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What is the definition of theology?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The word "theology" comes from two Greek words that combined mean "the study of God." Christian theology is simply an attempt to understand God as He is revealed in the Bible. No theology will ever...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Thomas K M Supporter A retired Defence Scientist from Indian Defence R&D Orgn.
Theology means study of God. Theo means God. The word theology comes from a combination of two Greek words, theos, meaning God, and logia, meaning knowledge or study—study of God. The basis of theology is the Word of God, the Bible. There are many definitions on Theology. It is the study and nature of God and religious truth and rational inquiry into religious questions. Another definition according to Free Dictionary is the course of study usually at a college or seminary. The word Theology is originated from the Latin word theologia. Theology has been called "faith seeking understanding." In other words, as Christians we trust God, but God has made us to want to understand who we are trusting and why we trust him. That’s where theology comes in.

For an average Christian, theology might sound like a confusing affair. Anybody can read the Bible. So why do we need head-in-the-clouds theologians with their long sentences and fancy terms?

Christian Theology should be undoubtedly based on the Bible. However, studies not based on the Bible cannot be considered as true Christian Theology. According to Paul what he mentioned in Eph. 3:5 is that any interpretation on Bible whether it is theology or on the word of God, has been revealed by the Holy Spirit to his holy apostles and prophets. He mentioned that his knowledge in the mystery of Christ was made known to him and these will be revealed to others when times come.The true interpretation of Bible is truly the revelation by the Holy Spirit. God’s revelation to humanity comes from the Father through the Son in the Spirit, and a redeemed humanity now responds by faith in the Spirit through the Son to the Father. Knowledge about God is not something that we humans can just come up with on our own by thinking it out. The only way we can know anything true about God is to listen to what God tells us about himself. 

The main way God has chosen to reveal himself to us is through the Bible, a collection of inspired writings compiled over many centuries under the supervision of the Holy Spirit. But even diligent study of the Bible cannot convey to us right understanding of who God is.

We need more than mere study—we need the Holy Spirit to enable our minds to understand what God reveals in the Bible about himself. The bottom line is that true knowledge of God comes only from God, not merely by human study, reasoning or experience. If our theology is dynamic and relational, we will be open to hear God’s ever-present word of salvation, which he freely gives us by his grace though Jesus Christ alone. On the other hand, if our theology is static, we will shrivel into a religion of legalism, judgmentalism and spiritual stagnation dynamic and relational, we will be open to hear God’s ever-present word of salvation, which he freely gives us by his grace though.

Knowledge is the foundation for a relationship. Intimacy is only possible to the degree we know a person and have a right perception of them. God wants us to know what He is really like. What are His character traits? What’s important to Him? What pleases Him? When you’re in love with someone, you want to find out everything you can about the other person. Is that your experience with God? The apostle Paul shared his prayer for the Ephesians, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17, NIV)

Knowing God is more important than knowing of God. Theology is one of the elements of knowing of God where as knowing God is purely personal. Knowing about God is about intellectual knowledge and relying on the testimonials and experiences of others, (Acquired knowledge). knowing God is a deeply personal and ‘inner knowing’ that you are indeed connected to God with truth and spirit

November 17 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders Supporter
Theology is the study of Christianity and it may include the study of all religions, or just the study of God's word the bible. 

Hosea 4:6. It says, God's people are destroyed by the lack of knowledge. Knowledge of the scriptures is power spiritually. God's word say to "study to show thyself approved of the Lord, a workman worthy of his wages." 2 Tim. 2:15

So if you want to be spiritually wise, you must study God's word both day and night to get understanding. The power of the truth will set you free from thinking or beliefs that disagree with your creator.

"Sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is truth." John 17:17 Jesus said: I am the truth the light and the way to God. No one comes to the Father but by me. He was also known as the word and was in the beginning with God and that all things were made by Him. He was the word of God made into flesh. John Chapter 1 explains this.

These are truths that help us understand God the Father of all life. Jesus was also named the Prince of Life as well as the Prince of Peace. Acts 3:15 Eph.2:13-18

You see today Christian people are accepting homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and abortion as ok but that is because of their lack of knowledge of the scriptures.

We do not hate anyone who practices these things. We hate sin but love the sinner because we were all practicing sinners but now we practice righteousness but are always saved by His amazing grace. Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Romans 10: 9-10

August 04 2016 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

1385395570 Rev. Calvin Banks Supporter
Based on my understanding of scripture and as it relates to the definition of theology; God has provided a specific method for His teaching His disciples, and a teaching method for those He called as disciples of today to teach and prepare believers...

Romans 10:13 for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED." 14 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 15 How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!"…

And for those He called to preach the gospel and to make disciples; 1 John 2: 27 "But the anointing that you have received from him abides in you, and you do not need any man to teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you all things, and is truth, and is no lie; and even as it has taught you, abide in him. 

In Matthew 23:8-10, "Jesus says, for you have one teacher, the Christ". Notice Jesus did not say, "I am your teacher." He said, "the Christ;" Christ means the anointing or with God's spirit. So Jesus is telling them that the anointing, or the spirit of God, is their one teacher. Now John is telling us the same thing: the Christ, the anointing, the Spirit of God, is your teacher, and you need no man to teach you. 

When you have the anointing, you have the truth. When you have the anointing, you have the Spirit of Jesus in sufficient measure to be guided in what to say and what to do. God must be worshipped in spirit and truth; it must be in His spirit to worship; it must be the truth of the life He produces in your heart, which life is the light, which light is the anointing, which is truth and is no lie — the inward truth.

Notice, just before this verse, John said: These things I have written to you concerning those who seduce you. So there were many false prophets trying to seduce the disciples, and John is saying: you don't need to listen to these men because you have the anointing, which will teach you all things, is truth, and is no lie; so abide (remain) in Him (the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit). 

But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit and whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things. John 14:26

It is written in the prophets, and they shall all be taught by God. John 6:45

Everything in this commentary, everything in the web site, directs you to the teacher within you, so you can be taught by Jesus himself. This is the only way. Meetings can help, if there were people of the same beliefs to meet with, and you could wait on the Lord in silence together. But even then, there is no substitute for daily waiting on the teachings of God. Jesus said: There is only one thing needed. Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her — to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear his word. Luke 10:39-42.

As a believer, if you have a perfected teacher among you, he will watch over you, and the words he speaks will be straight from the Spirit of God, which will speak straight to your heart, which your heart will witness to be true and from God. But no man of God would try to take the place of the Lord himself teaching a believer — he would supplement, he would complement, he would clarify, he would exhort, he would warn, he would correct, but not substitute. Declining followers, here is how George Fox reacted to people wishing to hire him as their preacher:

this showed that they did not really understand us or our principles very well; but when I heard of it, I said, "it was time for me to be gone; for if their eye was so much to me, or any of us, they would not come to their own teacher." [Christ within: the True Light, that gives light to all men coming into the world]. For this thing (hiring ministers and basing their qualifications on things other than the spirit of God in them), continues to spoil many, by hindering them from improving their own talents; whereas our labor is to bring everyone to their own teacher in themselves. This also holds true for some pastors in their efforts to make disciples who insist that the learner be his student rather than a student of the Holy Spirit...

Reference; you do not need any man to teach you - Clarified King James Bible;
Notice Jesus did not say, "I am your teacher.... Notice, just before this verse, John said: These things I have written to you concerning those who seduce you.

December 04 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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