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All Christians want, or should want, to increase their faith. But those who have given their lives to Christ have come to realize that success does not come from our own human attempts; we always f...
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1) Developing a close, personal, and intimate relationship with our Lord. 2) Pray/talk to Him, at least, on a daily basis. I talk to Him all through my Bible study. Ask Him to show/give you opportunities to increase your faith. And be willing to be guided by Him. 3) Daily in-depth Bible study, comparing scripture with scripture. Meditate on what you learned. Apply what you have learned. 4) Get involved with church activities: ministering to shut-ins and the sick/ill, evangelism, giving Bible studies are just a few ideas. He is Love. Share His Love. 5) Listening to music revering Him. 6) Jesus is our Example. Talk the talk and walk the walk. Daily, recommit yourself to Him. His will should be your will. 7) Worship Him! Thank Him! Praise & Glorify Him! Honor Him! Obey Him!
Faith is the fight between what we see and what God says. So yes it is important to increase your faith. No boxer goes into a fight without strengthening the muscles. Jer. 12:5 asked a question if you can not handle the men on foot how can you handle the horses (time of war) paraphrasing. Rom 10:17 "so faith come by hearing". I would suggest getting the dramatized audio version of the Bible. I can not begin to tell you how this has helped me. Reading the Bible then playing what I just read in the car on the way to work, on breaks, on the ride home. Every time my ear picks up something different. It only makes me study and pray more. I would also add it is a good I idea to keep a journal of all the blessings God has given i.e. hardships he has brought you through. To use it as a reminder of how he has never broken his promise Matt. 28:20 'I am with you always".
Paul said it best in Ephesians 2:8-9.'By grace you have been saved through faith, and _that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as a results of works, so that no one can boast.' It is a _gift of God. We receive our faith from God so nothing _we do on our own can add to or lessen our faith. We believers are indwelt by Jesus Christ (the object of our faith) and live our lives through Him, our gift of faith in action. People let their subjective feelings get involved and begin thinking 'I need to have more faith' or 'I need to increase my faith' and 'I must not be a good Christian because I don't feel like I have enough faith'. We, as believers, have all the faith we'll ever need because like grace, it is a totally free gift from God.
Interesting question. The apostles themselves asked this of Jesus, "Lord, increase our faith." Christ response was weird, "Serve, do your duty". c.f. Luke 17:5-10
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