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Should Christians be involved in politics?

If a Christian, who is not employed as a politician, is involved with political matters, such as speaking out against politicians whom they do not endorse or are personally against, is it the same as engaging in the affairs of this life?

2 Timothy 2:4 - 6

KJV - 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Clarify Share Report Asked July 05 2013 Stringio Helena Jones Supporter

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Stringio Terrell Pearson Supporter
The bible is a political book. It describes a global world political leader called the antichrist.  Then there was the "Prince of Egypt" . Jesus confronted the doctors and "lawyers" at the age of 12. Lawyers become politicians, right? I could go on. It is our duty to speak out against and expose social or political injustice. Who else will do it? The world? Doctor King was a man of God who did just that! So yes.

July 06 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Johnnatta Giles Supporter Spirit Filled Christian
The word says in Titus 3:1 " Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men" Its not okay to be rude just because you have a different opinion. Its okay to express yourself when it comes to politics but be respectful about it. I personally pray for them and wish them the best. I will not speak poorly of them either even if i do not agree with what they do or say. We should be involved in who runs our country. We are the light in the world. How can we change hearts if we decide to fall back and not participate? Its not what you do it's how you do it.

July 06 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1340324413 Chris Eleam Supporter Chris Eleam
Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus gave his disciples clear instructions on how to carry out their ministry, but he did not include any political advice. (Matthew 28:18-20) Hence, his disciples continued to live by the formula that Jesus had provided earlier: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.”—Mark 12:17.
How did that formula help Jesus’ followers to live in the world but be no part of it? Where did they draw the line as to what things belong to the State, or Caesar, and what things to God?

The apostle Paul viewed participating in politics as stepping across the line. “Paul was willing to use his Roman citizenship to demand the protections of the judicial process due him, but he engaged in no lobbying on the public policy issues of the day,” states the book Beyond Good Intentions—A Biblical View of Politics.

What guidelines did Paul give to fellow Christians? The same book adds: “His letters to believers in such important cities as Corinth, Ephesus, and even Rome betrayed no interest in secular political squabbles.” The book also notes that Paul “commanded submission to government, but in none of his many letters did he ever detail even one policy for the local church to urge on public institutions.”—Romans 12:18; 13:1, 5-7.
Christians living decades after the death of Paul kept firmly in place the same division between their obligations to God and to the State. They remained respectful toward political powers but refrained from political activities. Beyond Good Intentions states about those believers: “Though they believed they were obligated to honor the governing authorities, the early Christians did not believe in participating in political affairs.”

July 06 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

10151506515883085 Frances Munro Supporter Homemaker, bible student, Sheepdog to the Master!
I believe that Christians can be involved in every type of legitimate occupation where their faith and obedience to God will not be compromised. This includes politics. Think of William Wilberforce, who was a member of Parliament, and used his position to campaign for the abolition of slavery. Lord Shaftesbury, too. Many godly politicians through the centuries have been used of God to bring about godly biblical laws and policies. 

I believe if a prayerful Christian feels gifted and called by God to serve him in the political arena, then they must be obedient and go. Not to do so would be disobedient to the Lord.

However, having said all that, I personally find it difficult to comprehend how a principled Christian politician can stomach some of the things they have to support for the sake of their party policies, and how they can cope with many of the compromises they need to make. All I can say, is that if they are called of God to go there, they will need to walk very humbly, love mercy and act justly every minute and need their spiritual armour on every minute of the day in order to maintain their spiritual integrity within that cesspool of human power and control!

December 07 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
Absolutely we should, We cant avoid it as we are directly affected by the politics around us whether its global economy,  education, health or council services etc. Furthermore, politics is people and God's heart is for people. We are called to be 'salt and light' and there is much in the old and new testament about caring and speaking out for the vulnerable and poor. We all have distinct personalities and unique ministries so we get involved in varying degrees according to these. But the world needs more Christians in positions of power and influence shaping our culture, debating issues that are on Gods heart and in the hearts and minds of people around us, impacting the world for good and extending the kingdom of God.

July 07 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Tony Flores Supporter Tony Flores a servant of Jesus Christ
Jesus was political changing the life's of men and their hearts, He preached the Kingdom of Heaven. He even commanded us to go and Carry the Gospel to the whole World. The World did not understand that message, so they crucified Him. We have to be up to that challenge, with the Holy Spirit leading us.

November 16 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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